The Advantages and Limitations of Survey Data

Introduction to Survey Data

What is Survey Data?

Survey data is information collected through surveys, which are structured questionnaires designed to gather information from a sample of a population. Surveys can be conducted in person, over the phone, or online, and can cover a wide range of topics such as demographics, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences.

The Limitations of Survey Data

Sample Size

One limitation of survey data is sample size. In order for survey data to be representative of the larger population, the sample size needs to be large enough. If the sample size is too small, it may not accurately reflect the characteristics of the population being studied.

Sampling Bias

Another potential limitation is sampling bias. If the sampling method is not random, it can result in a non-representative sample. For example, if a survey is conducted online and only accessible to those with internet access, it may exclude certain segments of the population and lead to sampling bias.

Response Bias

Response bias is another limitation to consider. This can occur if certain individuals are more or less likely to respond to certain questions, or if they provide inaccurate or misleading answers. For example, if a survey asks sensitive questions, some individuals may be less likely to answer truthfully.

The Advantages of Survey Data

Despite these limitations, survey data has several advantages. It allows for the collection of large amounts of data relatively quickly and at a low cost. Survey data can also provide insight into trends and patterns within a population that may not be apparent through other methods of data collection.

The Use of Survey Data in Neighbourhoods

In the context of neighbourhoods, survey data can be used to understand trends in areas such as housing prices, quality of life, and community engagement. For example, a survey conducted in a particular neighbourhood may reveal that the majority of residents are satisfied with their quality of life, but that a significant number are concerned about the cost of housing. This information can be useful for policymakers and community organizations as they consider ways to address these issues.


In conclusion, survey data can be a valuable tool for understanding trends and patterns within a population, but it is important to consider the limitations and biases that can affect its reliability. By being aware of these issues and taking steps to mitigate them, we can increase the trustworthiness of survey data and make informed decisions based on its insights.

What is Administrative Data and How Does it Benefit Real Estate Investors?

Introduction to Administrative Data

At Microburbs, we understand that data is key to informed real estate investment decisions. That’s why we use administrative data to provide insights into neighborhoods across the country.

Administrative data is information collected by government agencies and organizations as part of their daily operations. This type of data can include things like population demographics, employment statistics, educational achievements, and healthcare utilization.

The Advantages of Administrative Data

One advantage of administrative data is its timeliness. Because it is collected as part of the daily operations of government agencies and organizations, it is often available more quickly than other types of data. This can be particularly useful for real estate investors, as it allows for timely responses to changing circumstances in a neighborhood.

Another advantage of administrative data is its coverage. Because it is collected by government agencies and organizations, it often covers a large and diverse population. This can be particularly useful for understanding trends and patterns within a neighbourhood, and for identifying areas of potential growth or decline.

The Limitations of Administrative Data

While administrative data has many benefits, it is important to consider its limitations as well. One limitation is its accuracy. Because it is collected as part of the daily operations of government agencies and organizations, there is a risk of errors or missing information.

Another limitation of administrative data is its availability. While it is collected by government agencies and organizations, it may not be easily accessible to researchers or other organizations. There may also be privacy and confidentiality considerations that restrict the use of administrative data.

The Role of Administrative Data in Real Estate Investment Decisions

At Microburbs, we believe that administrative data is a valuable tool for informed real estate investment decisions. It allows for the analysis of large amounts of data relatively quickly, and can provide insight into trends and patterns within a neighborhood.

For example, understanding employment trends within a neighbourhood can be valuable for real estate investors. If a neighbourhood has a high rate of employment and job growth, it may indicate a strong demand for housing and potential for real estate investment. On the other hand, if a neighbourhood has a high unemployment rate and little job growth, it may be a less attractive option for real estate investment.

Another example of how administrative data can be useful for real estate investors is understanding the educational achievements of a neighbourhood. A neighbourhood with high rates of educational attainment may indicate a highly skilled and desirable workforce, which can be attractive for businesses and, in turn, drive demand for housing.


In conclusion, administrative data is a valuable tool for real estate investment decisions, but it is important to consider its limitations. Despite the potential for errors or missing information, and the availability and confidentiality considerations, administrative data can provide reliable and up-to-date insights into neighborhoods across the country. By relying on this data, real estate investors can make informed decisions based on the most reliable and up-to-date insights into neighborhoods across the country.

The Role of Zoning in Real Estate Investments and First Home Purchases in Australia


Zoning is a system that divides land into different categories based on the type of use that is permitted in that area. This can include residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural uses, among others. Zoning laws are established by local governments and are designed to regulate the development and use of land in a specific area. Understanding zoning is important for real estate investors and first-time homebuyers in Australia as it can impact the value and potential for development of a property, as well as the types of uses that are permitted on the land.

The Importance of Zoning

Zoning serves several important functions in the real estate industry. Firstly, it helps to ensure that land is used in a way that is consistent with the character and needs of a community. For example, residential zoning typically allows for the construction of houses and apartments, while commercial zoning may allow for the development of stores and offices. Zoning can also help to prevent conflicts between different types of land uses, such as a factory being built next to a residential neighborhood.

The Impact of Zoning on Property Value

In addition to regulating land use and development, zoning can also have a significant impact on the value of a property. For instance, a property that is zoned for commercial use may be more valuable than a property that is zoned for residential use, as it may have more potential for development and higher demand from buyers. On the other hand, a property that is zoned for agricultural use may be less valuable due to the limited potential for development.

Finding Out the Zoning of a Property

As a real estate investor or first-time homebuyer in Australia, it’s important to consider the zoning of a property before making a purchase. You should consider the types of uses that are permitted in the area and how this may affect the value and potential for development of the property. You should also consider any potential conflicts that may arise between different land uses and how this may impact the quality of life in the community.

To find out the zoning of a property, you can start by contacting the local government agency responsible for zoning in that area. This may be the local council or the state government, depending on where the property is located. You can also consult a real estate agent, who may be able to provide information on the zoning of a specific property.


In conclusion, understanding zoning is essential for real estate investors and first-time homebuyers in Australia. It can impact the value and potential for development of a property, as well as the types of uses that are permitted on the land. By learning more about zoning and the laws that apply to a specific area, you can make informed decisions about your real estate purchases.

How is the Australian Census Used?

The Australian Census, conducted every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), is a crucial survey that provides a detailed and accurate view of the population and its characteristics. The information collected in the Census is used by governments, businesses, and community organizations to make informed decisions and plan for the future.

But what exactly are these “direct” and “indirect” uses of the Census data? And why is the Census so important for our economy and democracy? Here’s a breakdown of the key ways the Census is used and why it matters.

1. Direct uses of economic value

  • Rebasing: This refers to the process of updating the population and inflation estimates using the data collected in the Census. These estimates are essential for the calculation of many key economic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The Census provides the most reliable and comprehensive source of data for these estimates, and is therefore essential for understanding the state of the economy.

2. Indirect uses of economic value (the long tail)

  • The long tail refers to a wide range of applications of Census data that are not immediately used by the government, such as:
  • Research and analysis by academics: Census data is often used by researchers to study a wide range of topics, such as population demographics, economic trends, and social issues. This information is valuable for academic research and helps to improve our understanding of the population and its needs.
  • Use of Census data by community organizations and NGOs: Many community organizations and NGOs use Census data to plan their programs and services. For example, a community organization may use Census data to identify areas with a high concentration of seniors, and use this information to plan services and activities for this demographic.

3. Predominantly non-economic uses

  • The Census provides politically independent informational infrastructure that helps safeguard the integrity of our federal system of government and democracy. This is of major significance and helps to ensure that the Census remains an essential tool for understanding the population and its needs.

But why is the Census so important for our democracy? The Census provides detailed information about the population, which is used to determine electoral boundaries and ensure that each vote carries equal weight. This helps to ensure that every person’s vote counts and that our representatives accurately reflect the makeup of the population.

Overall, the Australian Census is an essential tool for understanding the population and its needs, and for making informed decisions. The high-quality data collected in the Census is invaluable for governments, businesses, and community organizations, and will continue to be an important resource for years to come.

Can You Trust the Australian Census?

The census is a valuable source of information on the population of a country, providing detailed data on demographics, education, employment, and housing. But can you trust the data that is collected in a census?

The 2021 Census in Australia was a crucial survey that provided a snapshot of the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. The census, which is conducted every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), collects detailed information about the population and its characteristics, including age, sex, income, and country of birth. This information is used by governments, businesses, and community organizations to make informed decisions and plan for the future.

Conducting a census during a pandemic presented many challenges for the ABS. However, the agency was able to achieve an impressive response rate of 96.1%, which is comparable to other countries that conducted censuses during the pandemic, such as Canada and the United Kingdom. This high response rate is a testament to the ABS’s efforts to promote participation in the census and ensure that all people in Australia were counted.

Another factor that can affect the quality of census data is the accuracy of the information provided by respondents. The ABS includes measures in the census forms to help ensure the accuracy of the data, such as providing clear instructions and definitions, and including checks for logical consistency. The ABS also conducts quality assurance activities during and after the census to identify and address any errors or inconsistencies in the data.

To provide assurance and transparency for the census data, the Australian Statistician established the 2021 Census Statistical Independent Assurance Panel. This panel, which consists of experts in statistics and census methodology, reviewed the data collected in the 2021 Census and concluded that it is of high quality and is fit-for-purpose. The panel’s analysis found that the data is comparable to the data collected in previous censuses, and is consistent with independent data sources.

In addition to collecting information on traditional census topics, the 2021 Census included two new topics on long-term health conditions and Australian Defence Force service. This provided a more comprehensive view of the population and its characteristics. The panel’s analysis found that the data collected on these topics, as well as other key topics such as sex, age, income, and country of birth, is accurate and reliable.

Overall, while no data collection process is perfect, the census in Australia is conducted using rigorous methodologies and quality checks, which makes the data highly trustworthy. The high response rate and careful data collection and quality control processes help to ensure that the data is representative of the population and can be used confidently.

Why is the Australian Census Important?

The census is a national survey that is conducted by the government to collect detailed information on the population of a country. The census provides a wealth of important data on demographics, education, employment, and housing, which is used by government, businesses, researchers, and community organizations to inform decision-making and better understand the needs and characteristics of the population. This is immensely valuable, as a report by Lateral Economics in 2019 found that for every $1 spent on the census $6 was added to the Australian economy.

But why is the census important? Here are five reasons why the census is a valuable and indispensable tool for understanding the population and informing decision-making.

  1. The census provides a complete picture of the population. The census is designed to collect data on every member of the population, which means that it provides a comprehensive and detailed picture of the population and its characteristics. This is in contrast to other data sources that may only collect data on a sample of the population, which can introduce sampling errors and bias.
  2. The census collects detailed information on the population. The census collects a wide range of information on the population, including demographic, social, and economic characteristics. This information is collected using standardized definitions and classifications, which makes it possible to compare data over time and across different population groups.
  3. The census is conducted using rigorous methodologies and quality checks. The census is conducted using standardized protocols and trained enumerators, which helps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data. Additionally, the data is subject to quality checks to identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies. This high quality of the data makes it a valuable resource for informing decision-making.
  4. The census data is used in many different ways. The data collected in the census is used by government, businesses, researchers, and community organizations for a wide range of purposes. For example, the data can be used to inform decisions on issues such as infrastructure and services, to understand the needs and characteristics of the population and to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policies and programs. The data is also used by researchers to study trends and patterns in the population, and by businesses to identify opportunities and make informed decisions.
  5. The census helps to ensure that the population is represented and accounted for. The census provides a way for every member of the population to be counted and included in the data, which is important for ensuring that the needs and characteristics of the population are understood and taken into account. The census also helps to ensure that the population is represented in decision-making, by providing data on the distribution and characteristics of the population.

In conclusion, the census is a valuable and indispensable tool for understanding the population and informing decision-making. Its complete coverage, detailed information, high quality, and wide range of uses make it a valuable resource for government, businesses, researchers, and community organizations. The census is important for ensuring that the population is represented and accounted for, and for providing the data needed to make informed decisions on issues that affect the population.

What is the Australian Census?

If you were in Australia last year, then you may remember participating in the 2021 census. The census is a national survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) every five years, and it is an important tool for understanding and planning for the needs of the Australian community.

The 2021 census was held on the night of Tuesday, 10th of August 2021, and it provided a valuable snapshot of the Australian population at that time. The information collected in the census is now being used by governments, businesses, and individuals to make important decisions about the distribution of services and infrastructure across the country.

How the Census is Used

  • Governments use the census data to help plan and fund services and infrastructure. For example, if the census shows that a particular area has a high number of young families, the government may invest in additional schools and childcare facilities to meet the needs of that community.
  • Businesses use the census data to make informed decisions about where to locate their operations. For example, if the census shows that a particular area has a large number of potential customers with a high disposable income, a retailer may choose to open a store in that area.
  • Researchers use the census data to study trends and patterns in the population. For example, a researcher studying the aging population may use census data to identify trends in the number and demographics of older Australians.
  • Individuals use the census data to inform their own decision-making. For example, someone looking to buy a house in a particular area may use census data to learn about the local schools, employment opportunities, and other factors that may be important to them.

Overall, the census provides a wealth of valuable information that is used by a wide range of organizations and individuals to make important decisions. It is a crucial tool for understanding and planning for the needs of the Australian community.

How the Census was Completed

In 2021, most households were able to complete the census online, which made the process more convenient and efficient. Households that were unable to complete the census online were visited by ABS staff, who provided assistance and collected the necessary information in person.

Confidentiality of the Census

The ABS takes the confidentiality of the information collected in the census very seriously, and all personal information is protected by law. The ABS is committed to ensuring that the census is conducted accurately and efficiently, and it works closely with the Australian government and other organizations to ensure that the census is a success.

Next Time

The next census will be held in 2026, so mark your calendars and be ready to participate. The census is a valuable tool for understanding and planning for the needs of the Australian community, and your participation is crucial to its success.

The Best Thing to do For Your Child is Move

Key Facts:

  1. Children who moved to a better area earned 30% more than their counterparts
  2. Children learn and emulate a significant amount from their environment outside the home
  3. Good suburbs create virtuous cycles, improving a child’s prospects

What’s Going On?

A study out of Harvard has demonstrated how 50-70% of a child’s success is due to where they were raised, not how they were raised. It is not about living in a house with lots of books. It’s about living in an area with lots of bookstores. If you want to raise an inventor, move to an area where there are more inventors. 

When growing up you are heavily influenced by your family. Yet, they are not the only influence. Children will always look beyond you, to their local environment to learn and emulate. It is not just their peers at school, although they are very significant. It is the type of conversation that is heard at the local cafe. The people they see commuting with them and the type of people involved in the community.

A Tale of Two Children 

Take two children. Both grow up in educated, well off, loving families. The difference is that one grows up in a rougher area of town and the other in a much nicer suburb.

What happens in the nice suburb?

The child in the nicer area is constantly exposed to people who are successful. They consistently see what is possible to accomplish in life. At school, the teachers explicitly and implicitly have higher expectations for the students. The conversation overheard while walking from the bus stop is different. The walk and local environment is nicer and healthier. They are treated like they will be a leader and like they will be successful. 

What happens in the rougher suburb?

It is a different tale for the child from the rougher suburb. They are exposed to greater stress due to fears of perceived or actual threats of crime and violence. This type of stress is documented to have negative impacts on cognitive health. They are consistently, implicitly and explicitly told by the world around them that less is expected from them. At school, lower expectations lead to less challenging work, pushing their abilities less. The community is less welcoming and cohesive. In the nicer area the community helps in times of need and provides immense aid in the future in the form of networking. 

The bigger picture

It is not difficult to see how these different areas will impact these children’s futures.  This is a simple picture. Even so, it demonstrates how the environment exposes children to tons of information that shapes the kind of person they become. 


The Setup

This is not just a theory but has been proven in experiments. One of the largest experiments conducted was by the US government. In 1994 it began an experiment on 4,500 low income families from around the nation. These families were all very similar in education, health and demographics. A significant portion was moved to low poverty areas, while the rest did not move. The results would compare those who moved to those who did not.


The differences in outcomes from this point on had to be attributed to the area they moved to. Their location was the only real difference between the groups. 

The results were significant, but not for everyone. Moving did not have much of an impact on the adults, they were effectively set in their ways. However, it had a big impact on young children (under 13). Because of their move, they were both mentally and physically healthier and by their 20s were earning 30% more than those who did not move. This is despite the fact that their parents were doing just as badly as those parents who had not moved. 

This has been supported by ongoing research. For example, it has been found that for every year a child lives in a better suburb their outcomes align increasingly with what is expected from that area at a rate of 4%. 

The Takeaway

The determinants of a developing child’s interests, abilities and character are complicated. Where you choose to raise your kids does not solely determine their future. The type of person you are, genetics and a million different things determine the future of your child. However, there is a strong base of research to demonstrate the kind of area where your kid is raised does play an essential role in their future. 

Microburbs 2022 Refresh: We’re Hiring Analysts, Editors, Online Marketers and PR people!

Yes, we are building a new Microburbs which is way richer in data and insights and of course up-to-date for 2022. It will be a big leap forward in the number and quality of useful, actionable reports available for free for ordinary Australians.

Consider this an official invitation to apply to join our small team. We’re looking for people with great skills.

We believe in empowering Australians will all the data they need to make all kinds of location based decisions.

About you:

  • Curious, analytical mindset
  • For the analyst role, intermediate+ level in python and pandas
  • For the writer role, excellent written English.

Editor/Writer role:

  • Writing engaging articles that get shared on social media
  • Getting coverage of our work in the media, both mainstream and online.
  • Editing site content

Analyst role:

  • Analysis of Australian lifestyle, demographics, housing and local economies
  • Evaluation of data sources
  • Data transformation using pandas
  • For the writer, content writing and proofing

Not essential but familiarity with any of these will help:

  • Australian public data (eg
  • The Australian urban landscape, real estate market
  • Internet marketing

Flexible working conditions including Work From Anywhere, part/full time depending on your schedule. We’re hiring a variety of skill levels, so remuneration will be relative to experience.

Because we’re a very small team, we will can adapt the role to your skills and interests.

To apply, please send your resume along with some the best examples of your work to +614 14 183 210 or Luke Metcalfe’s LinkedIn.

Microburbs 2022 Refresh: We’re Hiring Analysts, Editors, Online Marketers and PR people!

Yes, we are building a new Microburbs which is way richer in data and insights and of course up-to-date for 2022. It will be a big leap forward in the number and quality of useful, actionable reports available for free for ordinary Australians.

Consider this an official invitation to apply to join our small team. We’re looking for people with great skills.

We believe in empowering Australians will all the data they need to make all kinds of location based decisions.

About you:

  • Curious, analytical mindset
  • For the analyst role, intermediate+ level in python and pandas
  • For the writer role, excellent written English.

Editor/Writer role:

  • Writing engaging articles that get shared on social media
  • Getting coverage of our work in the media, both mainstream and online.
  • Editing site content

Analyst role:

  • Analysis of Australian lifestyle, demographics, housing and local economies
  • Evaluation of data sources
  • Data transformation using pandas
  • For the writer, content writing and proofing

Not essential but familiarity with any of these will help:

  • Australian public data (eg
  • The Australian urban landscape, real estate market
  • Internet marketing

Flexible working conditions including Work From Anywhere, part/full time depending on your schedule. We’re hiring a variety of skill levels, so remuneration will be relative to experience.

Because we’re a very small team, we will can adapt the role to your skills and interests.

To apply, please send your resume along with some the best examples of your work to +614 14 183 210 or Luke Metcalfe’s LinkedIn.