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    Booze-Prone Blokes: Ranking the Alcoholics Among Men in (Capital Region) Suburbs

    The proportion of males (aged 18 and over) who consume more than two standard alcoholic drinks per day on average. This is a modelled estimate from Torrens University based on responses from the National Health Survey. Data from 2018
    Area Value
    1. Bega Valley 16.0%
    2. Snowy Monaro Regional 14.0%
    3. Wingecarribee 11.0%
    4. Upper Lachlan Shire 11.0%
    5. Hilltops 10.0%
    6. Shoalhaven 10.0%
    7. Yass Valley 9.4%
    8. Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional 8.4%
    9. Goulburn Mulwaree 8.4%
    Choropleth Map