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    Community Score -> Community support: Top Capital Region Local Government Areas Ranked-Heat Map

    Estimated number of people aged 18 years and over who are able to get support in times of crisis from persons outside the household. This is a modelled estimate from Torrens University. Data from 2014
    Area Value
    1. Yass Valley 94.7%
    2. Upper Lachlan Shire 94.6%
    3. Wingecarribee 94.4%
    4. Snowy Monaro Regional 94.4%
    5. Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional 94.3%
    6. Goulburn Mulwaree 94.0%
    7. Bega Valley 93.9%
    8. Shoalhaven 93.6%
    9. Hilltops 93.4%
    Choropleth Map