Report for 3104205
Population stats for this Brighton (Qld) neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
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Planning Applications (15)
Application | Date received | Authority |
556A Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
Dwelling House, Dwelling House |
3rd August 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
491 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
Prescribed Tidal Work |
18th January 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
556 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
Dwelling House, Dwelling House |
4th September 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
491 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
Prescribed Tidal Work, Local Heritage Place |
16th June 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
594 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
House |
30th September 2013 |
Brisbane City Council
552 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
House in DCP |
13th May 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
353 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Centre Activity Within Centre, Restaurant, Centre Activity Within Centre, Restaurant |
Brisbane City Council | |
353 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Roadworks and/or Drainage |
Brisbane City Council | |
353 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Landscape Works in Streetscape |
Brisbane City Council | |
353 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Site Based Stormwater Quality Management Plan |
13th July 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
337 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Plan Sealing |
26th May 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
337 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Roadworks |
12th April 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
337 Beaconsfield Tce Brighton QLD 4017
Subdivision of Land |
21st December 2010 | Brisbane City Council |
556 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
House in DCP (New House), House in DCP (New House) |
18th May 2010 | Brisbane City Council |
568 Flinders Pde Brighton QLD 4017
House in DCP (Demolition/Extension), House in DCP (Demolition/Extension) |
17th May 2010 | Brisbane City Council |