Report for 3109303
Population stats for this Corinda neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (30)
Application | Date received | Authority |
12 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Building Format Plan |
13th March 2018 | Brisbane City Council |
26 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Building Format Plan |
18th December 2017 | Brisbane City Council |
12 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Multi-Unit Dwelling |
1st December 2017 | Brisbane City Council |
42 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Building Format Plan |
15th November 2017 | Brisbane City Council |
109 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
Plan Sealing |
21st February 2017 |
Brisbane City Council
51 Hassall St Corinda QLD 4075
Plan Sealing |
12th December 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
1 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Multiple Dwelling |
6th December 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
20 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Plan Sealing |
16th November 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
51 Hassall St Corinda QLD 4075
Multi-Unit Dwelling, Multi-Unit Dwelling |
12th October 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
17 Marchant Cres Corinda QLD 4075
Dwelling House |
14th June 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
42 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Build Over or Near Stormwater |
2nd March 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
12 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Multi-Unit Dwelling |
15th December 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
20 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Build Over or Near Stormwater |
17th November 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
46 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Roadworks and/or Drainage |
26th June 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
45 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Plan Sealing |
26th February 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
45 Gray Ave Corinda QLD 4075
Road Works and/or Stormwater Drainage |
29th October 2014 | Brisbane City Council |
105 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
House in DCP - Partial Demolition, House - Extension, House in DCP - Partial Demolition, House - Extension |
17th April 2014 | Brisbane City Council |
12 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Roadworks and/or Drainage |
28th May 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
12 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Multi-Unit Dwelling |
24th April 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
20 Probyn St Corinda QLD 4075
Multi-Unit Dwelling |
11th April 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
110 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
Plan Sealing |
19th March 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
109 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
Single Unit Dwelling, Subdivision of Land |
Brisbane City Council | |
110 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
House in DCP, House in DCP |
Brisbane City Council | |
110 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
Stormwater Drainage |
2nd June 2013 | Brisbane City Council |
65 Nelson St Corinda QLD 4075
House |
7th December 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
65 Nelson St Corinda QLD 4075
House in DCP |
7th December 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
110 Clara St Corinda QLD 4075
Subdivision of Land |
1st September 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
51 Hassall St Corinda QLD 4075
14th March 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
101 Hassall St Corinda QLD 4075
House in a Waterway Corridor |
21st February 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
708 Oxley Rd Corinda QLD 4075
Build Over Sewer |
20th April 2010 | Brisbane City Council |