Report for 3111713
Population stats for this Morningside neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (10)
Application | Date received | Authority |
10 Pinedale St Morningside QLD 4170
Plan Sealing |
19th April 2017 | Brisbane City Council |
10 Pinedale St Morningside QLD 4170
Subdivision of Land |
26th February 2016 | Brisbane City Council |
26 Bonar St Morningside QLD 4170
Build Over or Near Stormwater |
18th September 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
15 Asquith St Morningside QLD 4170
Plan Sealing |
14th August 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
15 Asquith St Morningside QLD 4170
Road Works and/or Stormwater Drainage |
7th May 2015 |
Brisbane City Council
12 Pinedale St Morningside QLD 4170
Plan Sealing |
6th March 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
15 Asquith St Morningside QLD 4170
Subdivision of Land |
20th February 2015 | Brisbane City Council |
12 Pinedale St Morningside QLD 4170
Subdivision of Land |
10th November 2014 | Brisbane City Council |
29 Bonar St Morningside QLD 4170
Sewerage Reticulation |
25th November 2011 | Brisbane City Council |
40 Bonar St Morningside QLD 4170
Build Over Sewer |
10th March 2011 | Brisbane City Council |