Report for Lots 129 - 165 Stage 3 - Parklakes II Parklakes Drive
Population stats for this Bli Bli neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (5)
Application | Date received | Authority |
0 Parklakes Dr, Bli Bli, QLD
Infrastructure Agreement |
6th August 2012 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 960 Yandina-Bli Bli Rd, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DUPLEX - 960 Yandina-Bli Bli Rd BLI BLI - REF NO 20100903 |
24th September 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
20 Ringtail Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 20 Ringtail Pl BLI BLI - REF NO 100182 |
29th April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
19 Ringtail Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 19 Ringtail Pl BLI BLI - REF NO. SBA10-0816 |
20th April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
17 Ringtail Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 17 Ringtail Pl BLI BLI - REF NO 3975 |
11th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Family Score: 9 / 10
Affluence Score: 7 / 10
Safety Score: 10 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 8 / 10
Convenience Score: 7 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Communications Score: 6 / 10
Community Score: 10 / 10
Sales History
Neighbourhood Photos
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Convenience Score: