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    Housing Demand -> Population Projection: Top Bunbury Local Government Areas Ranked-Heat Map

    Estimated number of people expected to reside in an area. A high value indicates a growing population, while a low value suggests a declining population. Data from 2030
    Area Value
    1. Busselton 144,000
    2. Bunbury 88,000
    3. Harvey 81,600
    4. Capel 50,000
    5. Dardanup 42,200
    6. Manjimup 25,200
    7. Collie 23,300
    8. Donnybrook-Balingup 18,800
    9. Bridgetown-Greenbushes 14,200
    10. Waroona 12,300
    11. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal 5,210
    12. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal 3,760
    Choropleth Map