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    Housing Demand -> Population Projection: Top North West Vic Local Government Areas Ranked-Heat Map

    Estimated number of people expected to reside in an area. A high value indicates a growing population, while a low value suggests a declining population. Data from 2030
    Area Value
    1. Mildura 158,000
    2. Horsham 55,700
    3. Swan Hill 54,400
    4. Ararat 33,700
    5. Northern Grampians 31,700
    6. Pyrenees 21,500
    7. Loddon 21,300
    8. Yarriambiack 17,800
    9. Buloke 16,500
    10. Hindmarsh 15,400
    11. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal 10,700
    Choropleth Map