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    Housing Demand -> Population growth: LGA: Top Northern Territory Local Government Areas Ranked-Heat Map

    The change in the number of residents in a local government area over the past 5 years. A high value indicates a significant increase in population, which may be due to factors such as new housing developments, increased job opportunities, or migration to the area. This can have implications for infrastructure, services, and demand for housing. Projected from 2025-2030 Data from 2021
    Area Value
    1. Alice Springs 4.7%
    2. West Arnhem 1.7%
    3. Victoria Daly 0.2%
    4. Roper Gulf 0.2%
    5. Katherine -0.2%
    6. Unincorporated NT -1.9%
    7. Central Desert -2.5%
    8. East Arnhem -2.9%
    9. Tiwi Islands -4.0%
    10. MacDonnell -5.0%
    11. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal -5.0%
    12. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal -6.6%
    13. Withheld - Subscribe to Reveal -8.9%
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