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    Riverina's Urban Landscape: Uncovering the Proportion of Floor Space Ratio in Suburbs

    The amount of floor space allowed per unit of land. A high value indicates a more densely built environment, while a low value indicates a more spacious environment.

    The proportion of floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.2 data on a page that ranks suburbs for aggregate data can be useful for property investors, those looking to move, and similar groups. For property investors, this data can help them identify suburbs with lower FSRs, which may indicate potential for future development and higher property values. For those looking to move, this data can help them identify suburbs with more spacious homes and potentially more green space. Additionally, lower FSRs may indicate a more livable suburb with less congestion and more open areas. Overall, this data can provide valuable insights for those interested in property investment or finding a new place to call home.
    Data from 2023
    Area Value
    1. Leeton 3.9%
    Choropleth Map