Report for 100 Albert Avenue
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Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (28)
Application | Date received | Authority |
75 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Amendment |
21st March 2017 | Knox City Council |
96 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Secondary consent. |
21st February 2017 | Knox City Council |
75 Olive Grove, Boronia VIC 3155
Remove 5 trees and prune two trees |
7th February 2017 | Knox City Council |
74 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
The development of a new dwelling at the rear of the existing dwelling |
17th January 2017 | Knox City Council |
96 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Addition and alteration to existing dwelling |
15th November 2016 |
Knox City Council
112 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Remove 2 trees |
26th September 2016 | Knox City Council |
6 Lynette Street, Boronia VIC 3155
The construction of a second dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling and removal of vegetation |
25th July 2016 | Knox City Council |
92 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
Development of a single storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling and removal of one (1) Cypressus sempervirens |
7th July 2016 | Knox City Council |
1/98 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Construction of a double storey dwelling |
7th July 2016 | Knox City Council |
75 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Multi-dwelling development |
2nd February 2016 | Knox City Council |
6 Lynette Street, Boronia VIC 3155
The construction of a second dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling and removal of vegetation |
27th October 2015 | Knox City Council |
2/3 McDonald Crescent, Boronia VIC 3155
The removal of one tree |
13th July 2015 | Knox City Council |
92 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
Development of a single storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling |
30th May 2014 | Knox City Council |
2/75 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of one (1) tree |
26th May 2014 | Knox City Council |
30 Stoneleigh Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of one (1) tree |
9th April 2014 | Knox City Council |
108 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of 2 Trees |
17th March 2014 | Knox City Council |
120 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of One Tree |
6th March 2014 | Knox City Council |
92 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Development of the land for a single storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling, subdivision of the land into two (2) lots and removal of vegetation |
30th January 2014 | Knox City Council |
95 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of 4 Trees |
9th December 2013 | Knox City Council |
2/98 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Dwelling |
17th May 2013 | Knox City Council |
99 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal of One Tree |
26th March 2013 | Knox City Council |
75 Olive Grove, Boronia VIC 3155
Removal & Pruning of Trees |
29th January 2013 | Knox City Council |
1/78 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
Pruning of One (1) Tree |
12th December 2012 | Knox City Council |
77 Olive Grove, Boronia VIC 3155
To prune one (1) tree |
21st November 2012 | Knox City Council |
6 Lynette Street, Boronia VIC 3155
The construction of a second dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling and removal of vegetation |
31st August 2012 | Knox City Council |
92 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Streamlined Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals | |
92 Albert Avenue, Boronia VIC 3155
Development of the land for a single storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling, subdivision of the land into two (2) lots and removal of vegetation |
1st August 2012 | Knox City Council |
92 Stewart Street, Boronia VIC 3155
Development of the land for a second dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling |
12th August 2011 | Knox City Council |