Report for 30 Valley Ho
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Property Details
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Planning Applications (9)
Application | Date received | Authority |
4 Breakaday Pass, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Multi dwelling and/or commercial applications |
Yarra Ranges Shire Council | |
Lot 932 LP61970 Ca Ptca 31 PYering, 42 Roseman Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Construction of two (2) dwellings and associated earthworks |
23rd January 2009 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
Lot 932 LP61970 Ca Ptca 31 PYering, 42 Roseman Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Construction of two (2) dwellings and associated earthworks |
21st June 2005 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
1-3 Buggyride Lane, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Three Lot Subdivision |
9th November 2009 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
103 Victoria Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Construction of second dwelling |
18th November 2009 |
Yarra Ranges Shire Council
Lot 932 LP61970 Ca Ptca 31 PYering, 42 Roseman Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Construction of two (2) dwellings and associated earthworks |
31st August 2010 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
Lot 932 LP61970 Ca Ptca 31 PYering, 42 Roseman Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Construction of two (2) dwellings and associated earthworks |
9th June 2010 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
42 Roseman Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Two lot subdivision |
28th April 2010 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |
103 Victoria Road, Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Two Lot Subdivision |
25th May 2010 | Yarra Ranges Shire Council |