Report for 40 Wavecrest Drive
Population stats for this Castaways Beach neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (6)
Application | Date received | Authority |
16 Crusoe Ct Castaways Beach QLD 4567
Preliminary Approval for Building Works |
3rd April 2017 | Noosa Shire Council |
16 Crusoe Ct Castaways Beach QLD 4567
Building Private Certification - Retaining Wall |
19th October 2016 | Noosa Shire Council |
3 Crusoe Ct Castaways Beach QLD 4567
Referral Agency Response - Building Act |
19th August 2016 | Noosa Shire Council |
8 Crusoe Ct Castaways Beach QLD 4567
Referral Agency Response - Building Act |
5th February 2016 | Noosa Shire Council |
47 Wavecrest Dr, Castaways Beach, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - ROOF OVER EXISTING DECK - 47 Wavecrest Dr CASTAWAYS BEACH - Ref SBA10-2124 |
11th October 2010 |
Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council
51 Wavecrest Dr, Castaways Beach, QLD
Description: SWIMMING POOL - 51 Wavecrest Dr CASTAWAYS BEACH - Ref 110/10 |
2nd August 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |