Report for 46 Princess Street
Population stats for this Berry neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
46 Princess Street | Shoalhaven LGA | |
Land value (excluding building) | $330,000 | $170,000 |
Last sale | $560,000 (June 11, 2013) | |
Land Value Per Sqm | $431 | $32 |
Land area | 841 sqm | |
Type | NON STRATA | |
Listing | |
Local Prices
Planning Applications (75)
Application | Date received | Authority |
77 Parker Cr, Berry, NSW
New Two Storey Dwelling With Retaining Walls |
9th November 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
14 Tressider Cl, Berry, NSW
Attached Two Storey Dual Occupancy |
30th October 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Tilgman St, Berry, NSW
Dual Occupancy & Community Title |
29th October 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
78 Parker Cr, Berry, NSW
New Two Story Dwelling |
16th October 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
8 Tilgman St, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling |
12th September 2018 |
Shoalhaven City Council
105 Parker Cr, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
23rd July 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
17 Tressider Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
23rd July 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Parker Cr, Berry, NSW
Subdivision Modification |
24th July 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Tilgman St, Berry, NSW
Residential Low Density |
17th May 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
51 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Demolition of Garage |
8th June 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
32 Tressider Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
23rd April 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
91 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions & Alterations to Existing Hotel - S96 (1A) |
3rd April 2018 | Shoalhaven City Council |
36 Albert St, Berry, NSW
Alterations & Additions to Dwelling & Inground Pool |
28th November 2017 | Shoalhaven City Council |
65 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions - Change of Use to Food and Beverage Bar - Sec 96 1(a) to modify conditions of consent - extend operating hours - remove maximum number of seated patrons - modify hours of operation |
7th November 2017 | Shoalhaven City Council |
91 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions & Alterations to Existing Hotel |
12th July 2017 | Shoalhaven City Council |
65 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions - Change of Use to Food and Beverage Bar - Sec 96 1(a) to extend operating hours |
9th May 2017 | Shoalhaven City Council |
57 Queen St, Berry, NSW
New Commercial - change of use to health consulting rooms & minor alterations |
5th December 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
18 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling & Inground Swimming Pool |
25th August 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
52 Albert St, Berry, NSW
New Attached Garage & Porch |
25th August 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
26 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
New Urban Dwelling - Two Storey |
20th July 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
28 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
New Dwelling - 2 Storey Dwelling with attached Garage |
23rd June 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
24 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
New Dwelling |
11th May 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
22 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
Split Level Dwelling |
8th March 2016 | Shoalhaven City Council |
14 Womack Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
22nd December 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
57 Victoria St, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
18th December 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
71 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Change of Use to Cafe - S96(1A) Amend Condition 30 to extend hours |
26th November 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
12 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Detached Metal Shed |
3rd November 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
61 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Demolition of existing structures - 2 lot subdivision - construct 2 dwellings - S96 Alter Internal Layout |
28th September 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
21 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling |
16th September 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Connors View, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling & Detached Garage with Detached Habitable Rooms |
3rd September 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
24 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 (1) to Delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
22 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 (1) to Delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
6 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 (1) to Delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
17 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 (1) to Delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
18 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 (1) to Delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
19 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 to delete Clause 7 Part E of Consent. |
17th August 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
40 Albert St, Berry, NSW
Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Dual Occupancy (2 new units), Subdivision & Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 1(a) - to correct setback on western & eastern boundaries |
29th July 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
10 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling - Sec 96 1(a) - to change room name & include additional internal plumbing |
16th July 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
71 Queen St, Berry 2535
The Burrows of Berry - On-premises licence - New |
23rd July 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
15 Albany St, Berry, NSW
Dwelling Additions & Swimming Pool & Deck |
24th June 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
28 Albert St, Berry, NSW
Above Ground Swimming Pool |
10th June 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
85 Queen St, Berry, NSW
New Commercial - construct two storey building with two serviced appartments |
1st June 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
B90 Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Proposed Primitive Camping Ground |
11th May 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
25 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling |
27th February 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
7 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling |
13th February 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
61 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Residential - demolition of existing structures - 2 lot subdivision - construct 2 new dwellings |
10th December 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
12 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
New Single Storey Dwelling |
5th January 2015 | Shoalhaven City Council |
20 Edward St, Berry, NSW
Permission to use Existing Motorcycle Sales & Parts |
28th November 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Queen St, Berry 2535
Great Southern Hotel - Liquor licence transfer |
2nd December 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
64 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Dual Occupancy |
24th October 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
71 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions - Change of Use to Cafe |
21st October 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
4 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Single Storey Dwelling. Sec 96 to amend incorrect Condition No. 6 - Stormwater Discharge |
14th October 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
20 Brangus Cl, Berry, NSW
Two Storey Dwelling |
5th September 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
91 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Alterations & Additions to Existing Hotel |
3rd September 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Residential (S) - Sec 96 1(a) modify Cond. D (iii) relating to roof pitch |
3rd June 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
65 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions - Change of Use to Food and Beverage Bar |
26th May 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
40 Albert St, Berry, NSW
Dual Occupancy - Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Construction of new Dual Occupancy (2 new units), 2 Lot Residential Subdivision, and Construction of New Dwelling on Residual Lot |
28th February 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
B35 Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Miscellaneous - Demolition of shed/bales, concrete water tanks, BBQ and table |
31st January 2014 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Christmas Santa Parade - Section 96 to extend consent for five years |
17th October 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
78 Queen St, Berry, NSW
New Commercial - Change of use Shop 1 - remedial massage |
12th September 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
2 Coomonderry Rge, Berry, NSW
New 2 Storey Dwelling, Inground Swimming Pool, Cabana & Tennis Court - Sec 96 1(a) - to change internal layout & reposition approved development |
25th June 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Residential (S) - Sec 96 1(a) to change staging plan & reinstate previously approved lots |
10th May 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
3 65 Queen St, Berry 2535
South on Albany - On-premises licence |
3rd May 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
35 Princess St, Berry, NSW
New Urban Dwelling - single storey dwelling |
26th April 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Rural Dwelling Additions |
2nd April 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
6/65 Queen St, Berry, NSW
Commercial Additions - S96(1A) |
4th February 2013 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Under The Grandstand - Berry Showground , Berry 2535
Berry-Shoalhaven Heads Rugby League Football Club Inc - Limited licence - Multi-function - Additional functions |
29th January 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Coomonderry Rge, Berry, NSW
New Rural Dwelling - new two storey dwelling with swimming pool, cabana & attached garage & tennis court |
12th December 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Queen St, Berry, NSW
Miscellaneous - out door dining |
4th December 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
15 Albany St, Berry, NSW
Dwelling Additions & Detached Garage |
6th December 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Princes Hwy, Berry, NSW
Miscellaneous - Christmas Santa Parade 2 December 2009 5.45-6.15pm - Sec 96 to extend consent 5 years & hold on first Wed. December |
8th November 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
55 Queen St, Berry, NSW
New Dwelling - Section 96 to Remove Subfloor |
27th August 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
78 Queen St, Berry, NSW
New Commercial - Change of Use to Catering Business |
10th July 2012 | Shoalhaven City Council |
Berry Village Boutique Motel 72-76 Queen St, Berry 2535
The Pavillion Bar & Brasserie - Liquor licence transfer |
21st June 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Berry Showground , Berry 2535
Berry Shoalhaven Heads Rugby League Football Club Inc - Limited licence - Multi-function - Additional functions |
14th March 2011 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
This microburb | Shoalhaven LGA | |
Bicycle Commuters | 0% of workers | 1% of workers |
Uni Students | 3% | 2% |
Creative Degrees | 7% | 5% |
Single Men | 16% | 17% |
Single Women | 11% | 9% |
Diversity | 31% | 30% |
Pubs |
Berry Hotel
(337m away)
Heads Hotel (9km away) |
Art |
Berry Art Gallery
(274m away)
Flying Pig Precinct (303m away) 4 more within 11km |
Alternative therapies |
Whole Body Physiotherapy
(161m away)
Tove Reiten (351m away) 5 more within 10km |
Restaurants |
Pavillion Bar & Brasserie
(115m away)
Thai Berry (159m away) 16 more within 10km
Hungry Duck
(189m away)
La Cucina Italiana (224m away) Cuttlefish Licenced Pizza Bar (224m away) Great Southern Hotel (230m away) Mezzadellas Wood Fired Pizza and Tapas (259m away) Berry Hotel (337m away) Leaf in Berry (394m away) Berry Bowling Club (576m away) Silo's Restaurant The (6km away) Mountain Ridge Wines (7km away) Two Figs Winery (8km away) Coolangatta Estate (8km away) Good Slice Bistro (9km away) Shoalhaven Heads Chinese Restaurant (9km away) Bunkers Bistro (9km away) Heads Hotel Restaurant (9km away) |
Family Score: 9 / 10
Affluence Score: 7 / 10
This microburb | Shoalhaven LGA | |
Public Housing | 0% | 4% |
Renters | 25% | 26% |
High School Graduates | 45% | 30% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 62% | 65% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 5% | 3% |
Average Income | $764 per week | $673 per week |
Cars | 1.5 per household | 1.6 per household |
Tenant Rate | 24% | 25% |
Owned Outright | 47% | 43% |
Mortgage Repayments | $1060 per month | $1517 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 2.8 | 3.2 |
Managers | 10% | 12% |
Professionals | 28% | 17% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 20% | 17% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 10% | 13% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 13% | 12% |
Sales Workers | 8% | 11% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 4% | 6% |
Labourers | 7% | 11% |
Personal Income Per Year
Safety Score: 9 / 10
Crime level | very low |
Alcohol Related Assault | none |
Steal from Person | none |
Assault - Domestic Violence Related | none |
Steal from Dwelling | none |
Assault - Non-Domestic Violence Related | none |
Motor Vehicle Theft | none |
Steal from Motor Vehicle | none |
Malicious Damage | none |
Robbery | none |
Break and Enter Dwelling | none |
Break and Enter Non-Dwelling | none |
Lifestyle Score: 9 / 10
Alternative therapies |
Whole Body Physiotherapy
(161m away)
Tove Reiten (351m away) 5 more within 10km |
Cafes |
Peppercorn's Cafe
(124m away)
Table Talk Cafe (159m away) 9 more within 400m |
Fitness and health centres |
Berry Gym And Fitness
(138m away)
Berry Gym & Fitness (138m away) |
Beauticians |
Pure Hair & Beauty
(157m away)
Berry Pure Beauty (159m away) 4 more within 400m |
Pubs |
Berry Hotel
(337m away)
Heads Hotel (9km away) |
Restaurants |
Pavillion Bar & Brasserie
(115m away)
Thai Berry (159m away) 16 more within 10km
Hungry Duck
(189m away)
La Cucina Italiana (224m away) Cuttlefish Licenced Pizza Bar (224m away) Great Southern Hotel (230m away) Mezzadellas Wood Fired Pizza and Tapas (259m away) Berry Hotel (337m away) Leaf in Berry (394m away) Berry Bowling Club (576m away) Silo's Restaurant The (6km away) Mountain Ridge Wines (7km away) Two Figs Winery (8km away) Coolangatta Estate (8km away) Good Slice Bistro (9km away) Shoalhaven Heads Chinese Restaurant (9km away) Bunkers Bistro (9km away) Heads Hotel Restaurant (9km away) |
Beaches | Seven Mile Beach (9km away) |
Convenience Score: 7 / 10
This microburb | Shoalhaven LGA | |
Public Transport Commuters | 5% of workers | 1% of workers |
Walk Commuters | 11% of workers | 4% of workers |
Work centres (public transport) |
(97km away)
Wollongong (43km away) |
Work centres (walk/drive) |
(97km away)
Wollongong (43km away) |
Supermarkets |
(321m away)
Berry IGA (321m away) 1 more within 10km
Lettuce Inn
(9km away)
Chemists |
Berry Pharmacy
(332m away)
Jerogin Andrew (9km away) 1 more within 10km
Shoalhaven Heads Pharmacy
(9km away)
Patisseries | The Ice Creamery Berry (213m away) |
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 10 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
Shoalhaven City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Alterations | Houses | Other |
Commercial | Industrial |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
Neighbourhood Photos
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Convenience Score: