Report for Lot 229 Honeyeater Place
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Property Details
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Planning Applications (46)
Application | Date received | Authority |
309-313 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
313 David Low Way BLI BLI - Generally in Accordance - Car Wash, Office, Food & Drink Outlet and Shop |
17th May 2018 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
309-313 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
313 David Low Way BLI BLI - Car Wash, Office, Food & Drink Outlet and Shop - Snowy River Pty Ltd |
23rd December 2016 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Agnes Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Agnes Pl BLI BLI - Dual Occupancy - Murphy Project - Project Urban Pty Ltd (ASSOCIATED |
13th May 2016 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
7 Histed Tce, Bli Bli, QLD
7 Histed Tce BLI BLI - Dual Occupancy - Minco Developments Pty Ltd |
10th February 2016 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Perren Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Change to Development Approval - Dual Occupancy |
25th January 2016 |
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
308-312 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
312 David Low Way & 2-6 Bli Bli Road BLI BLI - Extension to Relevant Period - MCU Offices - Bli Bli Village Centre Pty Ltd |
12th January 2016 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
308-312 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
312 David Low Way Bli Bli - Extension to Relevant Period - MCU Shop - Bli Bli Village Centre Pty Ltd |
12th January 2016 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
3 Buckland Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy & Landscaping and Crossover - Mandy Smith and Katherine Hansen |
14th December 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Hutchins St, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy - Matt Sheard |
14th December 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Ariel Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Ariel Pl BLI BLI - Dual Occupancy - Vizion Group |
7th December 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Agnes Pl, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy |
20th November 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Perren Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy |
12th November 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
10 Cooper St, Bli Bli, QLD
10 Cooper St BLI BLI - Dual Occupancy - Sea Vista Developments Pty Ltd |
3rd July 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
21 Hegarty Cct, Bli Bli, QLD
Generally In Accordance - Major Residential Estate |
26th March 2015 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
314-326 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
314-326 & 328 David Low Way BLI BLI - Office - River Markets Pty Ltd |
28th July 2014 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
308-312 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
312 David Low Way BLI BLI - Extension of Relevant Period - MCU Offices - M & R White Superannuation Pty Ltd |
19th December 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
308-312 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
312 David Low Way BLI BLI - Extension of Relevant Period - MCU Shop - M & R White Superannuation Pty Ltd |
19th December 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Wickerson Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Infrastructure Agreement - Major Residential Estate |
20th November 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Wickerson Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Infrastructure Agreement - Major Residential Estate |
13th November 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Wickerson Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Change to Development Approval- Major Residential Estate |
13th November 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Wickerson Cres, Bli Bli, QLD
Change to Development Approval - Major Residential Estate |
18th October 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
1 Wellard Ct, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy - Greg Blunden |
7th August 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
26 Cutters Way, Bli Bli, QLD
Dual Occupancy |
2nd August 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
314-326 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
Generally In Accordance - MCU (Addition to Shopping Complex) |
9th July 2013 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
314-326 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
326 David Low Way Bli Bli - Infrastructure Agreement |
22nd August 2012 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 0 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - Ref SBA10-2159 |
15th October 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 3 Clarence Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 3 Clarence Ave BLI BLI - Ref 20100730 |
26th July 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 5 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 5 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - REF NO 20100655 |
6th July 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 12 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DUPLEX - 12 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - REF NO SBA10-1257 |
27th May 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 12 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 12 Ginger Bell Ave Bli Bli - Driveway Stormwater Management and Landscaping for Duplex - STR Builders - KHA Development Managers |
31st May 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 17 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - SWIMMING POOL & FENCE - 17 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - 10205 |
23rd April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 21 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 21 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - REF NO 4086 |
9th April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 35 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 35 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - Dwelling - Code Assessment - Wright Developments - Suncoast Building Approvals |
6th April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 35 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 35 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - REF NO SBA10-0625 |
25th March 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 2 Shale Ct, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 2 Shale Ct Bli Bli - Car Parking Landscaping and Stormwater Management - Mather Constructions |
23rd March 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 1 Tarshaw St, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 1 Tarshaw St BLI BLI - Engineering Landscaping Stormwater for Duplex - KHA Development Managers |
8th March 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 3 Tarshaw St, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 3 Tarshaw St BLI BLI - REF NO SBA10-0373 |
24th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 2 Shale Ct, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DUPLEX - 2 Shale Ct BLI BLI - REF NO 00004005 |
25th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 5 Tarshaw St, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 5 Tarshaw St BLI BLI - Ref 20100217 |
24th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 9 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 9 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - Ref 20100176 |
12th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 1 Tarshaw St, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DUPLEX - 1 Tarshaw St BLI BLI - REF NO 20100144 |
8th February 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 19 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 19 Ginger Bell Ave BLI BLI - REF NO SBA10-0160 |
28th January 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
0 / 2 Tarshaw St, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 2 Tarshaw St BLI BLI - Landscaping Carparking - Suncoast Building Approvals |
23rd December 2009 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
2 Ginger Bell Ave, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: NOE - DWELLING - REF: 90690 |
18th December 2009 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
308 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 308-312 David Low Way Bli Bli - Extension to MCU Shop - DPG Developments - KHA Development Managers |
9th December 2009 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
308 David Low Way, Bli Bli, QLD
Description: 304-312 David Low Way & 2-6 Bli Bli Road Bli Bli -Extension to MCU Offices - DPG Developments - KHA Development Managers |
9th December 2009 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Family Score: 8 / 10
Affluence Score: 4 / 10
Safety Score: 10 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 8 / 10
Convenience Score: 8 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Communications Score: 6 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Sales History
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