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    Uncovering the Jobseeker Landscape: Exploring the Proportion of Recipients in (Other Territories) Suburbs

    The proportion of people receiving Jobseeker Payment. This is provided to people aged 22 and over who are looking for work or are unable to work temporarily due to illness or injury.

    The Jobseeker recipients data can be useful for property investors and those looking to move as it provides an insight into the employment situation in different suburbs. For example, suburbs with a high proportion of Jobseeker recipients may indicate a lack of job opportunities or a struggling local economy, which could impact property values and rental demand. On the other hand, suburbs with a low proportion of Jobseeker recipients may be more attractive to investors and homebuyers as they may offer better employment prospects and a higher quality of life. Additionally, this data can also be useful for those looking for a place to live as it can provide an indication of the level of support available for those who may need financial assistance while looking for work.
    Data from 2022
    Area Value
    1. 2540 - Sanctuary Point 3.3%
    2. 2899 - Norfolk Island 2.4%
    3. 6799 - Home Island 2.0%
    4. 6798 - Christmas Island 0.7%
    Choropleth Map