Report for Malua Bay
Population stats for Malua Bay, New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Languages spoken |
Croatian 1% 11 more |
Ancestry |
Australian 38% 18 more
Scottish 12% German 4% Italian 2% Dutch 2% Croatian 1% Chinese 1% New Zealander 1% Greek 1% Polish 1% Maltese 1% Welsh 0% Australian Aboriginal 0% Filipino 0% Hungarian 0% Spanish 0% Macedonian 0% South African 0% |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Bicycle Commuters | 1% of workers | |
Uni Students | 1% | |
Creative Degrees | 6% | |
Single Men | 15% | |
Single Women | 8% | |
Diversity | 31% | |
Health foods | Go Vita Batemans Bay (9km away) | |
Tattoo parlours | Free Spirit Tattoos & Body Piercing (9km away) | |
Art |
Uildriks Cornelis (Case)
(1km away)
Grace Paleg Art School (3km away) 9 more within 10km |
Alternative therapies |
Total Health Clinic
(7km away)
Batemans Bay Bodyworker (8km away) 9 more within 10km
Mind & Body Transformations
(8km away)
John Choice (9km away) Self Balance Healing (9km away) Healthy Life Hypnotherapy (9km away) Remedial Massage Therapist (9km away) The Oracle Harmony Centre (9km away) Chery Austen (9km away) Oracle Healing Centre (9km away) Katie Urbanik Naturopaths Go Vita Batemans Bay (9km away) |
Restaurants |
Raymond's Chinese Restaurant
(1km away)
Mao's Thai Kitchen (3km away) 18 more within 10km
Scrumptious Restaurant
(4km away)
Mao's Thai Restaurant (6km away) Donegan's Steak House (6km away) Boomerang Meeting Place Inc (6km away) Taliva Restaurant (6km away) Batemans Bay Soldiers' Club (6km away) Coachhouse Marina Resort (7km away) Trappers Steak and Seafood Restaurant (8km away) Relish Restaurant (8km away) Tohsang Thai Restaurant (8km away) Global Office Restaurant (8km away) Hog's Breath Cafe (9km away) Batemans Bay Thai Restaurant (9km away) Kohli's Indian Restaurant (9km away) Ralph's Oysters (9km away) Christensen Oysters (9km away) Mariner's Restaurant On The Waterfront (9km away) Subway Batemans Bay (9km away) |
Family Score: 8 / 10
Affluence Score: 5 / 10
Public Housing | 0% |
Renters | 22% |
High School Graduates | 40% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 63% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 3% |
Average Income | $697 per week |
Cars | 1.7 per household |
Tenant Rate | 22% |
Owned Outright | 46% |
Mortgage Repayments | $1733 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 3.3 |
Managers | 11% |
Professionals | 16% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 16% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 13% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 16% |
Sales Workers | 13% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 4% |
Labourers | 9% |
Personal Income Per Year
Safety Score: 9 / 10
Crime level | very low to low |
Alcohol Related Assault | none |
Steal from Person | none |
Assault - Domestic Violence Related | low |
Steal from Dwelling | low to high |
Assault - Non-Domestic Violence Related | none |
Motor Vehicle Theft | none |
Steal from Motor Vehicle | none |
Malicious Damage | none |
Robbery | none |
Break and Enter Dwelling | low to medium |
Break and Enter Non-Dwelling | low |
Lifestyle Score: 8 / 10
Cafes |
By The Beach Bakery Cafe
(2km away)
Old Time Lolly Shop Mogo (4km away) 16 more within 10km
The Rivermouth General Store
(5km away)
Chef Cap Cafe (5km away) C U @ Munchies (6km away) Tyler's Pantry (6km away) Suzanne's Pty Ltd (6km away) The Muffin Shop (6km away) Mogo Munchies (6km away) Craving Food 2 Go (8km away) Tohsang Thai Restaurant (8km away) Tosh Gallery & Cafe (9km away) 8 Lunch Bar (9km away) The Venetian (9km away) Against The Grain Paleo Cafe Pty Ltd (9km away) GJ's Bay Cafe & Grill (9km away) Billy Baxters (9km away) North Street Cafe & Bar (9km away) |
Fitness and health centres |
Bulldog Gym and Thai Boxing
(7km away)
Bodyworks Batemans Bay (8km away) 3 more within 10km |
Beauticians |
Catalina Geo-Lafine Cosmetics
(1km away)
More Day Spa (6km away) 8 more within 10km |
Alternative therapies |
Total Health Clinic
(7km away)
Batemans Bay Bodyworker (8km away) 9 more within 10km
Mind & Body Transformations
(8km away)
John Choice (9km away) Self Balance Healing (9km away) Healthy Life Hypnotherapy (9km away) Remedial Massage Therapist (9km away) The Oracle Harmony Centre (9km away) Chery Austen (9km away) Oracle Healing Centre (9km away) Katie Urbanik Naturopaths Go Vita Batemans Bay (9km away) |
Restaurants |
Raymond's Chinese Restaurant
(1km away)
Mao's Thai Kitchen (3km away) 18 more within 10km
Scrumptious Restaurant
(4km away)
Mao's Thai Restaurant (6km away) Donegan's Steak House (6km away) Boomerang Meeting Place Inc (6km away) Taliva Restaurant (6km away) Batemans Bay Soldiers' Club (6km away) Coachhouse Marina Resort (7km away) Trappers Steak and Seafood Restaurant (8km away) Relish Restaurant (8km away) Tohsang Thai Restaurant (8km away) Global Office Restaurant (8km away) Hog's Breath Cafe (9km away) Batemans Bay Thai Restaurant (9km away) Kohli's Indian Restaurant (9km away) Ralph's Oysters (9km away) Christensen Oysters (9km away) Mariner's Restaurant On The Waterfront (9km away) Subway Batemans Bay (9km away) |
Beaches |
Denhams Beach
(3km away)
Rosedale Beach (3km away) 1 more within 8km
Caseys Beach
(7km away)
Convenience Score: 7 / 10
Public Transport Commuters | 2% of workers | |
Walk Commuters | 3% of workers | |
Chemists |
Malua Bay Pharmacy
(1km away)
Surf Beach Pharmacy (3km away) 6 more within 10km |
Supermarkets |
Surf Beach IGA
(3km away)
IGA The Moorings - Tomakin (4km away) 4 more within 10km |
Patisseries |
AJ's Hotbake
(9km away)
Michel's Patisserie (9km away) |
Food / general stores |
The Rivermouth General Store
(5km away)
Bay River Deli (8km away) |
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Aged 15 - 24 | 9% | |
Population Density | 115 residents per km2 | |
Tenant Rate | 22% | |
Leafiness |
Very leafy area: 100% Moderately leafy area: 0% Non leafy area: 0% |
Nearby bushland | 0m away |
Communications Score: 6 / 10
Community Score: 10 / 10
Volunteerism | 24% | |
Long Term Residents | 68% | |
Clubs |
Batemans Bay Surf Lifesaving Club
(1km away)
Andrei's Gymnastics (8km away) 4 more within 10km |
Community Centres |
Pivot Point Community Centre
(8km away)
Batemans Bay Community Centre (9km away) |
Places of worship |
Batemans Bay Baptist Church
(2km away)
Sacred Heart Missionaries (3km away) 1 more within 5km
Jehovah's Witnesses
(4km away)
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Associations & Organisations |
Murra Mia Tenant Advise Service
(8km away)
NSW Aboriginal Land Council (SE Coast Branch) (9km away) 1 more within 10km
Batemans Bay Aboriginal Lands Council
(9km away)
Social clubs |
Malua Bay Bowling & Rec. Club
(1km away)
Malay Bay Bowls & Rec. Club (1km away) 4 more within 10km |
Local Government Area Stats
Eurobodalla Shire Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Alterations | Houses | Other |
Commercial | Tourism |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
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