Report for City of Bankstown
Population stats for City of Bankstown Local Government Area and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Local Government Area Stats
Bankstown City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Houses | Alterations | Commercial |
Industrial | Other |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Property Details
Local Prices
Investor Data
Data Science Consulting from the makers of Microburbs.
Planning Applications (27)
Application | Date received | Authority |
197 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolition of existing house proposed double storey attached duplex and front fence with torrens title subdivision |
23rd February 2017 | Bankstown City Council |
106 Taylor Street Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolition of Existing Structures, Construction of Multi Dwelling Housing Comprising of Four (4) Dwellings and Strata Subdivision |
28th December 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
2D Townsend Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Demolition of existing site structures, boundary adjustment between No. 1 and 3 Lee Street, Torrens title subdivision of the site into two (2) lots, construction of a two (2) storey attached dual occupancy on each of the newly created lots and Torrens title subdivision of each dual occupancy development with front fence |
12th August 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
73 Taylor Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Demolition of existing structures. Construction of four multidwellings |
15th July 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
2 Townsend Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a two storey dwelling and inground swimming pool with associated decking and outbuilding |
2nd June 2016 |
Bankstown City Council
228 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Modifications to existing service station including new signage and relocation of entrance doors |
24th May 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
228 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Internal renovations new food display counter wash up area and dispays(food and bevrages) exterior re locate entry doors new signage paint and new finishes apply to existing shop front. |
22nd March 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
270 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Proposed new duplex on the new lot 1 and torrens title subdivision |
22nd March 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
2 Townsend Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Demolition of existing fibro house & garage Construction of new 2 storey house with basement parking and inground swimming pool. |
17th February 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
222 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Proposed granny flat & attached verandah |
27th January 2016 | Bankstown City Council |
106 Taylor Street Condell Park NSW 2200 Australia
Demolition of existing dwelling & ancillary building. Pproposed 4 villa development |
4th December 2015 | Bankstown City Council |
56 Simmat Ave, Condell Park 2200
Liquorland Express - Liquor licence transfer |
11th November 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
270 Edgar Street Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolish all existing building and proposed new torrens title subdivison into two lots and proposed new duplex and torrens title at prop-osed new lot 2 |
17th September 2015 | Bankstown City Council |
114 Taylor Street Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolition of Existing Structures and Construction of Four Villa Homes with Front Fence and Strata Subdivision |
14th September 2015 | Bankstown City Council |
51 Simmat Ave, Condell Park 2200
La Fornaia Pizzeria Restaurant - Liquor licence transfer |
6th August 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
56 Simmat Avenue Condell Park NSW 2200
Use of premises as a newsagency S96(1a) |
1st December 2014 | Bankstown City Council |
56 Simmat Avenue Condell Park NSW 2200
Partial use of premises as a florist |
21st November 2014 | Bankstown City Council |
56 Simmat Ave, Condell Park 2200
Liquorland Express - Liquor licence transfer |
26th August 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
56 Simmat Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
Use of premises as a newsagency. |
2nd August 2013 | Bankstown City Council |
100 Taylor Street, Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolition of all existing structures removal of six trees and the construction of a four unit town house development and masonry front fence with strata subdivision |
15th July 2013 | Bankstown City Council |
108 A Taylor Street, Condell Park NSW 2200
Carport @ front and Pegolar @ rear |
16th April 2013 | Bankstown City Council |
100 Taylor Street, Condell Park NSW 2200
Construction of a garage with a studio room. |
19th December 2012 | Bankstown City Council |
56 Simmat Ave, Condell Park 2200
Liquorland Express - Liquor licence transfer |
23rd July 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
56 Simmat Avenue, Condell Park 2200
Liquorland Express - Liquor licence transfer |
17th January 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
55 Simmat Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
Internal re furbishment/fit out change of use to prop cafe & restaurant |
6th July 2011 | Bankstown City Council |
55 Simmat Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
Change of use and fit out of existing shop into Halal Butcher Shop |
11th May 2011 | Bankstown City Council |
100 Taylor Street, Condell Park NSW 2200
Build a fish pond in my home backyard |
13th October 2010 | Bankstown City Council |