Report for Wedderburn (NSW)
Population stats for Wedderburn (NSW), New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (1)
Application | Date received | Authority |
151 Katanna Road, Wedderburn NSW 2560
Residential Alterations/Additions |
27th October 2017 | Campbelltown City Council |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Bicycle Commuters | 0% of workers | |
Uni Students | 5% | |
Creative Degrees | 5% | |
Single Men | 20% | |
Single Women | 12% | |
Diversity | 35% | |
Body & Ear Piercing |
Infinity Body Piercing Studio
(8km away)
Pattie's Piercing Parlour (8km away) |
Art |
Dennis Johnson - Artist
(6km away)
Eckersley's Pty Ltd (7km away) 3 more within 9km |
Alternative therapies |
Tranquillity Through Bowen
(4km away)
Margaret Andrews Russell (6km away) 18 more within 9km
Alpha Body Connections
(6km away)
Cremming Elizabeth (7km away) Red Dragon Alternative Medicine (7km away) Inner Harmony Book Store (7km away) Northsideacupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine Clinic (7km away) Andrea Hood BASc (Osteopathy), Maosteopathy (7km away) BBBenefits (7km away) Ying, Kin On (7km away) Kin On Ying (7km away) Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (7km away) Ying, Jian Liang (7km away) Ying K.O. (7km away) MJS Osteopathic & Counselling Services (7km away) Five Elements Acupuncture (7km away) Nadine Kealy (7km away) Campbelltown Yoga (8km away) Alex & Maree Frater (8km away) Australian Hypnotherapists Association (8km away) |
Tattoo parlours |
Ink House Tattoo& Body Piercing
(7km away)
Yakuza Tattoo (8km away) |
Health foods |
Herbalife Australasia Pty Ltd
(3km away)
Wild Food Macarthur (7km away) 6 more within 11km |
Pubs |
Riverside Inn
(6km away)
City Hotel Campbelltown (8km away) 1 more within 10km
Leumeah Club Hotel
(9km away)
Restaurants |
Pizza Hut
(4km away)
Pizza Hut Rosemeadow (5km away) 18 more within 8km
La Do'Ro Pizzeria
(6km away)
Pizza & Kebab Cafe (6km away) Star Rice Thai Restaurant (6km away) Bongiorno's Restaurant (6km away) Italia A (7km away) Pizza George (7km away) Ribs And Rumps (7km away) Spice of Life Indian Restaurant (7km away) Nando's Flame Grilled Chicken (7km away) Noodle Republic (7km away) Platinum Grill (7km away) Pick-A-Pizza (7km away) Pick-a-Pizza (7km away) Ettamogah Bar & Restaurant Campbelltown (7km away) Panarottis Macathur (7km away) Anzac Room The Bistro Brazzerie (7km away) Turkoise Mediterranean Cafe (7km away) Domino's Pizza (7km away) |
Family Score: 7 / 10
Affluence Score: 7 / 10
Public Housing | 0% |
Renters | 11% |
High School Graduates | 38% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 51% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 9% |
Average Income | $902 per week |
Cars | 2.5 per household |
Tenant Rate | 11% |
Owned Outright | 46% |
Mortgage Repayments | $2145 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 3.9 |
Managers | 11% |
Professionals | 17% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 21% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 11% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 14% |
Sales Workers | 7% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 6% |
Labourers | 10% |
Personal Income Per Year
Safety Score: 10 / 10
Crime level | very low |
Alcohol Related Assault | none |
Steal from Person | none |
Assault - Domestic Violence Related | none |
Steal from Dwelling | none |
Assault - Non-Domestic Violence Related | none |
Motor Vehicle Theft | none |
Steal from Motor Vehicle | none |
Malicious Damage | none |
Robbery | none |
Break and Enter Dwelling | none |
Break and Enter Non-Dwelling | none |
Lifestyle Score: 7 / 10
Alternative therapies |
Tranquillity Through Bowen
(4km away)
Margaret Andrews Russell (6km away) 18 more within 9km
Alpha Body Connections
(6km away)
Cremming Elizabeth (7km away) Red Dragon Alternative Medicine (7km away) Inner Harmony Book Store (7km away) Northsideacupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine Clinic (7km away) Andrea Hood BASc (Osteopathy), Maosteopathy (7km away) BBBenefits (7km away) Ying, Kin On (7km away) Kin On Ying (7km away) Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (7km away) Ying, Jian Liang (7km away) Ying K.O. (7km away) MJS Osteopathic & Counselling Services (7km away) Five Elements Acupuncture (7km away) Nadine Kealy (7km away) Campbelltown Yoga (8km away) Alex & Maree Frater (8km away) Australian Hypnotherapists Association (8km away) |
Cafes |
Crave Expresso
(6km away)
Cafe De Bloom (7km away) 18 more within 9km
Jamaica Blue Campbelltown Private Hospital
(7km away)
Hot Shots Espresso Bars (7km away) Coco Cubano (7km away) Hotshot Expresso Bar The (7km away) Arts Centre Cafe (7km away) Gourmet Pizza King (7km away) Cafe Artista (7km away) Euro Expresso Cafe (8km away) Cafe Poco (8km away) Perfect Blend (8km away) Perfect Blend The (8km away) Crazy Station Cafe (8km away) Bar Centrale (8km away) Bar Centrale on Queen (8km away) Coyotes Cafe (8km away) Cafe Le Chat & All That Jazz (8km away) Yeannis (8km away) The Cafe (8km away) |
Fitness and health centres |
Campbelltown-Airds Indoor Sports Centre
(6km away)
Olympus Gym (6km away) 18 more within 11km
(7km away)
Optimum Weight Loss Centre (7km away) Fit n Fast (7km away) Aquafit Fitness and Leisure (7km away) Anytime Fitness (7km away) Fitness First (7km away) Fitness First Australia Pty Limited (7km away) Contours Express Campbelltown (8km away) Xtend Barre Campbelltown (8km away) The Meditation Space - Meditation, Remedial Massage, Yoga & Reiki (8km away) Synergy Fitness Studio (9km away) Plus Fitness Campbelltown (9km away) Plus Fitness 24/7 Campbelltown (9km away) Plus Fitness (9km away) Camden Health & Fitness (9km away) Australia's Friendliest Fitness Centres (9km away) Breakthrough Therapy (9km away) Iron Gym Fitness Centre (10km away) |
Beauticians |
Born to be Beautiful
(3km away)
Cherish Beauty (4km away) 18 more within 9km
Oulala Hair And Beauty
(5km away)
Forever Fabulous (6km away) Crimson Hair & Beauty (6km away) Beauty Excellence (7km away) Michelle's Nails & Beauty Therapy (7km away) Complete Nails & Beauty (7km away) Skin Revival Beauty (7km away) Ella Rouge Beauty Macarthur Square (7km away) MacArthur Square Professionail (7km away) Watersilk Skin Health & Beauty (7km away) Jolie Femmes Hair & Beauty Salon (7km away) Serene Body (7km away) Bella Vue (7km away) Ella Rouge Beauty (7km away) Jazz U Up (7km away) Jean Guthrie Beauty Care Australia (7km away) Venus Nails (8km away) Le Bourjois Beauty Clinic & Day Spa (8km away) |
Pubs |
Riverside Inn
(6km away)
City Hotel Campbelltown (8km away) 1 more within 10km
Leumeah Club Hotel
(9km away)
Bowling Alleys |
AMF Macarthur Ten Pin Bowl
(6km away)
A.M.F. Macarthur Bowl (7km away) 1 more within 10km
Campbelltown City Ten Pin Bowl
(9km away)
Restaurants |
Pizza Hut
(4km away)
Pizza Hut Rosemeadow (5km away) 18 more within 8km
La Do'Ro Pizzeria
(6km away)
Pizza & Kebab Cafe (6km away) Star Rice Thai Restaurant (6km away) Bongiorno's Restaurant (6km away) Italia A (7km away) Pizza George (7km away) Ribs And Rumps (7km away) Spice of Life Indian Restaurant (7km away) Nando's Flame Grilled Chicken (7km away) Noodle Republic (7km away) Platinum Grill (7km away) Pick-A-Pizza (7km away) Pick-a-Pizza (7km away) Ettamogah Bar & Restaurant Campbelltown (7km away) Panarottis Macathur (7km away) Anzac Room The Bistro Brazzerie (7km away) Turkoise Mediterranean Cafe (7km away) Domino's Pizza (7km away) |
Convenience Score: 7 / 10
Public Transport Commuters | 4% of workers | |
Walk Commuters | 3% of workers | |
Work centres (public transport) |
Sydney CBD
(46km away)
Liverpool (26km away) |
Work centres (walk/drive) |
Sydney CBD
(46km away)
Liverpool (26km away) |
Chemists |
Rosemeadow Pharmacy
(4km away)
Airds Village Pharmacy (6km away) 16 more within 10km
Bradbury Village Pharmacy
(7km away)
Priceline Pharmacy (7km away) PharmaSave Macarthur Square Pharmacy (7km away) Chemist Warehouse Campbelltown (7km away) Westside Medical Centre Pharmacy (7km away) Pulse Pharmacy Campbelltown (8km away) Ralph's Day & Night Pharmacy (8km away) David Wilson Day & Night Chemist (8km away) David Wilson Compounding Chemist (8km away) Ruse Village Pharmacy (8km away) Stevens Pharmacy (8km away) City Arcade Pharmacy (8km away) Campbelltown Pharmacy (8km away) Sefton's Pharmacy (8km away) Think Pharmacy Campbelltown (9km away) Leumeah Pharmacy (9km away) |
Supermarkets |
(5km away)
Ambarvale Supermarket (5km away) 13 more within 11km
(6km away)
IGA Friendly Grocer (7km away) Coles Supermarket (7km away) IGA Express East Campbelltown (7km away) Franklins Limited (8km away) V N H Dollars Pty Ltd (8km away) Woolworths Ltd (8km away) 5 Star Supermarkets (8km away) IGA (8km away) Al Jazera Supermarket (8km away) Met Phean Asian Grocery (8km away) Grace Supermarket (8km away) Riteway Supermarket (10km away) |
Patisseries |
St Helens Park Bakery
(4km away)
Bradbury Bakery (7km away) 5 more within 10km |
Food / general stores |
7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd
(8km away)
Yoghurt Shak (8km away) 4 more within 11km |
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Aged 15 - 24 | 20% | |
Population Density | 23 residents per km2 | |
Tenant Rate | 11% | |
Leafiness |
Very leafy area: 100% Moderately leafy area: 0% Non leafy area: 0% |
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Volunteerism | 22% | |
Long Term Residents | 81% | |
Community Centres |
Neighbourhood Centres
(6km away)
Airds Neighbourhood Centre (6km away) 1 more within 8km
Campbelltown Arts Centre
(7km away)
Places of worship |
Gilead House of Praise Foursquare Church
(4km away)
Uniting Church The Parish On The Way (4km away) 1 more within 5km
Jehovah's Witnesses - Kingdom Halls
(4km away)
Local Government Organisations |
Housing NSW
(8km away)
Campbelltown City Council (8km away) 1 more within 9km
(8km away)
Clubs |
Correct Weight Racing
(5km away)
Phoenix Academy of Gymnastic (6km away) 6 more within 10km |
Social clubs |
Mike India C B Social
(5km away)
Campbelltown Catholic Club (7km away) 8 more within 11km
Campbelltown Catholic Club Ltd
(7km away)
Campbelltown RSL (8km away) Campbelltown City Bowling Club (8km away) Campbelltown Senior Citizens Club (8km away) Picton Rangers Soccer Club (9km away) Campbelltown Tennis Club Bistro (10km away) Campbelltown Tennis Club Ltd (10km away) Western Suburbs Leagues Club (Campbelltown) Ltd (10km away) |
Local Government Area Stats
Campbelltown City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Houses | Alterations | Commercial |
New multi-unit | Other |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History (30)
35 Winton Close | 01-04-2016 | 6 | $1,530,000 |
95 Katanna Road | 5 | Price Guide $1,375,000 - $1,512,500 | |
121 Minerva Road | 13-03-2015 | 4 | Sold for $900,000 |
46 Minerva Road | 17-07-2009 | 4 | $725,000 |
171 Aberfoyle Road | 05-03-2014 | 4 | Sold for $780,000 |
52 Minerva Road | 12-04-2016 | 4 | $1,160,000 |
64 Katanna Road | 22-08-2016 | 4 | $1,100,000 |
5 Bellbird Lane | 06-06-2016 | 4 | $1,200,000 |
61 Fairburn Road | 14-10-2015 | 6 | $1,530,000 |
33 Kenwood Road | 26-11-2014 | 4 | Sold for $950,000 |
71 Kenwood Road | 05-05-2012 | 4 | $650,000 |
171 Minerva Road | 12-04-2017 | 6 | $1,525,000 |
197 Minerva Road | 0 | Asking Price $649,950 | |
29 Victoria Road | 29-08-2016 | 8 | $1,170,000 |
103 Pheasants Road | 03-12-2015 | 7 | Sold for $1,387,000 |
105 Aberfoyle Road | 06-11-2015 | 5 | Sold for $1,230,000 |
77 Bellbird Lane | 0 | $800,000 - $1,100,000 | |
4 Hillcrest Road | 11-04-2015 | 3 | $880,000 |
5 Hillcrest Road | 01-07-2011 | 5 | $755,000 |
60 Victoria Road | 16-02-2017 | 10 | $1,560,000 |
34 Victoria Road | 03-03-2017 | 6 | $1,123,000 |
19 Lysaght Road | 12-12-2014 | 3 | Sold for $685,000 |
1 O'Hares Rd | 28-04-2010 | $610,000 | |
316 Wedderburn Road | 12-04-2017 | 5 | $1,060,000 |
178 Aberfoyle Road | 27-11-2015 | 6 | $1,050,000 |
294 Wedderburn Road | 04-06-2013 | 5 | Sold for $796,000 |
94 Ohares Road | 04-04-2016 | 0 | Contact agent |
74 Blackburn Road | 10-09-2012 | 3 | $590,000 |
Lot 3 Blackburn Road | 17-12-2015 | $720,000 | |
22 Blackburn Road | 17-09-2015 | Sold for $710,000 |
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Convenience Score: