Report for Bardwell Park
Population stats for Bardwell Park, New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (28)
Application | Date received | Authority |
92 Bardwell Road, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Addition of swimming pool to rear of existing dwelling |
22nd December 2016 | Rockdale City Council |
23 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Alterations and Addition to existing dwelling and construction of a secondary dwelling and attached garage |
2nd August 2016 | Rockdale City Council |
16 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Addition of inground fibreglass swimming pool at rear of existing dwelling |
19th April 2016 | Rockdale City Council |
16 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Addition of inground fibreglass swimming pool at rear of existing dwelling |
22nd January 2016 | Rockdale City Council |
76 Darley Road, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Detached shed |
22nd October 2015 |
Rockdale City Council
23 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction of single (1) storey secondary dwelling and attached garage at rear of existing dwelling |
22nd September 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
17 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Complete works to sheltered BBQ patio - constructed on concrete slab on engaged brick piers and metal deck roof |
24th June 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
17 Moore Street Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Complying Development - Driveway in front of garage and pathway at side of garage |
9th June 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
95 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Development Application - Construction of a two (2) storey child care centre for 38 children and 6 staff members, operating Monday to Friday 7am - 7pm including demolition of existing dwelling |
1st May 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
17 Moore Street Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Development Application - Sheltered BBQ patio - constructed on concrete slab on engaged brick piers and metal deck roof |
17th April 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
17 Moore Street Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Building Certificate - Concrete slab and partial wall to the rear of the site |
16th April 2015 | Rockdale City Council |
85 Darley Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Building Certificate - Works as Executed: Addition of privacy screen along northern fence |
1st July 2014 | Rockdale City Council |
17 Moore Street Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Complying Development - Alterations and additions to existing dwelling |
23rd May 2014 | Rockdale City Council |
92 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction Certificate - Stage 3 - Construct new dwelling and granny flat |
2nd April 2014 | Rockdale City Council |
108 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction Certificate - Construction of a granny flat at the rear of the property |
5th February 2014 | Rockdale City Council |
12 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Demolition of existing outbuilding, construction of outbuilding, alterations to pool fencing, retaining wall and driveway of existing dwelling |
26th February 2013 | Rockdale City Council |
12 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Demolition of existing outbuilding, construction of outbuilding, alterations to pool fencing, retaining wall and driveway of existing dwelling |
26th February 2013 | Rockdale City Council |
4 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Amended Construction Certificate - Modification to first floor including rear balcony and sliding door, dropped edge beams to ground floor and floor level to granny flat |
18th January 2013 | Rockdale City Council |
4 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Section 96 - Modification to first floor including rear balcony, and sliding door, dropped edge beams to ground floor and floor level to granny flat |
14th November 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
8 Moore Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
S96 application to modify and overall reduction of dwelling and relocation of swimming pool |
2nd November 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
6 Pile Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Inground Fibreglass swimming pool |
8th October 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
14 Earlwood Crescent, Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction of a new split level dwelling. Amendment: Addition of 2 highlight windows, change to roof peaks, minor footprint change to study and dropping garage RL by 100mm |
27th August 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
92 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Demolition of existing structures and construction of two storey dwelling and detached granny flat with garage |
13th June 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
108 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction of a granny flat at the rear of the property |
19th May 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
99 Bardwell Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
S.96 application - modifications to carport and roof |
19th March 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
14 Earlwood Crescent Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Demolition of existing structures and construction of single storey residential dwelling plus basement and front fence |
16th March 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
4 Moore Street Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Construction of two storey residential dwelling and granny flat |
29th February 2012 | Rockdale City Council |
85 Darley Road Bardwell Park NSW 2207
Addition of awning to existing dwelling and carport attached to existing outbuilding |
20th December 2011 | Rockdale City Council |
Hip Score: 6 / 10
Family Score: 9 / 10
Affluence Score: 9 / 10
Safety Score: 9 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 8 / 10
Convenience Score: 8 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
Rockdale City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Alterations | Houses | Other |
Commercial | New multi-unit |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
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Convenience Score: