Report for City of Holroyd
Population stats for City of Holroyd Local Government Area and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Local Government Area Stats
Holroyd City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Houses | Alterations | Other |
Commercial | Industrial |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Property Details
Local Prices
Investor Data
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Planning Applications (7)
Application | Date received | Authority |
15 Hilton Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures; construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy and associated Torrens subdivision into 2 lots |
16th June 2017 | Holroyd City Council |
76 Adler Parade Greystanes NSW 2145
Construction of an attached single storey dual occupancy and associated Torrens subdivision into 2 lots |
9th May 2017 | Holroyd City Council |
5 Oak Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures; construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy |
24th April 2017 | Holroyd City Council |
90 Gerald Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures; construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy and associated Torrens subdivision into 2 lots |
17th May 2016 | Holroyd City Council |
2 Oak Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 2 storey dwelling house |
10th November 2015 |
Holroyd City Council
11 Oak Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of shed and alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house |
28th October 2015 | Holroyd City Council |
11 Oak Street Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing shed; alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house |
15th July 2015 | Holroyd City Council |