Report for 1149246
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Planning Applications (60)
Application | Date received | Authority |
49 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Tree Application - x4 tree removal |
13th June 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
74 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Development Application - Alterations and additions to the rear of the existing Heritage Listed property. |
8th June 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Development Application - Section 96(1) Remoove condition 49 in the approved DA consent.Alterations and additions to a building within South Parramatta Heritage Conservation Area including a rear extension and a first floor addition. |
18th May 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Development Application - Section 96(1) Delete condition 49.Alterations and additions to a building within South Parramatta Heritage Conservation Area including a rear extension and a first floor addition. |
18th May 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Development Application - S96(1) modifictaions to approval for: Alterations and additions to a building within South Parramatta Heritage Conservation Area including a rear extension and a first floor addition. The proposed modifications: delete condition 49. |
18th May 2017 |
Parramatta City Council
76 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Tree Application - Removal / Pruning of 1 Tree |
28th March 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
47 Marsden Street, NSW
SHORTLAND Alterations and additions to dwelling (enclosed deck)6/0144629 Roxburgh StreetSTOCKTONDemolition of dwelling and outbuildings, erection of two detached two storey dwellings, associated fencing and site works |
11th January 2017 | Newcastle City Council |
14 / 1 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
ePathway |
16th November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
14 / 1 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Cancelled as rego papers have expired |
15th November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
3 / 20 - 22 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x Visitor Parking Permit |
10th November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
13 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 Residential Parking Permit and 1 visitor parking permit |
8th November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
1 / 69 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x Visitor Parking Permit |
2nd November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
0 Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
ePathway |
30th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
2 / 1 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x rps |
24th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
9 / 6 - 8 Lennox Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x Visitor Parking |
19th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
2 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x residential parking permit (unit 6) |
18th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
30 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
ePathway |
14th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
17 / 6 - 8 Lennox Street Parramatta NSW 2150
2 x Resident Parking Permits |
10th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
7 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x RPS and 1 x Visitor Parking Permit |
7th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
30 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
ePathway |
2nd October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
13 / 1 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x rps posted cust NM 23/9/16 |
23rd September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
3 - 7 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
2 Resident parking permit and one visitor parking permit. |
15th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
5 / 15 - 19 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
ePathway |
13th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
2 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x Resident Parking |
8th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
17 King Street Parramatta NSW 2150
2 x residential parking permit |
5th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
3 - 7 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x RPS |
2nd September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
7 / 20 - 22 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x Visitor Parking Permit. Posted 24/8/16. |
24th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
11 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x resident parking |
23rd August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
11 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x Visitors Parking Permit |
23rd August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
8 / 9 - 13 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x visitor |
5th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
16 / 15 - 19 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x rps |
1st August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
10 / 16 - 20 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x Residential Parking Permit |
28th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
7 / 1 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x rps posted Nm 7/7/16 |
7th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
1 / 9 - 13 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Posted 1 x rps NM 11/7/16 |
9th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
2 / 15 - 19 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x visitor parking |
15th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
28 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Removal of 2x tree/s |
13th May 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Use of the residential portion of the building as a boarding house including alterations and additions to convert two rooms as bedrooms, increasing the total no. Of bedrooms to nine (9) |
19th April 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
4 Early Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1x tree removal |
23rd October 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
16 - 20 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Removal of 2 Trees |
17th September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
28 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Atlerations and additions to an aged care facility. |
10th September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
28 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Atlerations and additions to an aged care facility. |
10th September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
39 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x tree removal or pruning |
14th July 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Section 96(1A) modifications to alterations and additions to a building within South Parramatta Heritage Conservation Area including a rear extension and a first floor addition. For internal and external alterations to the rear of the dwelling. The modifications include internal and external alterations to the rear of the dwelling. |
22nd June 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
82 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Demolition of garage and construction of a secondary dwelling at rear yard. |
19th March 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
41 Great Western Highway Parramatta NSW 2150
Change of use to a hotel and construction of a hotel. |
3rd February 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
8 Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Change of use and fiitout - garage to a secondary dwelling. |
24th November 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
8A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Extension of first floor corridor |
3rd April 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
76 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x Tree Pruning |
18th December 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
41 Great Western Highway Parramatta NSW 2150
Construction of a storey residential flat building and minor alterations and additions to heritage item including strata subdivison |
25th October 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
8 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Construction of a single storey dwelling and detached garage |
18th September 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
47 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Rear extension to the existing single storey dwelling |
16th August 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
5 Lennox Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Move carport 500mm from eastern boundary |
13th August 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
8 A Crimea Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Alterations and additions to shop/dwelling including first floor extension |
9th August 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
20 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Strata Subdivision |
15th October 2012 | Parramatta City Council |
47 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Application for either removal or trimming of tree in back yard |
24th October 2012 | Parramatta City Council |
37 Glebe Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Removal of one tree |
4th September 2012 | Parramatta City Council |
88 - 98 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Removal of 4 trees |
24th October 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
16 - 20 Lansdowne Street Parramatta NSW 2150
1 x tree removal |
5th October 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
76 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Conversion of an existing garage with loft into a 2 storey granny flat |
23rd March 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
65 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
3 x tree removal or pruning |
14th December 2010 | Parramatta City Council |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Family Score: 9 / 10
Affluence Score: 9 / 10
Safety Score: 1 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 9 / 10
Convenience Score: 9 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 7 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Sales History
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