Report for 1147651
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Planning Applications (54)
Application | Date received | Authority |
240 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Development Application - Demolition of all structures onsite, construction of a two storey dual occupancy development and Torrens title subdivision. |
19th June 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
35 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Development Application - Demolition of all structres; construction of an attached dual occupancy. |
30th May 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
37 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96(1) Demolition, tree removal, Torrens title subdivision to create two allotments and the construction of two dual occupancy developments (total 4 dwellings). The proposed modification is to delete conditions 46 and 47 and amend condition 64. |
10th November 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
264 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Converting part of the lower ground floor of the existing dwelling into a secondary dwelling |
28th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
6 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition tree removal and construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy |
27th October 2016 |
Parramatta City Council
264 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
ePathway |
5th October 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
28 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal and construction of an attached dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision. S96 1(a) modification include relocation of kitchen and insertion of windows + front entry door. |
28th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
264 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Formalising the use of partially completed unauthorised works comprising of alterations and additions to an existing dwelling - part of a Building Certificate (BC/61/2016). |
22nd September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
8 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal and construction of an attached dual occupancy development with basement parking and associated Torrens title subdivision. |
21st September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
30 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition of existing dwelling and carport, tree removal and construction of an attached dual occupancy building with Torrens title subdivision. |
15th September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
189 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal and construction of a two storey attached dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision. |
30th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
44 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96(1a) modification has been received for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a two storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision. The amendments include |
24th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
44 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Dual occupancy attached |
23rd August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
37 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96(1a) modification has been recevied for the demolition, tree removal, Torrens title subdivision to create two allotments and the construction of two dual occupancy developments (total 4 dwellings). The amendments includes the modification to the stormwater. |
19th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
1C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
ePathway |
16th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
8 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Footpath Crossing Application |
3rd August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
44 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Cancelled created in error |
11th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
264 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Alteration and Additions to an existing single storey dwelling for unauthorised works. |
3rd June 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
264 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling - part of a BC(BC/61/2016). |
3rd June 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
12 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a dual occupancy development above basement carparking. |
30th March 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
12 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of two story dual occupancy with torrens title sub division & basement parking. |
24th March 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
8 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and construction of an attached dual occupancy with basement parking , tree removal and torrens title subdivision |
18th March 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
6 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal, construction of an attached dual occupancy, with Torrens Title subdivision. |
9th December 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
16 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Tree removal, demolition and construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy with torrens title subdivision. |
21st September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
1C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Conversion of the subfloor area of the dwelling to a secondary dwelling. |
18th September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
1C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96(1A): Tree removal and the construction of a part three storey and part two storey residential dwelling with inground swimming pool and spa. Modifications include pergola constructed over swimming pool, and changes to southern & south-eastern walls. |
18th September 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
30 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and construction of an attached dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision. |
3rd June 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
28 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Construction of a dual occupancy and torrens title subdivision |
20th February 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
25 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Removal of 1 tree |
6th February 2015 | Parramatta City Council |
258 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
1 x tree removal |
19th November 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
37 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and subdivision into 2 Lots, construction of 2 attached dual occupancies and 2 Lot Torrens Title subdivision of each |
24th October 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
189 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Demo, tree removal and construction of a two storey attached dual occ development with Torrens Title subdivision. Modification: Increase front setback & finish floor levels |
29th August 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
33 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Torrens title Subdivision |
30th April 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
33 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolish existing dwelling & erect attached 2 storey dual occupancy |
28th February 2014 | Parramatta City Council |
1 C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Removal/pruning of 2 tree/s |
22nd October 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
9 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Complying Development Alterations and Additions to a Dwelling |
21st October 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
1 C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96(2) Internal changes to the approved dwelling |
27th August 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
12 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition of the existing house, construction of a two storey dual occupancy over a basement garage , landscape and drainage works |
8th May 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
56 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Torrens title Subdivision |
8th April 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
189 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolish the existing dwelling and construction of a two storey attached dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision |
7th February 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
256 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
1 x tree removal |
4th January 2013 | Parramatta City Council |
191 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and construction of a 2 storey dual occupancy with torrens title subdivision |
10th December 2012 | Parramatta City Council |
39 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Constuction of a dwelling to form a dual occ with sub division |
7th November 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
17 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Removal of 1 Tree |
6th November 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
31 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
S96(1a) modification of approved attached dual occupancy |
11th September 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
13 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Removal of 1 Tree |
6th September 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
15 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal & construction of a double storey dual occupancy with Torrens Title subdivision |
23rd June 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
44 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and construction of a two storey dual occupancy with basement carpark and torrens title subdivision |
6th April 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
1 C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Modification to approved construction of a part three storey and part two storey residential dwelling with inground swimming pool and spa |
9th February 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
191 Marsden Road Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition, tree removal and the construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision |
10th January 2011 | Parramatta City Council |
11 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Section 96 (2) fsr/floor space increased on ground floor. Revised floor plan. Reduced size of p.o.s |
17th August 2010 | Parramatta City Council |
11 Buyuma Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Demolition and construction of a two storey dual occupancy with torrens title subdivision |
27th May 2010 | Parramatta City Council |
1C Illarangi Street Carlingford NSW 2118
Construction of a split level single dwelling. |
4th May 2010 | Parramatta City Council |
58 Dandarbong Avenue Carlingford NSW 2118
Construction of a dual occupancy plus subdivision. |
27th April 2010 | Parramatta City Council |