Report for Beaconsfield (NSW)
Population stats for Beaconsfield (NSW), New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Median land value (excluding building) | $530,000 | $590,000 |
Local Prices
Planning Applications (100)
Application | Date received | Authority |
3 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Construction of a studio and attic storage at the rear of the site. |
30th May 2017 | City of Sydney |
609-647 Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
Internal fitout, installation of a coffee roaster, and new signage. The site has a rear frontage to Emanuel Lane. |
31st May 2017 | City of Sydney |
147 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Change of use and fit out of Suite 3 on Level 1 to meditation centre (indoor recreation facility). Proposed trading hours are 11.00am - 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am - 12.00pm Saturday. |
11th May 2017 | City of Sydney |
7 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) to; increase the height of the terraces by 200mm, modify the design in accordance with that required under condition 2 and include a toilet on the ground floor. These modifications apply to both dwellings. |
10th April 2017 | City of Sydney |
663-675 Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
Section 96(2) modification of consent for alterations to an existing commercial building and change of use to a veterinary hospital. Proposed changes are to the internal and external design of the building including change to fence and signage and retention of elements of existing building. The application also seeks to amend condition 16 relating to stormwater and drainage and delete conditions 42, 43 and 45 relating to the decommissioning of the underground petroleum storage tanks. |
13th January 2017 |
City of Sydney
24-32 O'Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Section 96(2) - Proposed modification to hours of operation from 7:00am-5:00pm (Monday to Friday), 8:00am-5:00pm (Saturday) and 9:00am-5:00pm (Sunday) to close at 10:00pm 7 days a week. |
9th November 2016 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) application to modify Condition 2 to continue 24 hour operation of existing indoor recreation facility (gymnasium) |
4th November 2016 | City of Sydney |
Shop 2 446 Botany Rd, Beaconsfield, NSW
On-premises licence - New by The Purple Moose Cafe Pty Ltd. |
20th October 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
83 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additional to the existing dwelling including a rear first floor addition. |
16th October 2016 | City of Sydney |
63-85 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96AA(1)- Retrospective approval sought for building alterations to meet BCA fire and electrical requirements, internal layout changes and external changes including fenestration modifications and increased height to accommodate the lift overrun. |
5th September 2016 | City of Sydney |
430 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing single storey residential dwelling house and construction of a new three storey residential dwelling house, a new laneway development with dormer window facing Beaconsfield Lane and associated landscaping. |
30th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
29 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Proposed development of site to retain parts of the existing warehouse buildings to provide shop top housing, retail and townhouses with car parking. The proposal includes the consolidation of 4 of the current 5 allotments and torrens title subdivision of the consolidated allotment into 29 new allotments. Shop top housing for ten studio apartments and ten 1 bedroom apartments above ground level retail is proposed to the northern end of the site. A 4 storey 'attached dwelling' development for 29 townhouses is proposed to the southern side of the site. |
16th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
7C Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
<strong>DA Number: strong>D/2016/697 |
7th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
160 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification of consent for alterations to dwelling house. Proposed changes are to the roof of the rear addition, width of external walls, windows, side boundary fence, skylight and internal alterations. |
23rd May 2016 | City of Sydney |
663-675 Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
External and internal alterations to an existing commercial building and change of use to a veterinary hospital operating 24 hours per day. Proposed external works include vehicular cross over, parking spaces, landscaping, signage, replacement of awning, installation of glass blocks to eastern facade and installation of a waste area |
18th May 2016 | City of Sydney |
153 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations & additions to single dwelling including first floor studio over the garage. |
14th April 2016 | City of Sydney |
175 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Proposed secondary dwelling above garage including the addition of a pedestrian door at ground level to the laneway. |
11th April 2016 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification of consent for approved ‘Purple Moose Café’. The application proposes to delete Condition 4 to allow the cafe to be licensed for alcohol. |
4th April 2016 | City of Sydney |
404 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(1A) modification of consent of approved cafe and coffee roaster. The application seeks to continue the trial trading hours between 6.30am and 8.00am Monday to Friday, extend the use of the coffee roaster between 7.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Sunday for a maximum of 4 hours a day. |
7th March 2016 | City of Sydney |
7 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Proposed demolition of the single storey terrace on site and development of 2 modern terraces. Both are almost identical, include 3 stroeys, 3 bedrooms, private open space and a detached studio at the rear. |
5th February 2016 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use of the footway on Botany Road and within the adjoining lane for outdoor seating in association with the Purple Moose Cafe (4 tables, 8 seats and barriers). Proposed trading hours are 7.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. |
24th November 2015 | City of Sydney |
128-146 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition, construction of 8 attached dwellings and associated torrens title subdivision |
22nd October 2015 | City of Sydney |
163 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to existing building and conversion into two residential dwellings. The site has a rear frontage to Beaconsfield Lane. |
16th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend the approved caf&#233; trading hours. Current approved hours are 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 7.00am and 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday. Proposed hours are 7:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Sundays inclusive. |
4th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
210 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to dwelling house, including new first floor and demolition of garage on Victoria Lane and construction of new two car garage with secondary dwelling above. |
4th August 2015 | City of Sydney |
221-225 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of the existing commercial building, subdivision, and construction of six (6) new three-storey dwelling houses, each with a single garage and studio above at the rear. |
27th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
118-126 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing industrial building;Torrens Title subdivision; and construction of six (6) attached dwellings. |
14th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
11-13 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
S96AA(1) modification of consent for alterations to and adaptive re-use of an existing warehouse as 6 townhouse apartments with a basement. Proposed modifications include the creation of a void within the floor outside the entry to unit 6, and creation of a courtyard under the void at basement level to the approved pool area. |
6th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
458 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions at rear of existing dwelling. |
24th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
85 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to terrace including partial demolition of the ground floor and construction of first and second floors comprising of 3 bedrooms, a rear facing deck and a curved roof structure. A lower ground level garage facing Victoria Lane is also proposed with private open space above. |
19th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
428 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing residence and construction of a new two storey residence with rear lane studio above garage and cafe at Botany Road. Proposed cafe hours of operation: 7.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive and 7.00am to 3.00pm Sunday |
16th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
683-685 Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
Change of use of part of the existing building to a residential unit, located at the rear of the first floor. Interior layout modifications also proposed. |
10th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use public footway for outdoor seating in association with the &#8216;Purple Moose Cafe&#8217; (4 tables, 8 seats). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 7.00am to 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday. |
18th May 2015 | City of Sydney |
122 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 82A review of determination to amend the design of a secondary dwelling at the rear of the property adjacent Victoria Lane. Design amendments include a flat roof design and additional floorspace. |
28th April 2015 | City of Sydney |
404 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Change of use to caf&#233; and associated alterations and replace shopfront and signage. Proposed trading hours are 6.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Sunday inclusive. |
28th April 2015 | City of Sydney |
7 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Proposed demolition of single storey semi detached dwelling and construction of 2 x 2 level attached dwellings with a roof attic and a garage at street level, construction of a single level studio at the rear of each dwelling and the Torrens title subdivision of the lot into 2 lots. |
24th April 2015 | City of Sydney |
21-27 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Demolition of existing warehouse building, site preparation and excavation works. The proposed works are in association with Development Application D/2015/145 which proposes the construction of a three storey residential flat building consisting of 36 apartments, one level of basement parking for 36 vehicles and associated site and landscaping works. |
18th February 2015 | City of Sydney |
21-27 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Demolition of existing structures, excavation, remediation and construction of a three storey residential flat building consisting of 36 apartments, one level of basement parking for 36 vehicles and associated site and landscaping works. |
18th February 2015 | City of Sydney |
160 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alternations and addtions to dwelling house including rear extension with skillion roof, new staircase, new rear courtyard/carspace area. |
22nd January 2015 | City of Sydney |
24-32 O'Riordan St, Alexandria 2015
Coco Republic L'Americano - On-premises licence - New |
9th December 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
153 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to an existing terrace house to extend the dwelling to the property boundaries at ground floor level, and to construct a new garage at the rear property boundary with a studio above |
28th November 2014 | City of Sydney |
128-146 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of an existing warehouse, construction of 8 x 3 storey terraces with detached garages and studios above facing the rear lane. Torrens title subdivision into 8 lots , new vehicle crossings & associated boundary fences |
18th November 2014 | City of Sydney |
164 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations to dwelling houses to facilitate interconnection including changes to walls and door openings and demolition of exisiting breezeway. |
22nd September 2014 | City of Sydney |
166 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
S 96(2) modification of consent to construction of new 3 storey dwelling Proposed changes are to delete 3rd floor, internal re-configuration, relocation of front entry, addition of studio space to rear lane garage structure, and revised balcony profile to street. |
22nd September 2014 | City of Sydney |
122 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to residential dwelling including demolition of rear fibro garage and construction of a new garage and studio above. Application also proposes to widen the existing vehicle crossing. |
9th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
17-19 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
S96(2) modification of consent for the demolition of the existing warehouse and construction of nine 3 storey townhouses above a common basement car parking level. Modifications include increased floor to ceiling heights, alteration of roof profile, alteration to basement configuration and services, addition of car park exhaust riser, changes to external materials, sunhoods to be constructed as concrete slab projections, deletion of south facing kitchen window and the addition of louvre to southern elevation. |
3rd September 2014 | City of Sydney |
1-9 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Demolition of existing buildings, remediation of site, construction of a 46 unit residential flat building with 35 car parking spaces over four to five levels and associated landscaping works. |
1st August 2014 | City of Sydney |
116 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to a single storey dwelling house including reinstatement of the original street awning, ground floor extension to the southern boundary, first floor rear addition, new garage and rumpus room. |
27th May 2014 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Application at Shop 2, 446 Botany Road Beaconsfield for the use of 5 table and 10 chairs on the front and side footpath between the house of 7am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 7am - 4pm Saturday and Sunday |
11th April 2014 | City of Sydney |
24-32 O'Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Internal and external alterations to part of the existing Coco Republic showroom for a licenced cafe and signage. Proposed trading hours are 7.00am to 5.00pm (Monday to Friday) inclusive, 8.00am to 5.00pm (Saturday) and 9.00am to 5.00pm (Sunday). |
10th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
123 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to residential dwelling including rear ground-floor extension and additions to rear garage and courtyard. |
4th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
103 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling house, construction of a new 3-bedroom, 2 storey dwelling house, new carport and associated landscaping (secondary frontage to Beaconsfield Lane). |
28th January 2014 | City of Sydney |
1-9 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Demolition of existing buildings, removal of one tree and construction of a 4 storey mixed use building consisting of 42 residential apartments, 2 commercial tenancies, basement parking and landscaping. |
7th January 2014 | City of Sydney |
177 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and first floor roof extension to an existing single storey semi-detached house. |
20th December 2013 | City of Sydney |
476 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to an existing single storey terrace including a first floor rear addition and front dormer. |
29th November 2013 | City of Sydney |
99 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Minor alterations and additions to an existing two storey terrace, including extension of the ground floor laundry, addition of a pergola to the rear facade and a new carport and roller shutter to Beaconsfield Lane. |
21st October 2013 | City of Sydney |
2 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use and fit-out of the ground floor retail unit for an unlicensed restaurant 'Fusion Recipe' with trading hours between 10.00am and 10.00pm every day. The restaurant will have internal seating capacity for 16 patrons and capacity within the recessed courtyard for six patrons. A hamper sign 2100mm x 200mm will be located above the entrance. |
9th August 2013 | City of Sydney |
591 Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
Use of premises as retail showroom for carpet/flooring sales, associated storage and 3 building identification signs with trading hours of 9am-5pm Mondays-Saturdays and 10am-4pm Sundays. |
5th August 2013 | City of Sydney |
430 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) application to modify the existing development consent to provide an external stair and entrance to the garage-top studio and to amend the design of its eastern elevation. |
11th July 2013 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) application for the continuation of 24 hour operating hours of the approved 'Bodyzone' fitness centre. |
29th April 2013 | City of Sydney |
63-85 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Integrated Development Application for the demolition of existing structures and construction of a new 4-storey mixed-use development, accommodating basement car parking for 37 vehicles, 14.4sqm ground floor retail tenancy, 46 residential apartments and associated landscaping and public domain works. |
22nd March 2013 | City of Sydney |
141 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 82A application for a review of the decision to refuse the previous development application for construction of a two storey garage and studio. Design modifications include a pitched roof and dormer to the lane, and new privacy screens to west facing first floor windows. |
11th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
404 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Fit out and use of an existing single storey commercial building as a sex service premises (brothel) to operate 24 hours Monday to Sunday, and associated shop front signage. |
11th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Footway Application for 4 chairs to be placed on right of way located adjacent to 'The Purple Moose Cafe'. Operating hours are from Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturday to Sunday 7am to 4pm. |
25th February 2013 | City of Sydney |
19 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Demolition of existing warehouse building, excavation and construction of 6 x three storey town houses facing William Street and 2 residential units above rear garage which accommodates 8 car parking spaces. Vehicle access is from William Lane. |
5th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
422 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Change of use and fit out as a private tattoo studio with ancillary office and storage areas, for 5 staff and with operating hours 11.00am to 7.00pm, Tuesday to Saturday. |
19th December 2012 | City of Sydney |
141 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Construction of a new two storey studio to Beaconsfield Lane. |
18th December 2012 | City of Sydney |
11-13 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to an existing industrial warehouse building to create six, two storey townhouses, with three bedrooms each, a total of 7 car parking spaces, and landscaping. Works include removal of the existing rooftop parking area, and internal reconfigurations to incorporate the new residential layout. Parking is proposed to be provided on the lower ground floor accessed from William Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
472 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
S82A application for review of delegated refusal. Proposed first floor rear addition to existing single storey dwelling including front dormer window and internal alterations, plus gabled roof alteration to existing single storey rear garage for storage. |
City of Sydney | |
17-19 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) application to modify and delete conditions relating to landscaping, restrictions on title and the provision of insurance policies and bank guarantees during the construction period. |
City of Sydney | |
91 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification to approved development including deletion of eaves and modification of windows on the northern elevation, changes to approved window details to the studios and administrative changes. |
City of Sydney | |
430 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to an existing single storey dwelling, including: reconfiguration of the internal ground floor layout, first floor extension to the rear and garage-top studio addition. |
City of Sydney | |
166 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of the existing single storey terraced house and construction of a replacement three storey dwelling plus a two storey detached garage/studio building with basement to the rear of the site, adjacent to Victoria Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use and fit out of part of the ground level of the existing fitness centre as an unlicensed cafe for up to 7 patrons and operating between 8.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday and between 7.00am and 4.00pm on Saturday and Sunday plus associated signage. |
City of Sydney | |
472 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
First floor addition to existing single storey dwelling including front dormer window and rear balcony, plus first floor addition to existing single storey rear garage. |
City of Sydney | |
2 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification to a previous approval for a mixed use development comprised of three residential and one retail unit, to provide a study in the attic, change the eastern and western boundary walls to face brick, for internal adjustments to the storage, garbage areas and WC within the retail unit at ground level, to retain two (2) double roller garage doors rather than change to four (4) single roller garage doors, and for provision of a mechanical ventilation riser at the southern side of the building. |
City of Sydney | |
208 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing rear outbuildings and construction of a two storey detached building comprising car space, laundry, studio and washroom. |
City of Sydney | |
17-19 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of the existing warehouse and construction of nine 3 storey townhouses with basement car parking. |
City of Sydney | |
17-19 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 82A review of the refusal of D/2011/775 relating to the demolition of existing buildings and construction of 9 x 3 storey townhouses plus basement parking for 9 vehicles. The application includes amended application drawings and supplementary documentation relating to built form and land contamination. |
City of Sydney | |
472 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Construction of a new part masonry/part timber slat front fence to a maximum height of 1.6 metres. |
City of Sydney | |
446 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use and fit out as a fitness centre for up to 20 patrons operating 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. |
City of Sydney | |
416 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) application to modify the height, design and materials of the front fence to Botany Road and the side boundary walls to the front courtyard. |
City of Sydney | |
91 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Subdivision of land into three lots and construction of three x two storey townhouses. Vehicle access to two of the townhouses will be provided from either Victoria Street or Beaconsfield Lane. This property also has a frontage to Reserve Street. |
City of Sydney | |
21 Collins Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Use and fitout of of tenancies 3 and 4 as an office and display room for a fire place company. Proposed hours of operation are 9am to 6pm, seven days. The tenancies are accessed from O'Riordan Street. |
City of Sydney | |
21 Collins Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Alterations to existing warehouse including addition of new windows on south west facade and extension of windows facing O'Riordan Street to 300mm above floor level. |
City of Sydney | |
416 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Construction of a first floor rear addition to accommodate an en-suite bathroom. |
City of Sydney | |
155 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Consruct a new two storey extension to the southern side of the existing single storey cottage and demolish existing garage. |
City of Sydney | |
17-19 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolition of existing building and construction of basement carparking for 9 cars with 9 self contained row houses above |
City of Sydney | |
139-145 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
S96(2) application seeking to make miscellaneous modifications to the approved development design including: construction of a new floor to provide an additional bedroom and terrace; change the colour of the façade; modify the sizes of balconies on level 1; relocate the approved rainwater tanks to the garage; and, internal reconfiguration. |
City of Sydney | |
9 Collins Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Section 96(2) modification - Amend roof pitch to allow for attic storage, add ventilation louvres to west elevation, minor modification to basement and minor modifications to finished floor levels. |
City of Sydney | |
109 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling. Works to ground floor include: new bedroom, bathroom, living and dining area and new outdoor deck. |
City of Sydney | |
416 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
New paved courtyard within front yard, new front fence and gate facing Botany Road with sandstone blocks and metal fencing |
City of Sydney | |
65-73 Queen Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Use and fitout of premises as an auction house including an auction room, display and storage of auction goods, offices, and ancillary signage. Proposed hours of operation: 9am-6pm Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri, 9am-9.30pm Wednesdays, 10am-4pm Saturdays and 10am-5pm Sundays. |
City of Sydney | |
11-13 William Street Alexandria NSW 2015
Alterations and additions to an existing light industrial building to create a residential flat building providing 5 x 1 bedroom and 10 x 2 bedroom apartments with associated parking (14 spaces) and landscaping. Works include removal of the existing top floor, construction of two additional levels and internal reconfiguration of the William Street ground floor level to accommodate new residential layout. Parking is proposed to be provided on the lower ground floor accessed from William Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
25 Reserve Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
New lay-back to connect existing driveway to gutter in Reserve Street. |
City of Sydney | |
154 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Demolish existing lean-to addition and construction of a new rear addition containing new bathroom, kitchen and living space. Convert existing roof space in to an attic with new dormer window, new doors to exsiting studio at the rear and landscaping works. |
City of Sydney | |
144 Victoria Street Beaconsfield NSW 2015
S96 Application for alterations and additions to existing residential terrace. Works include raising the internal floor levels, new floor garage door, rear fence and access gate to rear laneway, and an air conditioning unit on the roof of the building. |
City of Sydney | |
657-657A Botany Road Rosebery NSW 2018
Change of use of the first floor tenancy as a Oriental Healing Centre remedial therapy for head, neck, shoulder, back and leg, reflexololgy and cupping. Proposed operating hours are from 9.30am to 7.30pm Mondays to Fridays and 9.30am to 7.00pm Saturdays and Sundays. |
City of Sydney | |
456 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Proposal to remove and regrade roof stucture, roof decking and guttering of existing residential dwelling. |
City of Sydney | |
486 Botany Road Beaconsfield NSW 2015
Fit out and use as a Crust Pizza store with takeaway and delivery facilities. The proposed hours of operation are 7.00am to 10.30pm seven days a week. Two awnings and two new signs are proposed. |
City of Sydney |
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Languages spoken |
Indonesian 4% 18 more |
Arabic 5% 18 more |
Ancestry |
Australian 22% 18 more |
Australian 24% 18 more |
Hip Score: 8 / 10
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Bicycle Commuters | 5% of workers | 1% of workers |
Uni Students | 7% | 5% |
Creative Degrees | 10% | 7% |
Single Men | 18% | 17% |
Single Women | 13% | 13% |
Diversity | 59% | 61% |
Body & Ear Piercing |
IB Piercing Supply
(814m away)
Sydney Medical Body-Piercing Clinic The (2km away) 18 more within 7km
International Connection
(2km away)
Polymorph Body Piercing Studio (2km away) Urban Steel (3km away) Pierce Xpress (3km away) Punkture-N-Pain (3km away) Cohen Tony (3km away) Bill's Custom Tattoo and Body Piercing (3km away) The Piercing Urge (3km away) The Piercing Urge. (3km away) Mazal Boutique (4km away) La Beautique - Ear Piercing (4km away) Studex Australia (5km away) Star Jewels (5km away) Pierce & Price Pty Ltd (5km away) Psycho Body Jewellery (6km away) The Backpacker Doctor (6km away) Kaleidoscope Tattoo & Body Piercing (6km away) Nikki's Body Piercing (6km away) |
Art |
iArt Direct
(167m away)
John Williams Auctions (424m away) 18 more within 2km
I Need Nice Things
(613m away)
Art Stretchers Co Pty Ltd (769m away) Sullivan Strumpf Fine Art (803m away) Sydney Art Store The (872m away) The Sydney Art Store (872m away) Grunseit Marc (923m away) Darren Knight Gallery (1km away) Creative Frames (1km away) Smart Art Direct Alexandria (1km away) Oils On Canvas Gallery (1km away) Artbank Sydney (1km away) CWM Galleries (1km away) Agathon Galleries (1km away) Gallery Loiuse (1km away) Kaleidoscope Gallery (1km away) Bass Tom Sculpture Studio School (1km away) Aboriginal & Pacific Art (1km away) Annette Larkin Fine Art (1km away) |
Alternative therapies |
Bad Backs
(164m away)
Tong Yin Rong (367m away) 18 more within 2km
FIT-BioCeuticals Pty Ltd
(400m away)
The Pilates Lounge (484m away) Pelion Institute (1km away) Ultimate Pilates (1km away) The Yoga Well (1km away) Alexandria Physio Pilates (1km away) Alexandria 382 Asian Massage (1km away) Hearts & Hands Centre (1km away) Antara Hatha Yoga & Meditation Teachers School (1km away) Antara Institute & Stephanie Hurst, Courses & Sessions (1km away) Crystals Of The World (1km away) Paul Stevens (1km away) Hypnosis4health (1km away) Clinical Hypnotherapy-Vanessa Benson (1km away) Rosalie (1km away) Ge Rong An (Gavin) (1km away) Tri Serenity mobile massage and Pilates (1km away) Conscious Healing Naturopathic Medicine (1km away) |
Tattoo parlours |
Hunter and Fox Tattoo
(134m away)
VENOMOUS INK PTY LTD (1km away) 18 more within 5km
LDF Tattoo
(2km away)
Melanie Milne Tattoos (2km away) Inner Vision Tattoo & Piercing (2km away) King Street Tattoo (2km away) Skin Deep Tattoo (2km away) Authent/Ink Studio (2km away) Tattoo World (3km away) Tattoos R Us Pty Ltd (3km away) Punkture-N-Pain (3km away) Rubix Cube (3km away) Tony Cohen's (3km away) Illustrated Man Studio (3km away) Mischief Moon Tattoo Studio (3km away) A. Clayton Inner Vision Tattoo (3km away) Bill's Custom Tattooing & Bodypiercing (3km away) House Of Pain Tattoo Studio (4km away) First Blood (4km away) All About Faces Cosmetic Tattooing (4km away) |
Health foods |
As Eat Fit Food
(433m away)
Honest To Goodness (547m away) 18 more within 4km
(607m away)
Blooms Health Products (681m away) Phytocare Pty Ltd (1km away) Optimal Rx Pty Ltd (1km away) Real Foods Pty Ltd (1km away) Australia On A Plate Pty Ltd (2km away) Amaro Enterprises (2km away) Sydney University Sports & Aquatic Centre (2km away) Body Beyond Belief Newtown (2km away) Go Vita Your Health Store (2km away) Aust & NSW Body Building Supplies (2km away) Go Vita Newtown (2km away) Dr Earth Health Foods (2km away) Life Organic (2km away) GNC Live Well (2km away) Alfalfa (2km away) Herbalife Newtown (2km away) Shining Health - Natural Health Products (3km away) |
Pubs |
Rosebery Hotel
(235m away)
Alexandria Hotel (1km away) 18 more within 3km
Iron Duke Hotel
(1km away)
Buckland Hotel (1km away) Cauliflower Hotel (1km away) The Buckland Hotel (1km away) Duke of Wellington Hotel (1km away) Lord Raglan (1km away) Camelia Grove Hotel (1km away) Moore Park View Hotel (1km away) Grosvenor Hotel (1km away) Technology Park Hotel (1km away) The Hive Bar (1km away) Union Hotel (2km away) Erskineville Hotel (2km away) Arcadia Liquors (2km away) Mr Mary's Hotel (2km away) Dry Land Bar & Diner (2km away) Railz on regent (2km away) Hustle & Flow Bar (2km away) |
Coffee shops |
The Coffee Roaster Pty Ltd
(264m away)
Coffee Roaster The Pty Ltd (380m away) 18 more within 4km
Crave Coffee
(589m away)
Crave Coffee Roastery & Espresso Bar (930m away) Naked Tree Cafe (983m away) Kettle Town (1km away) Coffex Coffee (1km away) Starbucks Coffee Company (Australia) Pty Ltd (2km away) Grinders Coffeehouse Sydney (2km away) Santos At ATP (2km away) The Voodoo Coffee Company (2km away) Campos Coffee (2km away) Illycaffe Espresso (2km away) Toby's Estate Coffee & Tea (2km away) Bravo Coffee (2km away) Gloria Jean's Coffees (3km away) Coffee Alchemy (3km away) Hudsons Coffee (3km away) Voodoo Coffee Company Pty Ltd (3km away) Santos On Albion (3km away) |
Restaurants |
Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar
(141m away)
Seasoning Thai (185m away) 18 more within 2km
Coldhorse Kitchen
(229m away)
Popeye Bar (229m away) Allpress Espresso Roastery Cafe (429m away) Joes Italian Restaurant (436m away) Twin Restaurant (445m away) Kogi BBQ Restaurant (636m away) Al Bairak (649m away) Australian and British Soccer Weekly (649m away) Little Piazza Bar & Grill (867m away) Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar Annandale (896m away) Vicinity Dining (971m away) Best Bars in Sydney (987m away) Glenroy Hotel (1km away) Hometown Chinese Food (1km away) Gourmet Pizza Chefs (1km away) The Cabin Cafe (1km away) Pade Pty Ltd (1km away) Pizzalicious (1km away) |
Family Score: 8 / 10
Affluence Score: 10 / 10
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Public Housing | 1% | 5% |
Renters | 39% | 33% |
High School Graduates | 66% | 57% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 30% | 46% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 18% | 12% |
Average Income | $1199 per week | $973 per week |
Cars | 1.3 per household | 1.5 per household |
Tenant Rate | 39% | 32% |
Owned Outright | 15% | 30% |
Mortgage Repayments | $3000 per month | $2169 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 2.4 | 2.9 |
Managers | 18% | 13% |
Professionals | 33% | 26% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 10% | 12% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 9% | 9% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 14% | 16% |
Sales Workers | 8% | 9% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 4% | 6% |
Labourers | 3% | 7% |
Personal Income Per Year
Safety Score: 7 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 9 / 10
Convenience Score: 10 / 10
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Public Transport Commuters | 30% of workers | 23% of workers |
Walk Commuters | 6% of workers | 5% of workers |
Work centres (public transport) |
Sydney CBD
(4km away)
Alexandria (272m away) |
Work centres (walk/drive) |
Sydney CBD
(4km away)
Alexandria (272m away) |
Chemists |
Pharmacy Nutrition Warehouse
(317m away)
Pharmacy Online (Alexandria) (439m away) 18 more within 3km
Pharmacy Online Internet Administration
(439m away)
Compounded Pty Ltd (464m away) Rosebery Pharmacy (1km away) Traditional Medicine Supplies (1km away) Sterns Pharmacy (1km away) Airport Guardian Pharmacy (1km away) Kirby's Pharmacy (1km away) O'Mullane's Pharmacy (1km away) Eastlakes Pharmacy (1km away) Gardeners Road Day & Night Chemist (1km away) Club Pharmacy (1km away) In2life Pharmacy (1km away) Danks Street Pharmacy (1km away) Erskineville Village Pharmacy (1km away) Erskineville Chemist (1km away) Poets Corner Pharmacy (2km away) Blooms The Chemist (2km away) Davidson F M (2km away) |
Supermarkets |
IGA Alexandria
(1km away)
IGA Xpress (1km away) 18 more within 3km
Mfc Supermarket
(1km away)
Mu Sung B (1km away) All Hours Shop (1km away) Best Choice Supermarket (1km away) Coles Supermarket (1km away) Raleich Park Supermarket (1km away) Riley Park Supermarket (1km away) Waterloo Mixed Business (1km away) Elite Partners Pty Ltd (1km away) Ha Ho Grocery (1km away) Waterloo Convenience Store (1km away) BKK Eastlakes Supermarket (1km away) Bayswiss (1km away) Woolworths (1km away) Indian Groceries Spices & Sweets (1km away) Welcome Mart (1km away) Food Plus Ltd (1km away) M.F.C. Food Stores (2km away) |
Patisseries |
Cup Cakes On Pitt
(887m away)
Sweet Cake Decorations (948m away) 18 more within 3km
Artful Pastry
(983m away)
Cakes by Jacob's Mum (1km away) B.H. Bakers Oven (1km away) Candy Star Cakes (2km away) Christophers Cake Shop (2km away) Wilson's Pie & Cake Shop (2km away) DTN Hot Bread (2km away) Luke's Bakery (2km away) Michel's Patisserie (2km away) Pie Face (2km away) Black Star Pastry (2km away) Gourmet Cake Shop (2km away) Allan's Cake Shop (2km away) Donut King (2km away) Mud Cake Factory The (2km away) Crumbs Cake Shop (2km away) Victor's Cake Shop (2km away) Enmore Cakes (2km away) |
Food / general stores |
Hafna Convenience Store
(499m away)
Hudson Convenience Store (893m away) 18 more within 3km
Wone Design
(971m away)
Green Square Convenience Store (1km away) La Bastide de France Pty Ltd (1km away) Green Square Supermarket (1km away) Friendly Convenience Store (1km away) Nicta Convenience Store (1km away) Q & T Minimart (1km away) Patience Food Store (1km away) Luxury Marine Charters Pty Ltd (1km away) Justan Food Store (1km away) Nicolas Sleiman Mixed Business (2km away) Redfern Convenience Store (2km away) Global Link NSW Pty Ltd (2km away) Clancy's Food Stores Pty Ltd (2km away) Tadeusz Uhler (2km away) KK Supermarket (2km away) Bourke Mixed Business (2km away) Newtown Convenience Store (2km away) |
Tranquillity Score: 7 / 10
Beaconsfield (NSW) | Sydney | |
Aged 15 - 24 | 9% | 13% |
Population Density | 5147 residents per km2 | 991 residents per km2 |
Tenant Rate | 39% | 32% |
Leafiness |
Very leafy area: 0% Moderately leafy area: 0% Non leafy area: 100% |
Very leafy area: 80% Moderately leafy area: 1% Non leafy area: 18% |
Max height of buildings | 9m |
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
City of Sydney Council
Yearly growth
![Population increase](
![Household increase](
Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type
![Black house](
Commercial | Alterations | Other |
Houses | New multi-unit |
Applications by price bracket
$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
Neighbourhood Photos
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