Report for Forest Lodge
Population stats for Forest Lodge, New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (100)
Application | Date received | Authority |
6 Albert Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including a two storey rear wing addition with a rear balcony and the removal of a tree. |
12th July 2017 | City of Sydney |
149 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification application including new rear roof extension, changes to approved ground floor layout and ground floor roof |
5th July 2017 | City of Sydney |
2 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Demolition of existing shed and the construction of a new 2 storey secondary dwelling fronting Bridge Road, including a central elevated deck between the principal and secondary dwellings and associated landscaping works. |
25th May 2017 | City of Sydney |
28 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 82A Review Application of Council’s approval of D/2016/1704 for Alterations and additions to dwelling including rear ground and first floor additions. |
1st May 2017 | City of Sydney |
182 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification of consent for Internal and external alterations & additions to dwelling, including rear garage with first floor studio. Proposed changes are the deletion of Condition 2(a) to permit a rear garage with studio and to modify Condition 6(a)(i) to change the form of the approved rear roof extension. |
22nd March 2017 |
City of Sydney
255 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including a new bedroom in the attic space and a rear roof extension with a Juliet balcony. |
8th March 2017 | City of Sydney |
243 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to an attached dwelling, involving internal ground floor alterations and a rear first floor extension and the construction of a 2 storey building adjacent to Foss Lane, consisting of a garage and studio above. |
13th February 2017 | City of Sydney |
28 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling including rear ground and first floor additions. |
13th December 2016 | City of Sydney |
70A Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) Modification to modify Condition No. 1 to permit ongoing pub trading hours between 11.00am to 12.00am (midnight) 7 days per week and delete reference to a trial period. |
21st November 2016 | City of Sydney |
176 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96 (2) modification of consent for alterations to a dwelling house. Proposed changes include the configuration of the roof and roof dormers; a new rear first floor addition; and internal changes. Deletion of conditions 2-9 and 11-13 relating to roof design and heritage matters is also proposed. |
4th November 2016 | City of Sydney |
11 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Installation of nine solar panels on the rear roof plane. |
19th October 2016 | City of Sydney |
182 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Internal and external alterations and additions to dwelling, including rear garage with first floor studio. |
9th September 2016 | City of Sydney |
89 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to an attached dwelling, involving an attic addition with a dormer window to Hereford Street and a rear roof addition, construction of a new bike storage shed, additional skylights in the approved rear addition and new windows on the northeast (side) elevation. |
11th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
3 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations to the top floor of the existing dwelling including construction of new front dormer and replace the existing rear horizontal window with a timber framed double hung window. |
18th July 2016 | City of Sydney |
17 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including two storey addition at the rear |
18th July 2016 | City of Sydney |
29 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96 (2) modification of consent for alteration and additions to a dwelling house. Proposed changes to the roof of the approved carport at the rear of the site fronting Charles Lane. |
4th July 2016 | City of Sydney |
26 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling including rear first floor extension, rear roof extension and new skylight to the first floor roof. Also included are internal alterations and additions to the dwelling. |
20th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
26 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
<strong>DA Number: strong>D/2016/591 |
20th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
202 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
<strong>DA Number: strong>D/2016/667 |
10th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
202 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions including the construction of a single storey garage with a studio above, new privacy screen to eastern boundary, landscape works to the rear and a new fence to western boundary. |
10th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
Can Ross Street and Forest Lodge Public School 231-233 Bridge Rd, Forest Lodge, NSW
Limited licence - single function by Forest Lodge Pubic School Fair |
23rd April 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
25 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Erection of a metal frame carport over existing car space accessed from Charles Lane. |
21st March 2016 | City of Sydney |
19 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Demolition of the existing rear wing and laundry, construction of a part single, part two storey rear addition and internal alterations. |
15th February 2016 | City of Sydney |
149 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Modifications to the approved development. The proposed modifications include the deletion of condition (2) (a) which requires the sill height of the windows at attic level dormer facing the rear yard to be raised from 900mm to 1400mm above finished floor level of the attic room. Other changes include deletion of condition (2) (b) to allow aluminium window frames instead of the recommended timber window frames on the front and rear dormers, and deletion of condition (2) (c) to allow pre-finished steel sheeting instead of the recommended timber weatherboard cladding on the front dormer. |
10th December 2015 | City of Sydney |
77 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including partial rear demolition and construction of a ground floor rear pavilion addition with attic. |
10th December 2015 | City of Sydney |
118 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Internal and external alterations and additions to dwelling house including new grading to rear courtyard with timber deck, replacement of windows, new rear doors, new kitchen and removal of one tree to facilitate one off-street parking space accessed from Albert Lane with new roller door. |
28th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
11 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96 (2). Amendments to approved alterations and additions to a two storey terrace. Works include a minor extension of the north western corner of approved ground floor to extend boundary-to-boundary, and extension of the metal deck and roof above the ground floor addition. Also proposed is the deletion of a south west facing window at ground floor, resizing of the approved north west facing window, realignment of the 1st floor rear balcony and modification to the bi-fold doors between the study and balcony and material finishes to north western roof corner. |
15th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
149 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing attached dwelling, including rear ground floor extension, attic addition, front dormer and rear roof extension. |
8th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
89 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Development application for partial demolition, alterations and additions to existing terrace house. Additions include a two storey rear addition with associated landscaping, boundary retaining walls and fencing. |
8th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
91 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Development application for partial demolition, alterations and additions to existing terrace house. Additions include a two storey rear addition with associated landscaping, boundary retaining walls and fencing. |
8th September 2015 | City of Sydney |
176 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling house including internal work; rear roof extension including increase in roof height; front dormer window; work to existing front first floor balcony. |
14th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
2 Wood Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to the existing cottage including partial demolition, rear extension and internal changes; partial demolition of the existing stables and construction of a new dwelling house at the rear of the site; Torrens title subdivision into two new allotments. |
14th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
134 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing 2 storey terrace. Works include front dormer roof addition to Hereford Street and rear dormer roof addition to accommodate a study and bathroom at attic level. Other works include demolition of existing lean-to structure at the rear ground floor and construction of a new ground floor rear extension, internal reconfigurations, and new skylights over ground floor kitchen. |
8th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
202 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Development application for alterations and additions to terrace house for ground and first floor extension, rear garage with studio above, and associated landscaping. |
10th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
1 Upper Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Replace failing sandstone wall with a new sandstone clad wall which includes excavation and new footings. |
10th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
53 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including rear ground floor extension. |
1st May 2015 | City of Sydney |
26 Cross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Internal alterations to dwelling house. |
22nd April 2015 | City of Sydney |
172 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification of consent for construction of new carport/garage to the rear of the site accessed via Charles Lane, new deck, privacy screens and landscaping to rear yard. Carport comprises masonry side walls, roller door to laneway and storage within roof space. Proposed changes are to delete tree from rear yard and related conditions, increase the area and height of the garage and storage space above. |
13th April 2015 | City of Sydney |
77 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to swelling house including partial rear demolition and construction of a ground and first floor rear pavilion addition. |
31st March 2015 | City of Sydney |
128-150 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Stage 2 DA for Precinct 5 at Harold Park for construction of 2 residential flat buildings (2-8 storeys) containing a total of 232 apartments, basement parking for 202 cars and associated landscaping. |
17th March 2015 | City of Sydney |
59 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to an existing 2 storey dwelling house including construction of a ground floor extension to the rear, new ground floor deck and spa pool. |
17th March 2015 | City of Sydney |
11 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to an existing detached two storey terrace house. Works include demolition of an existing rear wing, internal stairway, courtyard and garage to accomodate a new rear addition to include an open plan kitchen and living area. A new single car garage will be constructed to the rear. A new studio with a bathroom and kitchenette is proposed above the garage. |
5th March 2015 | City of Sydney |
115-121 Wigram Rd, Forest Lodge 2037
Harold Park Hotel - Surrender extended trading authorisation |
20th February 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
115-121 Wigram Rd, Forest Lodge 2037
Harold Park Hotel - Exception from requirement re: sales/supply/serve liquor |
20th February 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
12 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to semi-detached dwelling including new secondary dwelling over double garage fronting Foss Street. |
18th February 2015 | City of Sydney |
43 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including internal alterations, ground floor extension to south-eastern boundary, first floor rear addition and new rear boundary roller door. |
5th January 2015 | City of Sydney |
210 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to rear garage studio building to include a study, bathroom and kitchenette. The proposal also involves the demolition of the side paling fence that adjoins the neighbour at 1 Wood Street and 212 Hereford Street and is to be replaced with a variable high screening fence. |
12th December 2014 | City of Sydney |
179 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling house including demolition of the existing two storey rear section of the house and car port at the rear, construction of a new one and two storey rear addition to house, and construction of a new garage and first floor studio at the rear. |
10th December 2014 | City of Sydney |
1 Wood Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing 2 storey dwelling. Works include first floor rear addition, ground floor extension to rear wing, internal alterations, new window and door to front elevation, landscaping and new front fence and retaining wall. |
22nd October 2014 | City of Sydney |
69 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Installation of 43 Solar Electricity Panels on strata roof. |
30th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
185 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
S96 modification and proposal to delete condition (2) and allow use of the first floor above the garage as a residential boarding room. Previously the first floor was only permitted for use as a storage area |
20th August 2014 | City of Sydney |
10 Upper Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including demolition of garage and shed, new carport, deck and landscaping works. |
30th July 2014 | City of Sydney |
237 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including the repair/replacement of front fence. |
3rd July 2014 | City of Sydney |
156 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including a first floor addition, internal changes and a carport to the rear of the site. |
19th June 2014 | City of Sydney |
29 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and Additions including demolition to rear of property, new ground floor kitchen plus new first floor extension to rear. New bedroom to be created in existing attic space with rear of the roof to be raised to allow for new rear facing windows. No Changes to front facade proposed. |
13th June 2014 | City of Sydney |
70A Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Continuation of extended trading hours for the Harold Park Hotel. Base trading hours are between 11.00am and 11.00pm 7 days a week. Extended trading hours are between 11.00pm and 12.00 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. |
4th June 2014 | City of Sydney |
100-126 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Stage 2 DA for Precinct 4 at Harold Park for construction of 2 residential flat buildings (4 and 8 storeys) containing a total of 164 apartments, basement parking for 148 cars and associated landscaping. |
2nd June 2014 | City of Sydney |
1 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing terrace including rear ground floor modifications and a rear first floor extension. |
9th May 2014 | City of Sydney |
100-124 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Stage 2 application for Precinct 6B at Harold Park, comprising construction of a residential flat building (5 storeys) containing 85 residential apartments, basement parking for 77 cars, a green roof and associated landscaping (frontages to Wigram Road and Minogue Crescent). |
27th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
247 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including demolition of existing rear bathroom, kitchen and study for new ground floor rear extension to the boundary to accomodate new kitchen, living and laundry areas, and first floor extension including two new bedrooms, conversion of an existing bedroom to bathroom and two new skylights. |
21st March 2014 | City of Sydney |
63 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification of consent for the construction of 3 new terraces and alterations to 2 existing terraces. The proposed changes include the widening of the Alfred Street driveway from 3.2 metres to 4 metres and the construction of a retaining wall and metal railing to the Alfred Street/Minogue Crescent frontage. |
17th February 2014 | City of Sydney |
178 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to an existing two storey terrace. Works include rear ground floor extension to accommodate new dining room, bathroom and laundry. Also proposed is a pop out extension to rear bedroom at first floor into lightwell and new bay window. |
9th December 2013 | City of Sydney |
45 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing terrace house, including two storey rear addition. |
19th November 2013 | City of Sydney |
116 Hereford Street Glebe NSW 2037
Remove internal wall, install doors at rear, heighten existing door & window to existing terrace. |
16th July 2013 | City of Sydney |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Stage 2 DA for Precinct 3 at Harold Park for 4 residential buildings between 6 and 8 storeys, 347 apartments, basement parking for 297 cars and associated landscaping. Precinct 3 has frontage to The Crescent. |
16th May 2013 | City of Sydney |
8 Creek Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to 2 storey terrace dwelling including internal reconfiguration, new ground level deck, new door and window openings at ground and first floor level and construction of new garage structure with upper level studio loft with dormer windows at the Hereford Street frontage. |
29th April 2013 | City of Sydney |
U 48 75a Ross St, Glebe 2037
The Grape Brokers - Producer/wholesaler licence |
22nd April 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
8 Cliff Terrace Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing heritage dwelling including attic conversion, rear dormer window, single storey rear addition, and internal alterations. |
18th April 2013 | City of Sydney |
47 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification to extend ground floor to southern side boundary, increase privacy screens to upper level deck area from 1.6m to 2.1m and increase awning overhang to deck area by an additional 500mm. |
3rd April 2013 | City of Sydney |
103 Wigram Road Glebe NSW 2037
Section 82A review of proposal for alterations and addtions to existing dwelling including rear ground floor extension and first floor addition. The works include the demolition of an existing car port and a new rear roller door. The site has a rear frontage to Wigram Lane. |
18th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
208 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposed construction of a two (2) storey residential dwelling to rear of site (known as Lot 12). Dwelling to have a street frontage and vehicular access to Wood Street. |
23rd January 2013 | City of Sydney |
70A Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) application to modify condition 12 to permit existing speakers to remain in the courtyard of the Harold Park Hotel. The hotel is located on the corner of Wigram Rd and Ross St. |
21st January 2013 | City of Sydney |
191 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to single storey terrace house comprising internal reconfiguration and single and upper level rear addition (secondary frontage to Wigram Lane). |
4th January 2013 | City of Sydney |
115-121 Wigram Rd, Forest Lodge 2037
Harold Park Hotel - Exception from requirement re sales/supply/serve liquor |
5th December 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
57 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Reinstatement of collapsed parapet and damaged roof, and repair of damaged internal features. |
City of Sydney | |
103 Wigram Road Glebe NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including rear ground floor extension and first floor addition. Includes demolition of car port and new rear roller door. The site has a rear frontage to Wigram Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
172 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposed construction of new carport to the rear of the site accessed via Charles Lane, new deck, privacy screens and landscaping to rear yard. Carport comprises masonry side walls, roller door to laneway and storage within roof space. |
City of Sydney | |
47 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
First floor addition with rear deck. |
City of Sydney | |
241 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations to terrace house, including alterations to ground floor rear wing, new rear boundary wall to Foss Street with roller door, new eastern boundary wall, new retaining walls to front yard to accommodate raised garden, and new entry porch and stairs. |
City of Sydney | |
168 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to terrace house, including new second floor rear wing to create new bedroom, new attic conversion with front and rear dormer windows to create new bedroom, and internal alterations to combine two bedrooms into a bedroom and bathroom. |
City of Sydney | |
237 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification to approved alterations & additions including extension at the first floor, roof alterations and reconfigured openings (secondary frontage to Foss Street). |
City of Sydney | |
189 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to a terrace house including a ground floor extension, rear first floor addition, internal alterations, tree removal and a new rear boundary wall and roller door. |
City of Sydney | |
63 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) modification to three new dwellings now known as 27 Alfred Street. The proposal is to insert new stairs from carpark to ground floor level, relocate a planter bed and lower basement level by 400mm. |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Internal modifications to Harold Park marketing suite to provide a display unit and external change to glass facade on northern elevation to incorporate a balcony with landscaping. |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Relocation of three heritage-listed trams from the existing tramsheds at Harold Park. |
City of Sydney | |
7 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling comprising a two storey rear addition; linked pavilion addition at the rear providing a garage and living area on the ground floor and studio in the roof; alterations to the front facade including demolition of the ground floor front verandah enclosure, new glazing to the first floor, removal of first floor cladding and provision of weatherboard replacement; erection of a timber paling fence and gate at the front boundary line; repairs to the existing roof and tree removal to the rear of the site. |
City of Sydney | |
1C Cross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Addition of loft at roof level and external WC at ground floor comprising a SEPP 1 objection (secondary frontage to unnamed laneway) |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Perimeter fencing with associated business identification signage along part of Minogue Crescent and Wigram Road, plywood panels of 2.4m by 38m in length |
City of Sydney | |
7 Foss Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposal for alterations and additions to existing dwelling including ground floor extension at rear, demolition of existing garage, new garage with studio level above, new masonry side (south west) boundary wall and new landscaping, and water feature at rear. |
City of Sydney | |
21 Charles Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including internal re-configuration, ground and first floor rear extension, new skylight to rear of attic roof, tree removal, new roller door and vehicle access to rear lane. |
City of Sydney | |
59A Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposal for alterations and additions to existing dwelling including new rear first floor addition with deck and privacy screen. |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Modification to Harold Park demolition approval to reduce the number of follow-up dilapidation reports required and to postpone the preparation of those reports until remediation/earthworks are complete. |
City of Sydney | |
237 Bridge Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposal for alterations and additions to existing dwelling including ground floor rear extension, new pool, deck and garage at rear, removal of on-site trees and new boundary fencing. |
City of Sydney | |
162 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Proposal for alterations and additions to existing dwelling including ground and first floor extension to rear and removal of on-site trees. |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Continuation of use of marketing suite in association with the redevelopment of Harold Park. |
City of Sydney | |
190 Hereford Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Alterations and additions to existing 3 storey terrace. The works include internal reconfiguration, new rear roof extension, construction of new studio above existing rear garage new shed, window alterations and the extension of the lower ground floor to northern boundary. |
City of Sydney | |
7 Cliff Terrace Forest Lodge NSW 2037
New rear wall, roller door, driveway and creation of off street parking space. |
City of Sydney | |
74 Ross Street Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Signage associated with the redevelopment of Harold Park to be erected on existing and temporary construction fencing around the perimeter of the site. |
City of Sydney | |
118 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Replace rear colourbond fence with an automatic colourbond roller shutter to provide off-street parking. Removal of tree and excavate paving to provide a level area in rear yard. |
City of Sydney | |
115 Wigram Road Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Section 96(2) application to continue extended hours of operation of the "Harold Park Hotel" to between 11:00pm and 12:00 midnight Tuesday to Saturday inclusive (street frontage to Wigram Road, Ross Street, Alfred Road and Minogue Crescent). |
City of Sydney |
Hip Score: 9 / 10
Family Score: 9 / 10
Affluence Score: 10 / 10
Safety Score: 3 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 9 / 10
Convenience Score: 9 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 7 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
City of Sydney Council
Yearly growth
![Population increase](
![Household increase](
Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type
![Black house](
Commercial | Alterations | Other |
Houses | New multi-unit |
Applications by price bracket
$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
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