Report for Woolloomooloo
Population stats for Woolloomooloo, New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Woolloomooloo | Sydney | |
Median land value (excluding building) | $680,000 | $590,000 |
Local Prices
Planning Applications (71)
Application | Date received | Authority |
172-174 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Three air conditioning units to existing community facility |
10th May 2017 | City of Sydney |
159 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to dwelling including construction of a pergola at the rear |
1st March 2017 | City of Sydney |
27-51 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Internal alterations to Unit 57 including the conversion of dining room to bedroom and addition of shower to bathroom |
19th December 2016 | City of Sydney |
95-97 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96 (2) application to modify consent for demolition of existing buildings and construction of a four storey mixed use development including 1 x commercial unit and 11 x residential units, rooftop terraces and associated landscaping. Proposed changes are to remove louvres from balconies on western elevation, reinstate northern balconies to units 202 and 203, remove front awning to commercial unit, relocate air-condensing units, new fire hydrant pump and rooftop changes. |
18th October 2016 | City of Sydney |
27-51 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of new pergola at Unit 21, 22 and 23 over an existing terrace comprising of support beams and steel horizontal barriers. |
28th September 2016 |
City of Sydney
27-51 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of a retractable pergola structure at Unit 59 over an existing outdoor patio area. |
19th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
27-51 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of new pergola at Unit 24 over an existing terrace comprising of support beams and steel horizontal wires. |
26th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
144-146 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use of footway on Cathedral Street for outdoor seating in association with John Montague cafe comprising 3 tables and 8 chairs. Proposed hours of trading 7.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, 3.30am to 3.30pm Saturday and 9.00am to 2.00pm Sundays. |
24th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
134 Forbes Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend the approved trading hours of the licensed 'Twin Peaks Theatre Restaurant' to include Saturday trading between 12.30pm to 6.30pm. |
24th May 2016 | City of Sydney |
99-133 Forbes Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations to ground floor foyer of Ozanam Learning Centre building including new access ramp |
23rd February 2016 | City of Sydney |
129-129A Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use part of the Cathedral Street public footway for outdoor dining in association with the 'Smoking Gun Bagels' food premises (3 tables & 12 seats). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 4.00pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive and 8.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. |
27th January 2016 | City of Sydney |
32 Crown Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations to existing dwelling house including construction of a rear carport. |
12th January 2016 | City of Sydney |
95-97 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(2) modification of consent for demolition of existing buildings and construction of a four storey mixed use development including 1 x commercial unit and 12 x residential units, rooftop terraces and associated landscaping. Proposed changes are to amend conditions 16 and 17 to allow removal of two street trees to Bourke Street frontage for workzone and replacement upon completion of the development. |
15th December 2015 | City of Sydney |
83A Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including demolition of rear part of existing terrace and construction of a 3 storey addition, internal alterations to retained part of terrace and landscaping to rear courtyard. |
3rd December 2015 | City of Sydney |
129-129A Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Internal and external alterations and additions to an existing cafe 'Woolloomooloo Espresso Cafe' including a wood fired oven, refurbished opening, layout, signage and external colour scheme. The patron capacity and trading hours would remain unchanged. |
26th October 2015 | City of Sydney |
126 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
New three storey secondary dwelling at rear of site adjacent to the rear lane, Bossley Terrace. |
2nd October 2015 | City of Sydney |
116 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to existing terrace for office use. The proposed works include internal alterations, rear ground and first floor extension and construction of rear garage with upper level office space(Note: The application is being assessed in conjunction with adjoining proposal at 114 Cathedral Street - D/2015/950). |
14th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
114 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to existing terrace for office and residential use. The proposed works include internal alterations, rear ground and first floor extension with new roof terrace, construction of rear garage with upper level living area and removal of trees to rear (Note: The application is being assessed in conjunction with adjoining proposal at 116 Cathedral Street - D/2015/951). |
14th July 2015 | City of Sydney |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(2) modification of consent for mixed use development. Proposed changes are to windows, to the cladding on the southern elevation and deletion of the approved awnings on the Bourke Street (east) elevation. |
1st July 2015 | City of Sydney |
103-107 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of a community shed and associated access path in Bourke Street Park, adjacent to the Eastern Suburbs railway viaduct, for the use of community groups based on the Men's Shed movement for activities including furniture restoration, woodworking, and activities associated with the community garden. Hours of operation are between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Saturday. The shed occupies approximately 96sqm. |
5th June 2015 | City of Sydney |
129-129A Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use public footway on Cathedral Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Toby's Estate Woolloomooloo' (2 x tables and 4 x chairs). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 4.00pm, Saturdays and Sundays (renewal of previously approved application). |
2nd June 2015 | City of Sydney |
95 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a four storey mixed use development including 1 x commercial unit and 12 x residential units, rooftop terraces and associated landscaping. |
5th May 2015 | City of Sydney |
8 Sir John Young Crescent Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to dwelling house including new roof, stairs, rear dormer, paint exterior and re-pave rear open space. |
17th March 2015 | City of Sydney |
103-107 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of a timber clad community shed and associated access path in Bourke Street Park, adjacent to the railway viaduct. |
2nd March 2015 | City of Sydney |
164 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96AA(1) Modification of Court approved development comprising reconfiguration of 4 ground floor retail units and converting 3 residential units above, accessed internally from retail units, to 5 residential units with separate access from Cathedral Street. Proposed dwelling mix is 1 x 2 bedroom unit, 2 x 1 bedroom units and 2 x studios. Changes to window arrangements and the addition of adjustable awnings are also proposed. |
3rd December 2014 | City of Sydney |
131 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Installation of photo-voltaic solar panel systems on the roof level of each of the mixed use buildings. |
17th November 2014 | City of Sydney |
3 Kidmans Terrace Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including a first floor terrace with pergola, rear roof extension, internal reconfiguration and changes to fenestration. |
9th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
144-146 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(1A) modification of consent to 'John Montagu' cafe. The proposal seeks consent to construct a new grease arrestor and range hood to allow cooking to occur on the premises and modify the approved trading hours to 6.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. The hours of 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 3.30pm Saturday and 9.00am to 2.00pm on Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis. |
29th August 2014 | City of Sydney |
134 Forbes St, Woolloomooloo 2011
Twin Peeks Theatre Restaurant - Liquor licence transfer |
8th August 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
144-146 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use of footway on Cathedral Street for outdoor seating in association with John Montague cafe comprising 3 tables and 8 chairs. Proposed hours of trading 7.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, 3.30am to 3.30pm Saturday and 9.00am to 2.00pm Sundays. |
10th June 2014 | City of Sydney |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
S96(2) modifications to an approved mixed use development. Modifications include changes to stair tower heights, external changes, internal reconfigurations, provision of footings/foundations greater than 2 metres in depth. |
1st November 2013 | City of Sydney |
168 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to existing terrace including internal reconfiguration to accommodate a mixed use development comprising an existing doctors surgey, with two betroom dwelling above and a ground floor studio/ study and roof terrace to the rear. The proposal also seeks to replace part of the existing roof over the rear wing and to remove part of the planter bed at the rear of the property and construct a new rear boundary fence and ground floor entrance from Junction Lane. |
16th October 2013 | City of Sydney |
82-88 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Change of use of Mary McDonald Activity Centre from activity centre to Community Multi-Fuction centre and Gymnasium including associated works and fitout. |
11th September 2013 | City of Sydney |
134 Forbes Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(2) modification to permit Saturday trading between 12.30pm to 12.00 Midnight, and Sunday trading between 12.30pm and 10.00pm at the Twin Peeks Restaurant (licensed). |
9th August 2013 | City of Sydney |
27-51 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Removal of existing pergola and addition of a covered pergola the roof terrace of unit 55. |
21st May 2013 | City of Sydney |
118 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations and additions to existing terrace house, including construction of a new deck, two new skylights, a new carport roof and internal refurbishments. Change of use from business to residential with home business. |
30th April 2013 | City of Sydney |
164 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Partial demolition of existing building and construction of 2 part 3 storey addition to contain 5 commercial tenancies and 4 one bedroom units, with three parking spaces at ground level. The proposal includes the removal of trees and planter boxes. |
22nd April 2013 | City of Sydney |
Cathedral & Crown Sts, Sydney 2000
East Sydney Hotel - Liquor licence transfer |
4th April 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
128 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Replacement of lattice with glass on the level 1 balcony of Unit 5. |
19th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
129-129A Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Footway Applicarion for the unlicensed cafe Toby's Estate Coffee to place 10 chairs, 5 tables on the footway adjacent to Cathedral Street from 7am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 4.30pm Saturday and Sunday. |
12th March 2013 | City of Sydney |
168-174 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Change of use of existing terrace from commercial to residential. Alterations and additions, including installation of two front dormer windows, a rear roof extension, a ground floor rear awning, and rear ground floor folding doors, and internal refurbishments. |
17th January 2013 | City of Sydney |
75 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Installation of solar panels and ancillary equipment on the existing roof of the works depot. |
2nd January 2013 | City of Sydney |
Bourke Junction
Construction and display of building identification signage |
3rd December 2012 | Melbourne City Council |
Bourke Junction
Construction and display of building identification signage |
3rd December 2012 | Melbourne City Council |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Near whole demolition of 2 buildings. Construction of 2 new buildings seperated by a courtyard which contains 1 new shop to Bourke Street and 31 units. |
City of Sydney | |
136 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Proposed alterations and additions to existing building to allow the conversion of the second floor for use as a single residence. The works include the extension of the existing roof to the front and rear to allow additional floor area on the second floor, new glazing, modified front balcony and internal modifications. |
City of Sydney | |
103-107 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Proposed construction of a new community shed at the rear of Bourke Street Park. The shed will be a lightweight steel framed and roof enclosure which is also proposed to cover the future relocation of a restored tram to the site. |
City of Sydney | |
124 Cathedral St, Woolloomooloo 2011
Feltons - Change liquor licence condition – app by licensee |
10th May 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
136 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Installation of mural on western wall of subject building adjacent to the Eastern Distributor. |
City of Sydney | |
114-118 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96(2) modification of consent to redevelop the existing motor repair station. Amendments include siting of roller shutter to car park to 4.4 metres as opposed to the required 6 metres from the footpath, installation of two additional doors to shopfront and changes to stairs, internal layout, glazing, brickwork and roof plant platform. |
City of Sydney | |
10 Sir John Young Crescent Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Alterations to the existing terrace house including roof repairs and continue to use as a single dwelling. |
City of Sydney | |
109-115 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Proposal to install facilities for stormwater harvesting, storage and on-site re-use at Bourke Street open space. Proposed facilities include 3 above ground water tanks on concrete slabs; pump pit; irrigation controllers, rising main; chain link fencing. Storm water to be collected from railway viaduct. Water to be used for irrigation of garden areas of the open space. The open space is located between Bourke Street and the Eastern Distributor. The eastern suburbs rail line passes over the site (on the viaduct). |
City of Sydney | |
123 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Section 96 modification to approved residential alterations, including rebuilding roofed rear pergola, construct roof cover to side passageway and use as bin storage and relocate existing door to side passageway. |
City of Sydney | |
50 Sir Young Crescent, Woolloomooloo 2011
Harbour City Backpackers - Change boundaries of licensed premises |
18th April 2011 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
43-45 Charles Street, Woolloomooloo 2011
Woolloomooloo Liquor Supermarket - Liquor licence transfer |
7th April 2011 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
129-129A Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use of Catherdral Street footpath for outdoor dining area in association with Toby Estate Coffee, having 12 chairs and 6 tables, between 7.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am - 5.00pm weekends. |
City of Sydney | |
144-146 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Replace existing shopfront window on the southern elevation of Tenancy No. 6 with bi-fold windows. The tenancy is currently occupied by a cafe known as "Flow Espresso". The site has secondary frontages to Bourke Street and Junction Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
75 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Installation of 3 City Of Sydney "Sustainable Sydney 2030" banners on poles in garden bed area outside City of Sydney Woolloomooloo depot. |
City of Sydney | |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Demolish 2 warehouse buildings. Amalgamate sites and construct 2 - 4 storey mixed development with roof garden, 1 studio, 26 x 1 bedroom and 4 x 2 bedroom units, ground level parking and central courtyard. Site has frontages on Harmer Street and Griffith Street. |
City of Sydney | |
112 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Extension of trading hours at existing brothel at 110 - 112 Cathedral Street to operate between 10am and 3am the following day, 7 days a week. |
City of Sydney | |
110 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Extension of trading hours at existing brothel at 110 - 112 Cathedral Street to operate between 10am and 3am the following day, 7 days a week. |
City of Sydney | |
110-112 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Expand previously approved car showroom from ground floor to level 1 of the site. Includes installation of two vehicle hoists, a car wash bay and signage to the Bourke Street frontage. Hours of operation proposed as 9.00am to 5.30pm, seven (7) days. |
City of Sydney | |
98 Palmer Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Proposal for numbers 98 to 122 Palmer Street and 9 Egan Place for use as a single level, commercial car park. Application proposes two (2) year use of the site, containing 64 parking spaces, with access only via Palmer Street. Includes construction of a demountable ticket booth at Palmer Street entry and operation hours of 7am to 10pm Monday to Saturday and 7am to 7pm Sundays. |
City of Sydney | |
77 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Install 13 solar roof panels on building. Site has rear accesss on Griffiths Street. |
City of Sydney | |
91-91A Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Ground floor furniture and bulky goods shop and new external sign. Hours of operation 9am- 5pm, Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday. Site has secondary frontage to Harmer Street. |
City of Sydney | |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Application for footway usage (outdoor dining) at scooter bike shop and (non-licenced) café:- 7 tables, 18 chairs, 3 bench seats, heaters, pot plants, menu board. Hours of operation 7am -6pm, Monday - Wednesday and Friday, 7am - 8pm, Thursday and 7am - 4pm, Saturday and Sunday. |
City of Sydney | |
85-87 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use and fit out of scooter bike shop for a (non-licenced) cafe with outdoor dining: 7 tables, 18 chairs, 3 bench seats, heaters, pot plants, menu board. Hours of operation 7am - 6pm, Monday - Wednesday and Friday, 7am - 8pm, Thursday and 7am - 4pm, Saturday and Sunday. New facade fixed awning on Bourke Street and internal works. |
City of Sydney | |
50-58 Sir John Young Crescent Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Use footway of Sir John Young Crescent for outdoor dining area between 7:00am and 10:00pm daily, having 21 chairs and 7 tables, in association with Harbour City Backpackers. The site also fronts Crown Street. |
City of Sydney | |
144-146 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Fitout and use of Suite 6 as a café Monday to Friday between 7:00am and 4:30pm, Saturday between 8:30am and 3:30pm, and Sunday between 9:00am and 2:00pm. The site also fronts Bourke Street and Junction Lane. |
City of Sydney | |
109-115 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Construction of a new amenities block, storage room, pergola, fence and gate at Bourke Street Park. Note that there is a concurrent application for renewal works to the amenities block at Wallamulla Park at 161-171 Cathedral Street, Woolloomooloo (D/2009/2019) . |
City of Sydney | |
161-171 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Demolition of existing amenities block at Wallamulla Park and construction of new amenities block with two accessible toilets, and a trellis structure on the north-western and south-western boundaries of the park. Note that there is a concurrent application for a new amenities block at Bourke Street Park at 109-115 Bourke Street, Woolloomooloo (D/2009/2013). |
City of Sydney |
Hip Score: 9 / 10
Family Score: 8 / 10
Affluence Score: 9 / 10
Safety Score: 1 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 10 / 10
Convenience Score: 10 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 7 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
City of Sydney Council
Yearly growth
![Population increase](
![Household increase](
Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type
![Black house](
Commercial | Alterations | Other |
Houses | New multi-unit |
Applications by price bracket
$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
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