Robert Terley is born and bred Eastern Suburbs and has been servicing the area for six years.
Burgeoning cafe scene
With the new Moran development up in Vaucluse the whole cafe society will move even further east towards the top part of Vaucluse near Christison Park, so that in itself is a very unique thing, it’s never happened before, it was always a dead pocket there, so that has made a difference.
Old South Head Road was a starting point
There's a lot of older art deco apartments here and some twenty years ago this was a place where it was a starting point for those that wanted live in this suburb, it was a very affordable locality being on a main road in general but especially Old South Head Road, was very affordable.
Old South Head Road has changed and morphed to a degree now, but in those days that's what it was and it’s not generational of people that have been here, most people these days stay three to five years in a place, apartments have a lot shorter tenure.
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Planning Applications (39)
Date received
332 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Alterations and additions including construction of a storage shed and filter box
4th May 2017
Waverley Council
9 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Modificatioon to DA-385/2016 - Extension of balcony to unit 5.
21st April 2017
Waverley Council
343 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Ground and first floor extension to dwelling.
21st February 2017
Waverley Council
9 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Modification to extend floor plan of approved Residential Flat Building
20th December 2016
Waverley Council
17 Isabel Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Section 96 (2) , Alterations and additions to a residential flat building including addition of a new attic
14th December 2016
Waverley Council
701 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of four detached brick dwellings , construction of a new three level residential flat building (17) units with associated basement parking , landscape works and strata division
16th November 2016
Waverley Council
4 Isabel Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Modification to reconfigure internal layouts , extend roof and other alterations to approved residential flat building
9th November 2016
Waverley Council
9 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of an existing dwelling , construction of a New Residential Flat Building containing 6 units
9th September 2016
Waverley Council
41 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Modification including new internal staircase and cellar
25th August 2016
Waverley Council
347 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Alterations and a first floor addition to a semi-detached including new rear deck and balcony.
21st June 2016
Waverley Council
4 Isabel Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of dwellings , construction of a Residential Flat Building with Basement Parking
10th May 2016
Waverley Council
695 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of building , construction of residential flat building , neighbourhood shop and basement carpark
27th April 2016
Waverley Council
354 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
First floor addition to dwelling
20th April 2016
Waverley Council
14/31-39 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Alterations and Additions to Units 14 and 15 including new decks on ground floor facing Isobel Avenue
18th March 2016
Waverley Council
41 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two storey dwelling with basement garage.
4th March 2016
Waverley Council
17 Isabel Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of building, construction of a three storey residential flat building with basement parking and strata sub-division.
16th December 2015
Waverley Council
332 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Alterations to dwelling house
28th July 2015
Waverley Council
695 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of existing building, construction of multi-residential building
9 Wilfield Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
New bathroom and south facing windows
3rd April 2014
Waverley Council
19/42-46 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Renovation of an en-suite bathroom & enclosing existing north facing balcony.
27th March 2014
Waverley Council
334 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Plant room & storage area addition.
26th February 2014
Waverley Council
9 Wilfield Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Ground floor extension, new windows and skylight and internal alterations to dwelling
20th December 2013
Waverley Council
18/685 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Modifications to windows and doors and internal alterations to dwelling
4th December 2013
Waverley Council
4 Wilfield Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Ground floor extension and alterations to dwelling
28th October 2013
Waverley Council
30A Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Strata subdivision of multi level residential flat building into 3 lots
8th October 2013
Waverley Council
5 Craig Avenue Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of dwelling , construction of a Dual Occupancy with parking and driveway
9th August 2013
Waverley Council
340 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
First floor extension
5th July 2013
Waverley Council
18/685 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Conversion of windows to doors and internal alterations
30th November 2012
Waverley Council
332 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Ground & first floor extension to rear, demolish garage, new garage, rooftop terrace & swimming pool.
6th September 2012
Waverley Council
359 Military Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
First floor addition, ground floor and sub floor extension and swimming pool
24th August 2012
Waverley Council
693 Old South Head Rd, Vaucluse 2030
MIllennium Pizza & Pasta - Liquor licence transfer
21st August 2012
NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
683 Old South Head Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Construct timber deck and metal pergola at rear of dwelling
19th June 2012
Waverley Council
15-17 Diamond Bay Road Vaucluse NSW 2030
Replace handrail & balustrades in stairwell & new handrails on outer balconies in residential flat building.
1st May 2012
Waverley Council
693 Old South Head Road, Vaucluse 2030
MIllennium Pizza & Pasta - On-premises licence
31st January 2012
NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
30A Diamond Bay Road, Vaucluse NSW 2030
Balance Construction Certificate - Demolition of dwelling and construction of three storey residential flat building comprising 4 units and basement carparking - Balance
11th May 2011
Waverley Council
30A Diamond Bay Road, Vaucluse NSW 2030
Demolition of dwelling and construction of three storey residential flat building comprising 4 units and basement carparking - Partial - Demolition - Excavation and Piling
31st December 2010
Waverley Council
363 Military Road, Vaucluse NSW 2030
Construction of swimming pool to rear of dwelling.
25th November 2010
Waverley Council
Hip Score:
/ 10
Family Score:
/ 10
Affluence Score:
/ 10
Safety Score:
/ 10
Lifestyle Score:
/ 10
Convenience Score:
/ 10
Tranquillity Score:
/ 10
Communications Score:
/ 10
Community Score:
/ 10
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