Report for Cremorne Point
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Planning Applications (50)
Application | Date received | Authority |
33 Milson Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and additions to balcony including new sliding doors, BBQ bench and balustrade. |
6th July 2017 | North Sydney Council |
7 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alts to lower ground level of existing residential flat building & use as an additional dwelling; use of rear setback as private open space. |
31st May 2017 | North Sydney Council |
11 / 25 Milson Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Strata Subdivision of existing strata scheme to re allocate parking garages and storage room |
9th May 2017 | North Sydney Council |
16 Cremorne Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Relocating air conditioning unit. |
13th March 2017 | North Sydney Council |
19 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and Additions - Dwelling Lot 1- the removal of approved covered walkway Lot 2 - Minor internal alterations to both ground floor and first floor levels which does not impact on the approved elevations Lots 1 & 2 - Garage floor level annotation to correctly indicate existing floor levels Notes- There are no proposed modifications to the approved lower ground floor plan (of main building) and no changes to the approved landscaped area or site coverage |
20th February 2017 |
North Sydney Council
22 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Build as per DA approval, demolition of extra fabric required due to unforseen existing structural issues. |
16th November 2016 | North Sydney Council |
19 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and Additions two storey subdivided dwelling including two double carparks, lift, landscaping and internal works. |
15th September 2016 | North Sydney Council |
7 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Adjustment to height of dormer application |
7th September 2016 | North Sydney Council |
19 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and Additions to existing two-storey subdivided dwelling |
5th August 2016 | North Sydney Council |
51 Cremorne Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Minor alteration and additions. Internal changes to unit 3. |
11th April 2016 | North Sydney Council |
22 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alts and adds to an existing house and garage, plus a new swimming pool. |
29th March 2016 | North Sydney Council |
3 / 75 Milson Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Section 96 (1A) -to change to direction of an internal wall in the attic from east-west to north-south |
19th October 2015 | North Sydney Council |
53 Cremorne Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and Additions -Front of property only; installation of rendered and painted masonry walls to replace existing failing rock wall |
24th August 2015 | North Sydney Council |
7 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
To use and construct the basement to provide laundry and storage space in accordance with the attached basement floor plans dated 11/08/2015 by Archispectrum. EIS: Previous use of the basement was laundry and storage. Area was previously a void. No change of use proposed but area slightly larger due to increased floor ceiling height. No BASIX reuquired. |
13th August 2015 | North Sydney Council |
26 Cremorne Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations & Additions including rooms in the roof, underground carparking and provision of disabled and lift access to both buildings. |
18th June 2015 | North Sydney Council |
19 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and Additions to existing pair of semi-detatched dwellings and garage and associted landscaping. New strata plan for existing units |
27th May 2015 | North Sydney Council |
7 Kareela Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Section 96 (2) Modify condition A1 through the addition after the table, of the following:Basement Plan, East, North& South elevations - works involve lowering the basement floor levels and associated modifications to the basement |
27th April 2015 | North Sydney Council |
5 Green Street Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Internal alterations. Conversion of two apartments into one. Inclusion of external ventilator to hertitage item.. |
6th January 2015 | North Sydney Council |
11 / 37 Milson Road Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Extension of front deck. |
17th October 2014 | North Sydney Council |
1 Green St, Cremorne Point 2090
Sydney Amateur Sailing Club [13/09/2014] - Limited licence - multi-function - additional functions |
6th August 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
4 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Alteration to existing Garage, Storage added |
29th October 2013 | North Sydney Council |
7 Kareela Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Alterations and additions to existing residential flat building plus associated works |
30th October 2013 | North Sydney Council |
18 - 20 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Units 4 & 6 - Construct decks at rear of existing units building |
30th August 2013 | North Sydney Council |
90 Milson Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Purchase of some common pty and assoicated change in subdivision & Change to windows/doors of above common pty to be purchased and change to Unit 1 |
1st August 2013 | North Sydney Council |
4 - 8 Kareela Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Proposed upgrade of existing rooftop telecommunications base station. |
22nd May 2013 | North Sydney Council |
16 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Alterations and Additions to existing roof terrace,- Dwelling replacement of existing windows, new swimming pool |
15th April 2013 | North Sydney Council |
51 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Alterations and additions to apartment building including addition of balcony at ground and first floor level at rear, internal alterations and change to some windows and doors. |
7th January 2013 | North Sydney Council |
7 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Modification of consent - construction of a storage at basement level |
17th October 2012 | North Sydney Council |
7 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Construction of internal storage area |
21st September 2012 | North Sydney Council |
70 Milson Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Replace existing window and door in bedroom 1 to one aluminium sliding door |
14th September 2012 | North Sydney Council |
59 Milson Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Proposed boundary fence, access gate and access path/lynchgate treatments. |
22nd August 2012 | North Sydney Council |
1 Gren St, Cremorne Point 2090
Sydney Amateur Sailing Club - Liquor licence transfer |
30th July 2012 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
59 Milson Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Modification of consent to remove attic level, minor changes to internal layout, proposed bridge link and proposed changes to windows at the rear |
5th July 2012 | North Sydney Council |
7 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Reconfiguration of theinternal floor plan at first floor level to provide 3 bedroom, an ensuite, walk in-robe and bathroom. |
15th June 2012 | North Sydney Council |
51 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Addition of external balcony to the rear of pty, to both ground & first floor facing Mosman Bay and internal alterations to unit 3 |
12th June 2012 | North Sydney Council |
97 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Rear facade maintenance and replace window and door. |
23rd May 2012 | North Sydney Council |
93 - 95 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Proposed stairs to existing residential flat building, including demolition of the existing stairs. |
9th January 2012 | North Sydney Council |
2 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Conversion of existing garage to cabana conversion of existing undercroft to rumpus room. New deck and carport/demolition of existing deck. |
5th December 2011 | North Sydney Council |
40 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Alterations and additions to single residence |
9th November 2011 | North Sydney Council |
57 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Internal changes and removal of 2 trees |
31st October 2011 | North Sydney Council |
93 - 95 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Repairs to property external stairs |
28th October 2011 | North Sydney Council |
58 Cremorne Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Removal of Gledista tree on front boundry & New replacement tree |
6th October 2011 | North Sydney Council |
2 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Proposed alterations & additions to existing dwelling involving new open deck space and car space. |
15th September 2011 | North Sydney Council |
1 Green Street, Cremorne 2090
Sydney Aquatic Sailing Club - Limited licence - Multi-function - Additional functions |
9th September 2011 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
4 - 8 Kareela Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Convert window to sliding door. Remove and replace window and door set aligned with the external wall. |
1st September 2011 | North Sydney Council |
4 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Duplex |
27th June 2011 | North Sydney Council |
4 Green St Cremorne Point, NSW
Deferrment of modification to verandah spaces of units 1, 2 & 3. |
27th June 2011 | North Sydney Council |
59 Milson Rd Cremorne Point, NSW
Alterations, additions and partial restoration of existing dwelling house. |
17th June 2011 | North Sydney Council |
59 Cremorne Rd, Cremorne Point, NSW
Demolish existing garage and build a new one |
12th October 2010 | North Sydney Council |
6 Green St, Cremorne Point, NSW
Replace canvas door and window awnings on Kareela Rd frontage |
6th September 2010 | North Sydney Council |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Family Score: 10 / 10
Affluence Score: 10 / 10
Safety Score: 9 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 9 / 10
Convenience Score: 9 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 9 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
North Sydney Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Other | Commercial | Alterations |
Houses | New multi-unit |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
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