Report for 3132133
Population stats for this Tamborine neighbourhood and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Local Prices
Hip Score
Bicycle Commuters | 0% of workers | |
Uni Students | 2% | |
Creative Degrees | 3% | |
Single Men | 10% | |
Single Women | 6% | |
Diversity | 47% | |
Art | Dollarbird Gallery (3km away) | |
Alternative therapies |
Salt & Soul
(6km away)
Natural Health Qld (6km away) 3 more within 11km |
Tattoo parlours |
Damian Horne
(4km away)
Tattooed Warrior Tattoo Studio The (8km away) 1 more within 9km
Tattooed Warrior Tattoo Studio
(8km away)
Health foods | Herbalife Tamborine (6km away) | |
Pubs | Jimboomba Tavern (8km away) | |
Restaurants |
Mustering Yard Bar & Grill The
(8km away)
SUNRISE INDIAN GOURMET JIMBOOMBA (8km away) 6 more within 11km |
Family Score
Affluence Score
Public Housing | 0% |
Renters | 15% |
High School Graduates | 41% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 42% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 9% |
Average Income | $873 per week |
Cars | 2.4 per household |
Tenant Rate | 14% |
Owned Outright | 14% |
Mortgage Repayments | $2167 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 3.4 |
Managers | 9% |
Professionals | 9% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 20% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 9% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 20% |
Sales Workers | 6% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 11% |
Labourers | 13% |
Personal Income Per Year
Lifestyle Score
Alternative therapies |
Salt & Soul
(6km away)
Natural Health Qld (6km away) 3 more within 11km |
Cafes |
Garden of Eden Cafe
(6km away)
Coffee Club The (8km away) 2 more within 11km |
Fitness and health centres | Fitness Matters (7km away) | |
Beauticians |
Hidden Beauty on Mundoolun 4280
(5km away)
Beauty Mantra (5km away) 6 more within 10km |
Pubs | Jimboomba Tavern (8km away) | |
Restaurants |
Mustering Yard Bar & Grill The
(8km away)
SUNRISE INDIAN GOURMET JIMBOOMBA (8km away) 6 more within 11km |
Convenience Score
Public Transport Commuters | 5% of workers | |
Walk Commuters | 2% of workers | |
Work centres (public transport) |
(44km away)
Molindinar (28km away) |
Work centres (walk/drive) |
(44km away)
Molindinar (28km away) |
Chemists |
Jimboomba Pharmacy
(8km away)
Jimboomba AMCAL Chempro (8km away) 2 more within 10km |
Supermarkets |
Coles Supermarket
(8km away)
Woolworths (8km away) 1 more within 10km
IGA Logan Village
(9km away)
Food / general stores | Au Design (10km away) |
Tranquillity Score
Aged 15 - 24 | 10% | |
Population Density | 45 residents per km2 | |
Tenant Rate | 14% | |
Neighbourhood noisy roads | 21.5% | |
Leafiness | High | |
Neighbourhood noisy roads | 21.5% |
Communications Score
Broadband | Widely available very slow |
ADSL | Widely available very slow |
Cable | Not available |
Telstra 4G |
Optus 3G (Outdoors) 2100MHz |
Vodafone 4G |
Community Score
Volunteerism | 14% | |
Long Term Residents | 64% | |
Community Centres |
Tamborine Memorial Hall Management Association
(3km away)
Caddies Community Centre (7km away) |
Clubs |
Jimboomba Gymnastics
(8km away)
Andy's Grader Hire (9km away) |
Libraries | Logan City Council Libraries (8km away) | |
Local Government Organisations | Police Service (Qld) (8km away) | |
Social clubs |
Jimboomba Netball Club
(7km away)
Veterans Support & Advocacy (7km away) 1 more within 11km
Mustangs Junior Rugby League Football Club
(10km away)
Sales History (176)
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Convenience Score: