Report for 3142623
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Property Details
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Planning Applications (5)
Application | Date received | Authority |
14 Satinash Pl, Mudjimba, QLD
14 Satinash Place Mudjimba - Dwelling |
29th September 2014 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
46 Sassifras St, Mudjimba, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - CARPORT - 46 Sassifras St MUDJIMBA - Ref 10490 |
24th September 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
12 Satinash Pl, Mudjimba, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - SHADE STRUCTURE - 12 Satinash Pl MUDJIMBA - Ref SBA10-1371 |
17th June 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
34 Coolibah St, Mudjimba, QLD
Description: NOE ONLY - DWELLING - 34 Coolibah St MUDJIMBA - REF NO SBA10-0975 |
27th April 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |
29 Sycamore St, Mudjimba, QLD
Description: 29 Sycamore St MUDJIMBA - Siting for Garage - Michael Bowcock |
25th January 2010 | Maroochydore and Nambour offices, Sunshine Coast Regional Council |