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Real Estate Market: Is Fairfield (Vic.) VIC 3078 a Good Suburb to Buy Into?

Housing Market in Fairfield (Vic.)
Sources: Property Listings and Microburbs, 2002 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
$766 Top 9% 173% to Aug 2024
Premium Premium Premium
Housing Supply in Fairfield (Vic.)
The higher the supply score the more supply is on the market, both current and future.
Sources: ABS, GEOSPATIAL, Property Listings, PLANNING ALERTS and Microburbs, 2002 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
99.8 Top 11% 93% to Aug 2024
0.5 Bottom 28% Data for Jul 2023
92.1 Top 2% Data for May 2023
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
4 lots Bottom 38% 33% to Feb 2023
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
18 Top 8% 1700% to Aug 2024
Housing Stock Quality in Fairfield (Vic.)
The higher the score, the higher the quality of the houses and units.
Sources: ABS, GEOSPATIAL, Property Listings and Microburbs, 2006 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
43.9% Bottom 3% 17% to Jan 2021
2.2 Bottom 26% 4% to Jan 2021
50.2% Top 7% Data for Jun 2023
Development Restrictions in Fairfield (Vic.)
The higher the score, the more easily density can be increased.
Sources: GEOSPATIAL, TORREN, ABS and Microburbs, 2011 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
2.8 sq km Bottom 29% Data for Jan 2021
0.6 sq km Top 16% Data for Jun 2023
235 sqm per resident Bottom 5% Data for Jan 2021
Risk in Fairfield (Vic.)
The higher the score, the more exposed households are to financial stress.
Sources: ABS, Property Listings, TORREN and Microburbs, 2006 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
67.1% Bottom 5% 2% to May 2023
32.9% Top 5% 4% to May 2023
53 Top 10% Data for Jun 2023
$2,450 Top 24% 15% to May 2023
79 Top 45% Data for Jun 2023
84 Top 7% Data for Jun 2023
25.3% Top 33% 8% to Jan 2021
31.1% Bottom 28% 11% to May 2023
Housing Demand in Fairfield (Vic.)
The higher the score, the more demand their is for housing in the area, both current and future.
Sources: ABS, TORREN, Property Listings and Microburbs, 1975 - 2030
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Premium Premium Premium
Unit Market in Fairfield (Vic.)
Sources: Property Listings and Microburbs, 2002 - 2023
Field Value VS Melbourne Trend
Premium Premium Premium
$451 Top 40% 137% to Aug 2024
Premium Premium Premium
34.4% Bottom 2% 40% to Aug 2024
LGA Details (1)
Median Unit Sale Prices by Street (100)
Median House Rental Prices by Street (44)
Turnover Rate by Street (43)
Planning Applications: Other (44)
Planning Applications: Dwellings (49)
Planning Applications: Industrial (7)
Percent of Renters by Street (47)
Median House Sale Prices by Street (100)
Businesses (65)
Accommodation Options (4)
Recent Rental Unit Listings (100)
Recent Rental House Listings (100)
Recently Sold Houses (100)
Recently Sold Units (100)
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