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Crime & Safety in Armidale NSW 2350: Is it safe?

Safety Score in Armidale
The higher the score, the more free the area is from crime.
Sources: TORREN, BOCSAR and Microburbs, 1997 - 2023
Field Value VS New England and North West Trend
58.5% Bottom 47% Data for Dec 2014
1 incident per 21.3 residents Top 37% 40% to Dec 2021
1 incident per 98.1 residents Bottom 38% 63% to Dec 2021
1 incident per 101 residents Bottom 38% 66% to Dec 2021
Disadvantage in Armidale
The proportion of residents under 65 who rely on government support, live in high stress environments or are otherwise alienated from mainstream society.
Sources: ABS, ATO, DSS, TORREN and Microburbs, 2001 - 2023
Field Value VS New England and North West Trend
5.1 Top 29% 0 to Dec 2019
2.1% Top 16% 32% to Dec 2019
$6,730 Top 38% 39% to Dec 2019
3.5% Top 9% 30% to Jan 2021
0.0% Bottom 28% 24% to Dec 2021
809 Top 7% 30% to Dec 2020
Addiction Levels in Armidale
The proportion of residents who have at least one addiction including alcoholism, gambling and illicit drugs.
Sources: TORREN, BOCSAR and Microburbs, 1997 - 2023
Field Value VS New England and North West Trend
15.0% Bottom 46% Data for Dec 2018
1 incident per 173 residents Bottom 24% 30% to Dec 2021
280 Top 4% Data for Dec 2022
0 Top 49% Data for Dec 2021
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