Report for Silverwater (Auburn - NSW)
Population stats for Silverwater (Auburn - NSW), New South Wales and nearby amenities. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
Property Details
Local Prices
Planning Applications (12)
Application | Date received | Authority |
7 Carolyn Street Silverwater NSW 2128
Tree Application - 4 x trees |
9th June 2017 | Parramatta City Council |
108 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Building containing fire safety measures |
1st September 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
110 - 120 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Change of use and fit out of industrial units-light and industrial retail outlet for the sale and assembly or mobility aids. |
30th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
47 Vore Street Silverwater NSW 2128
Odyssey Gourmet |
25th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
137 - 139 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Subway Silverwater |
26th August 2016 |
Parramatta City Council
0 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
ePathway |
24th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
110 - 120 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Unit 8 and 9, 110-120 Silverwater Road, SILVERWATER NSW 2128 - Change of use and fitout of industrial units - light industrial and industrial retail outlet for the sale and assembly of mobility aids. |
1st August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
88 Vore Street Silverwater NSW 2128
Auburn Council |
5th August 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
0 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
120 Silverwater Road, SILVERWATER NSW 2128 - Removal 1 x tree |
11th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
0 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Unit 8 and 9, 110-120 Silverwater Road, SILVERWATER NSW 2128 - Section 96(1) modification to an approval for Change of use and fitout of industrial units - light industrial and industrial retail outlet for the sale and assembly of mobility aids. The modification includes a correction in the number of carparking spaces referred to in Condition No. 9. |
4th July 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
0 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
Change of use |
6th June 2016 | Parramatta City Council |
2, 8-12 Fariola Street, Silverwater 2128
Han Family Trading - Producer/wholesaler licence |
7th September 2011 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Hip Score: 7 / 10
Bicycle Commuters | 1% of workers | |
Uni Students | 3% | |
Creative Degrees | 3% | |
Single Men | 17% | |
Single Women | 9% | |
Diversity | 78% | |
Body & Ear Piercing |
(4km away)
Adnohr Marketing Pty Ltd (4km away) 6 more within 10km |
Art |
Just Be Art
(871m away)
Ajaj Art Gallery (1km away) 18 more within 6km
iMartNepal - Online Handmade Craft Store
(3km away)
Reno Import & Export (3km away) Whitlock Judy (3km away) Art In Heart (3km away) The Liu Gallery (4km away) Free Bollywood Guitar workshop starting23-06-2012-Top class coach (4km away) Ricky Richards (Sales) Pty Ltd (4km away) Discovery Art & Music (4km away) Eckersley's Arts, Crafts & Imagination (4km away) Eckersley's Pty Ltd (4km away) Parramatta Artists Studios (4km away) Vintage and Value Enterprises (4km away) The Art Scene (4km away) Clinton S (4km away) Zaiter Michael (5km away) Creative Art Circle (5km away) Kunstler Art School (5km away) Vynol Derivan Pty Ltd (5km away) |
Alternative therapies |
Traditional Chinese Medicine
(2km away)
InnerTalk (2km away) 18 more within 4km
Dr Tan & Associates
(2km away)
Reconnective Healing (2km away) Tan James Dr (2km away) Cancer Help (2km away) Acupuncture & Chinese Herbalist Clinic (2km away) Micke Hoong (2km away) Bulldog Mixed Martial Arts (2km away) Angel Chan Consultant Dietitian (3km away) Body Balance Therapies (3km away) Register Of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Inc (3km away) M Vallance (3km away) Naturo-Fit (3km away) Tran Dr H T (3km away) Lee Dalmas (3km away) Feldenkrais Method (3km away) Sanjeev Indian Astrology Readings (3km away) Ayurveda Holistic Healers Clinic (3km away) Complete Osteocare (3km away) |
Tattoo parlours |
The Tattoo Temple
(4km away)
1nkcredible (4km away) 7 more within 10km |
Health foods |
Aurinda Natural Foods
(924m away)
Pure Natural Health (1km away) 18 more within 5km
Harkola Pty Ltd
(1km away)
Kong K (2km away) Pfizer Australia (3km away) Australian Wellbeing Group Pty Ltd (3km away) Juice 4 All (3km away) Lidcombe Health Food Supply (3km away) Health Kick (3km away) Kozlink Australia Pty Ltd (3km away) Fresh Health Bars (4km away) Eco Farms Pty Ltd (4km away) Vitamin Central (4km away) Everything Aussie Pty Ltd (4km away) Forever Living Products Aust Pty Ltd (4km away) Mass Nutrition Parramatta (4km away) GNC Live Well (4km away) Healthy Living Pty Ltd (4km away) Koda International Pty Ltd (4km away) A - Supplement Warehouse (4km away) |
Pubs |
Ermington Hotel
(2km away)
Rosehill Hotel (3km away) 18 more within 7km
Village Tavern
(3km away)
Royal Hotel (3km away) Paddy's Brewery (3km away) Vauxhall Inn (3km away) Albion Hotel (3km away) Commercial Hotel (4km away) P J Gallagher's (4km away) Mixology Lounge (4km away) Collector Hotel (4km away) Rose & Crown Hotel Parramatta Pty Ltd (4km away) West Ryde Hotel. (4km away) Horse & Jockey Hotel (5km away) Two Forks Restaurant and Bar (5km away) Landmark Hotel (5km away) Parra Firehouse (5km away) Tollgate Hotel (6km away) Westmead Tavern (6km away) Bath Arms Hotel (6km away) |
Coffee shops |
Hudsons Coffee
(4km away)
Starbucks Coffee Company (Australia) Pty Ltd (4km away) 8 more within 10km |
Restaurants |
(455m away)
Feisty Group Pty Ltd (489m away) 18 more within 3km
Kagen Sake House
(814m away)
MOKOJI (871m away) Yum Yum Kebabs (871m away) Fusion Italian Restaurant (925m away) Kang Chon Pty Ltd (936m away) A & M Restaurant (1km away) Raw Expresso Bar & Cafe (1km away) Subway (1km away) Tenpin City (1km away) Suwhare Rice Cake (1km away) Tarim Uyghur Restaurant (2km away) Tamanna Nepalese & Indian Restaurant (2km away) Hing's Chinese Restaurant (2km away) Ben Da Vietnamese Restaurant (2km away) Hings Restaurant (2km away) Darband Restaurant (2km away) Golden Orient Restaurant (2km away) Delish Thai Cuisine (2km away) |
Family Score: 8 / 10
Affluence Score: 7 / 10
Public Housing | 1% |
Renters | 45% |
High School Graduates | 31% |
Earning Under $1000 Per Week | 25% |
Earning Over $2000 Per Week | 3% |
Average Income | $379 per week |
Cars | 1.6 per household |
Tenant Rate | 44% |
Owned Outright | 18% |
Mortgage Repayments | $2119 per month |
Bedrooms Per Household | 2.6 |
Managers | 13% |
Professionals | 23% |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 14% |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 7% |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 17% |
Sales Workers | 9% |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 7% |
Labourers | 8% |
Personal Income Per Year
Safety Score: 8 / 10
Lifestyle Score: 8 / 10
Convenience Score: 8 / 10
Tranquillity Score: 8 / 10
Communications Score: 9 / 10
Community Score: 9 / 10
Local Government Area Stats
Auburn City Council
Yearly growth


Number of households
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Development applications
Avg. days per application
Construction certificates
Avg. dollar value
Age Distribution
0-19 | 20-39 | 40-59 | 60+ |
Household type distribution
Couples | Lone person | Group |
Families |
Applications by development type

Houses | Alterations | Commercial |
Industrial | Other |
Applications by price bracket

$0 - $100K | $100K - $500K | $500K - $1M |
$1M - $5M | 5M+ |
Single Houses | Attached Houses | Units |
Local Businesses
Sales History
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