Report for 1133723
Population stats for this Sydney neighbourhood and nearby amenities. It is home to Circular Quay railway station, AMP Centre and Bennelong Apartments. Scroll down and click on things to see more detail.
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Planning Applications (100)
Application | Date received | Authority |
93-97 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of 18 sqm of the Macquarie Street footway in association with the Sir Stamford Hotel Restaurant. Proposed hours 8.00am to 10.00pm. |
11th January 2018 | City of Sydney |
93-97 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Concept Development Application for the conservation of the existing heritage item and a building envelope up to a height of 55m. Indicative land uses of retail within the lower levels and residential apartments above. The proposal is integrated development under the Heritage Act 1977. |
27th November 2017 | City of Sydney |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Continuation of indoor and outdoor trial trading hours of the licensed Quay Bar (ground floor of Customs House and Customs House Square) from between midnight and 2.00am the following day under a single consent. The hours of 9.00am to 12.00 midnight are already approved on a permanent basis. The premise has a capacity of outdoor area is 112 patrons. |
3rd November 2017 | City of Sydney |
93-97 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Alterations to 'Sir Stamford Hotel' including the installation of new windows and entry door from Macquarie Street, removal of wall panel and installation of bi-fold doors to ground level dining room, new access door and changes to Level 3 lounge area and works to the reception area. |
16th October 2017 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use and fit-out of tenancy 5 on levels 2 and 3 (facing Circular Quay) of approved mixed-use development 'Opera Residences' as a licensed restaurant and bar. Proposed hours of operation are between 10.00am and 2.00am the following day Mondays to Sundays inclusive, with a capacity of 328 patrons. |
5th October 2017 |
City of Sydney
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use and fit-out of tenancy 4 on levels 2 and 3 (facing Circular Quay) of approved mixed-use development 'Opera Residences' as a licensed restaurant and bar. Proposed hours of operation are between 10.00am and 2.00am the following day Mondays to Sundays inclusive, with a capacity of 91 patrons. |
5th October 2017 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use and fit-out of tenancy 3 on level 1 (facing Circular Quay) of approved mixed-use development 'Opera Residences' as a licensed restaurant and bar. Proposed hours of operation are between 12.00 midday and 3.00am the following day Mondays to Sundays inclusive, with a capacity of 130 patrons. |
5th October 2017 | City of Sydney |
5-7 Young Street Sydney NSW 2000
Alternations and additions to Hinchcliff House to facilitate the temporary use of the southern part of the ground floor for end of trip facilities (76 bike spaces, storage facilities and seating) associated with 33 Alfred Street. |
16th August 2017 | City of Sydney |
50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Proposed temporary installation and use of a zipline for a charity event over 2 days extending from 50 Bridge Street to the roof of 33 Alfred Street. |
17th July 2017 | City of Sydney |
4 Circular Quay East Sydney NSW 2000
Removal of existing ticketing kiosks and installation of 4 signage pylons along the Circular Quay East promenade in front of wharf 1, servicing the boat operators. |
19th June 2017 | City of Sydney |
99-113 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of private lane adjacent to Macquarie Street and the Intercontinental Hotel for a licensed laneway dining event for 50 people between 6.00pm and 9.00pm each night to coincide with the Vivid festival from Thursday 25 May to Sunday 18 June 2017 inclusive and associated temporary structures. |
5th May 2017 | City of Sydney |
33 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Internal and external refurbishment of the existing commercial office tower known as the 'AMP Building' including new ground level retail tenancies, end-of-trip facilities and nominated signage zones. |
1st May 2017 | City of Sydney |
5010 Loftus Lane Sydney NSW 2000
Use of space within Angel Place, Bulletin Lane, and Loftus Lane for three separate art installations for the 'Vivid' festival and associated temporary structures. The event will be held between 6.00pm and 11.00pm from Friday 26 May 2017 to Saturday 17 June 2017. The bump-in of structures will occur between 6.00am and 12.00 midnight from 13 May 2017 to 25 May 2017. The bump-out will be between 6.00am and 12.00 midnight from 18 June 2017 to 21 June 2017. |
27th April 2017 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site and associated works. The application seeks approval to delete Condition 27 which restricts the use of intrusive appliances during demolition. |
16th March 2017 | City of Sydney |
9-13 Young Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent to permit minor design amendments within the Young & Loftus Precinct including modifications to buildings A, B and C. The Precinct amendments include; a reduction in residential apartment numbers from 114 to 106 apartments; revised apartment mix; redistribution of gross floor area; a reduction in car parking spaces; and an increase in bicycle parking spaces. Building A amendments include; minor variations in floor-to-ceiling heights on Level 5 and 6; modifications of awnings at Level 6 and 7; inclusion of a shade structure on the roof level; facade realignment between Level 2 and 6; a new entry through to the Gallipoli Memorial Club; and minor reconfiguration of basements areas B2 and B3. Building B amendments include; minor variations in floor-to-ceiling heights on Level 7 and 8; and amalgamation of ground floor retail tenancies adjacent Loftus Lane. The proposal further seeks to; satisfy various consent conditions relating to the general Precinct design as well as Building A, B and C; amend the staging of construction certificates; rectify clerical errors; and delete superfluous conditions. |
10th January 2017 | City of Sydney |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Extension of trading hours on New Years Eve 2017 (31 December 2017) between 12.00 midnight and 2.00am the following day for the licensed premises known as 'Quay Bar'. |
19th December 2016 | City of Sydney |
31A Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the use of movable bar and servery within the outdoor area in association with the licensed Quay Bar. |
6th December 2016 | City of Sydney |
East Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Liquor licence transfer by Dendy Cinema Opera Quays |
3rd December 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
115-119 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of private lane adjacent to Macquarie Street and the Intercontinental Hotel for a licensed laneway dining event for 50 people between 6.00pm and 10.00pm each night, from Monday 28 November to Friday 23 December 2016 inclusive and associated temporary structures. |
7th November 2016 | City of Sydney |
Customs House Building, 31 Alfred St, Sydney, NSW
Liquor licence transfer by Quay Bar |
25th October 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Jetty 3 Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
On-premises licence - New by MV FRESHWATER |
15th October 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Jetty 3 Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
On-premises licence - New by MV NARRABEEN |
15th October 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
L 3, 2 Phillip St, Sydney, NSW
Liquor licence transfer by Cafe Nice |
26th September 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent for bulk excavation and erection of a 20 storey mixed use development (including a through-site link from East Circular Quay to Macquarie Street and a colonnade to East Circular Quay, with 109 residential/serviced apartments, associated communal areas, retail tenancies, 6 basement levels for 103 car parking spaces and public domain improvement works. Proposed changes include reducing total number of apartments to 104; change dwelling mix to increase two bedroom units (from 18 to 22) and reduce number of one bedroom units (from 63 to 55); internal reconfiguration of units; amendment to the arrangement of the through-site link, including the relocation of the public lift; removal of the separate residential and serviced apartment entries and expand the retail frontage to the East Circular Quay level; consolidation of residential entries on Macquarie Street; facade changes (including removal of wintergardens on levels 14-19); and internal reconfiguration of the basement. The application is Integrated Development under the Water Management Act 2000, requiring the approval of Water NSW. |
14th September 2016 | City of Sydney |
12-14 Loftus Street Sydney NSW 2000
Alterations and additions to the Gallipoli Memorial Club involving partial removal and restoration of existing roof structures; demolition of internal fit out; heritage conservation works; construction of a basement level for plant, storage and amenities; new internal fit out; installation of awnings to Loftus Street and Loftus Lane; indicative food and drink premises with proposed trading hours between 7.00am and 1.00am (following day), Monday to Sunday inclusive; and continued use of the premise as a registered club. |
7th September 2016 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Erection of 10 signs to the western facade fronting the Circular Quay boardwalk and to the eastern Macquarie Street facade at the ground level of the existing commercial building. |
8th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
61-69 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Change of use of Shop 5 to convenience store and associated alterations and sigange. Proposed trading hours are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. |
10th August 2016 | City of Sydney |
2 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Internal and external alterations to existing fast food restaurant known as 'Hungry Jacks', including refurbishment of restaurant fit out, and the erection and display of six (6) signs to the northern, southern, and eastern elevations.The application seeks to extend the approved trading hours of 'Hungry Jacks' to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Current approved hours are between 6.00am and 10.00pm, Monday to Thursday, and 24 hours Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Approval is also in place for 24 hour trading on New Years Eve, New Years Day, and Australia Day. |
7th July 2016 | City of Sydney |
133 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Alterations and additions to the existing building known as "History House" including a new two-storey rear addition, a roof top addition, conservation works and internal alterations. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the Heritage Council of NSW under the Heritage Act 1977. |
4th July 2016 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Alterations to the eastern and western facades of the existing commercial building involving new windows at level 15. |
20th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
12 Loftus St, Sydney, NSW
Change boundaries of licensed premises by Gallipoli Memorial Club |
20th June 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
<strong>DA Number: strong>D/2016/715 |
20th June 2016 | City of Sydney |
2 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000
Internal alterations to apartments 2201 and 2202 to create a single unit within the ‘Quay Building’. |
27th April 2016 | City of Sydney |
33 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Renewal of existing building identification roof signs to the north elevation of the Alfred Street Building. |
21st April 2016 | City of Sydney |
50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Renewal of existing building identification roof signs to the north, east and west elevation of the Bridge Street Building. |
21st April 2016 | City of Sydney |
115-119 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of private lane adjacent to Macquarie Street within the site of the Intercontinental Hotel for a licensed laneway dining event to coincide with the Vivid festival from Friday 27 May to Saturday 18 June 2016 inclusive and associated temporary structures. The event will be held from 6.00pm to 10.00pm each night. |
21st April 2016 | City of Sydney |
4 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000
S96 (2) modification to the material specification of the interpretative figures including the addition of internal lighting to 4 of the figures. |
18th April 2016 | City of Sydney |
Kiosk 10 Circular Quay East Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority approval 053-04-2009 to permit the installation of a mobile beer bar within the outdoor seating area |
21st March 2016 | City of Sydney |
Kiosk 8 Circular Quay East Sydney NSW 2000
Alterations and additions to the existing licenced restaurant known as "Portobello Caffe" including alterations to the outdoor seating area and kitchen, and installation of new outdoor canopy structure and weather protection. The proposal will increase the seating capacity from 72 to 110 patrons. Hours of operation are 7.00am to 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday. |
9th February 2016 | City of Sydney |
Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Parliament of New South Wales - Liquor licence transfer |
6th January 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Government House Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
The Trustee for HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NSW - Liquor licence transfer |
5th January 2016 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Young St & Loftus Lane, Sydney 2000
Tokonoma Sydney - Liquor licence transfer |
15th December 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5020 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of public footway on Alfred Street for outdoor seating in association with potential licensed food and drinks premises at the Gateway development (91 tables, 364 seats, 12 removable canopies and 24 planters). Proposed hours of use are 6.00am &#8211; 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive, with extended closing times at 3.00am on 1 January. Replacement of the southern row of street trees on Alfred Street with another tree species, and installation of power and fixing points on the ground. |
4th December 2015 | City of Sydney |
Moored At Neutral Bay, No 6 Jetty, Circular Quay 2000
MV Captain Cook 2 - Liquor licence transfer |
10th November 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
2-10 Loftus Street Sydney NSW 2000
Extend the period of time a public artwork associated with Art & About Sydney is installed onto the northern and eastern exterior wall. |
2nd November 2015 | City of Sydney |
Shop C2 Eastern Promenade, Circular Quay 2000
Sydney Cove Oyster Bar - Liquor licence transfer |
28th October 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Customs House Building, 31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000
Quay Bar - Liquor licence transfer |
17th September 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
8 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
Mayhem - Limited licence - single function |
4th September 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5020 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend the start time for the outdoor seating area on the Alfred Street public footway in association with the licensed 'Ship Inn Hotel' to 6.30am to 1.00am (the following day), Monday to Sunday (inclusive). The current approved hours are 10.00am to 1.00am (the following day), Monday to Sunday (inclusive) and until 3.30am (the following day) on New Year Eve only. The outdoor seating area has a capacity of 60 seats. |
25th August 2015 | City of Sydney |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96AB review of D/2006/656/D decision for Quay Bar at Customs House Square regarding the trial period and additional conditions relating to operational controls and amenity. |
12th August 2015 | City of Sydney |
61-69 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Eastbank - Liquor licence transfer |
4th August 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
33 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Modifications to the southern fa&#231;ade on Ground Level, Level 1 and Level 2 including removal of existing fa&#231;ade elements on the southern elevation at Ground and Level 1, installation of new fa&#231;ade elements on the southern elevation at Ground, Level 1 and Level 2 and installation of a new revolving door entry with canopy at Level 1 connecting to the 50 Alfred Street podium. |
3rd August 2015 | City of Sydney |
50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Stage 2 DA for the partial retention, but substantial redevelopment of the existing office tower, including the removal of existing facade and services from the retained building structure, excavation to allow for a new basement and podium and construction of an extension to the existing tower building for the purposes of commercial office, retail premises and gym. The proposal includes a reduction in existing on-site car parking, alterations to existing vehicle access arrangements, interface works on 33 Alfred Street at basement level and associated landscaping and public domain works. The application is Integrated Development requiring approval from the NSW Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000. |
3rd August 2015 | City of Sydney |
5-7 Young Street Sydney NSW 2000
Stage 2 DA for heritage conservation works to restore and reintroduce heritage fabric and elements to the building. The proposal includes base building works to allow future tenants to undertake internal fit-out works, indicative locations for internal circulation and building services, enlargement of the existing basement area and new roofing and guttering. The application is Integrated Development requiring approval from the NSW Heritage Office under the Heritage Act 1977. |
3rd August 2015 | City of Sydney |
9-13 Young Street Sydney NSW 2000
Stage 2 DA for the Young and Loftus Street Precinct for demolition of existing building and basement structures on each subject site, associated site remediation and excavation works, construction of 3 new mixed use buildings (Building A, B and C) between 9 and 13 storeys, construction of an integrated five level basement beneath Buildings B, C and Loftus Lane (including parking and loading areas, building services, storage and waste areas) and landscaping and public domain works to Loftus Lane and surrounds. The application is Integrated Development requiring approval from the NSW Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000. |
3rd August 2015 | City of Sydney |
Customs House Building, 31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000
Quay Bar - Liquor licence transfer |
3rd July 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
61-69 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Pullman Quay Grand Sydney Harbour - Liquor licence transfer |
29th May 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Customs House Square 31 Alfred Street, Sydney 2000
BBR French World Festival 10/07/2015 - Limited licence - trade fair |
29th May 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5020 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of public footway in Alfred Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed Ship Inn Hotel for 17 tables, 60 seats, 4 fixed umbrellas, heaters and planter boxes. Proposed hours of use are 10.00am to 1.00am (the following day), Monday to Sunday (renewal of previously approved application). |
12th May 2015 | City of Sydney |
5020 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend Condition 4A (Consent to Lapse) to continue the use of the outdoor seating area on the Alfred Street public fooway in association with the licensed 'Ship Inn Hotel' for a further 2 years. Modification of Condition 4 (Hours of Operation) to continue the trial trading hours of the outdoor seating area on the Alfred Street public footway from 10.00am to 1.00am (the following day), Monday to Sunday (inclusive) and between the hours of 12 midnight and 3.30am (the following day) on New Year Eve only. The outdoor seating area has a capacity of 60 seats. |
17th April 2015 | City of Sydney |
5030 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use and installation of a street kiosk including advertising panels located on Macquarie Street, close to the intersection with Bent street, and adjacent to the residential development at 155 Macquarie Street. The proposal seeks 'unlimited' trading hours of operation. |
20th February 2015 | City of Sydney |
Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Parliament of New South Wales - Surrender extended trading authorisation |
10th February 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the outdoor seating facilities used in conjunction the licensed &#8216;Quay Bar&#8217; from 9.00am &#8211; 2.00am the following day, Thursdays to Saturdays inclusive. The hours of 9.00am - 12 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis. The outdoor seating area has a capacity for 112 patrons. |
9th February 2015 | City of Sydney |
2 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000
Use of public footway on Alfred Street for outdoor seating in association with licensed restaurant 'The Spice Room' (5 tables and 20 chairs). Proposed hours of use are 12 midday - 10pm, Mondays to Sundays inclusive. |
30th January 2015 | City of Sydney |
8 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
Mayhem - Limited licence - single function |
28th January 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
East Circular Quay, Sydney 2000
Dendy Cinema Opera Quays - Liquor licence transfer |
17th January 2015 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
93-97 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Sir Stamford at Circular Quay - Liquor licence transfer |
23rd December 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5020 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Establishment and use of outdoor dining zones along the Alfred Street frontage adjacent to 6 proposed ground level food and drink premises in the Gateway building including provision for removable dining furniture and construction of permanent support poles to accommodate removable shade canopies. Proposed hours of use are between 6.30am and 12.00am midnight seven days a week and to 3.00am on 1 January. |
18th November 2014 | City of Sydney |
L 3, 2 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
Cafe Nice - Liquor licence transfer |
19th November 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Young St & Loftus Lane, Sydney 2000
Tokyo Joe's Restaurant - Liquor licence transfer |
14th November 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
117 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
The Meat & Wine Co Inter-Continental - Change business type |
30th October 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
117 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
The Meat & Wine Co Inter-Continental - Sale on other premises authorisation |
30th October 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
2 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
India Quay - Liquor licence transfer |
28th October 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Section 96 modification to delete condition 2 requiring a Section 61 contribution and modification of condition 12 to allow the extension of construction hours 24 hours a day Monday to Sunday. |
24th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
Overseas Passenger Terminal Gr Level, Circular Quay 2000
Doyles at the Quay - Liquor licence transfer |
20th September 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5030 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Installation of a new street vending kiosk (news/coffee /fruit) including three advertising panels, located on Alfred Street, within the forecourt area of Customs House and close to the intersection of Loftus Street. |
16th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
5030 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Installation of a new street vending kiosk for the sale of news/flowers/coffee/fruit and the like including 3 advertising panels, located at the corner of Alfred and Young Streets. |
15th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
4 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000
Erection of 5 signs to the Phillip and Albert Street elevations of the 'Police and Justice Museum' including 8 interpretative art life-size figures and removal of existing signage. |
12th September 2014 | City of Sydney |
Customs House Building, 31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000
Quay Bar - Liquor licence transfer |
19th August 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
5030 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Installation of new bus shelter including double-sided advertising panel, located on the western side of Macquarie Street north of Bent Street. |
18th July 2014 | City of Sydney |
W5 Ground & Mezzanine West Podium Circular Quay Alfred St, Sydney 2000
Rossini at the Quay - Liquor licence transfer |
7th July 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
31 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Application for installation of additional safety rooftop equipment for maintenance; replacement of existing exhaust fans; replacement of existing fire indicator panel within cupboard on ground floor and motorisation of existing smoke baffles within the atrium at the cafe area. |
1st July 2014 | City of Sydney |
8 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
Mayhem - Limited licence - single function |
2nd April 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
33 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
Internal alterations to existing tenancy on Ground Level of AMP Building to create a financial service and consultancy office. |
25th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Excavation of site and erection of 19 storey mixed use development including a through site link from East Circular Quay to Macquarie Street and a colonnade to East Circular Quay. The building will provide 109 residential/serviced apartments, 6 levels of basement car parking and new retail tenancies fronting East Circular Quay, Macquarie Street and the through site link. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000. |
26th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
71-79 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Demolition of the existing building and structures on site, site preparation works, removal of existing trees (4 on Macquarie Street and 5 on Circular Quay East), modified pedestrian and vehicular access arrangements along Circular Quay East frontage (including to the Quay Grand Apartments) and construction of temporary perimeter fencing and hoarding. The proposed works are in association with Development Application D/2014/301 for the redevelopment of the site as a new mixed-use development. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the NSW Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000. |
19th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
93-97 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Integrated Development Application to construct a temporary rooftop display and marketing suite on top of the Sir Stamford Hotel for the purpose of marketing and selling apartments in association with the proposed redevelopment of the site D/2013/2011 (currently being assessed). Note: The Application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the NSW Heritage Council under the Heritage Act 1977. |
4th March 2014 | City of Sydney |
Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000
House Music - Limited licence - single function |
27th February 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
61-69 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Pullman Quay Grand Sydney Harbour - Liquor licence transfer |
29th January 2014 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
93-97 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Integrated Development Application for retention and adaptive re-use of the heritage-listed former Health Department building, partial retention and re-use of part of the Sir Stamford Hotel building and construction of 19-storey (plus plant level) building, accommodating 104 residential apartments, 1,331.5sqm of retail and commerical floor space and 66 basement car parking spaces, with ancillary landscaping and public domain improvement works. |
8th January 2014 | City of Sydney |
33 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2000
S96(2) Modification of consent to alter Condition (16)(a) 'Hours of work and noise - CBD'. The approved hours of work are between 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday, and 7.00am to 5.00pm on Saturday. The proposed modified hours for demolition and removal of existing office fitout are between 6.00pm and 6.00am the following day, Monday to Friday. Hours of work will remain from 7.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays. |
2nd January 2014 | City of Sydney |
50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Stage 1 development application for the redevelopment of the AMP Circular Quay Precinct (known as Quay Quarter Sydney) which includes the Bridge and Alfred Street block and Young and Loftus Street Block. The proposal seeks approval for a mixed use development comprising a number of building envelopes for the precinct including a maximum height for the 50 Bridge Street tower of RL237.5 (and 135,410sqm of commercial floor space, 5,761sqm of retail floor space, 11,271sqm of residential floor space and 1,838sqm of educational facilities), retention of existing heritage items (Hinchcliff House, Gallipoli Club, AMP Tower). The proposal includes provision of parking, vehicular access and design parameters for the future development and use of the precinct; redistribution of floor space across the Young and Loftus Street block and Bridge and Alfred Street block and proposed indicative staging of future development. |
19th December 2013 | City of Sydney |
93-97 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Sir Stamford at Circular Quay - Liquor licence transfer |
20th November 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
1/12 Loftus St, Sydney 2000
South Pacific Chinese Restaurant - Liquor licence transfer |
22nd November 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
1/12 Loftus St, Sydney 2000
South Pacific Chinese Restaurant - Change boundaries of licensed premises |
22nd November 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Customs House Building, 31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000
Quay Bar - Liquor licence transfer |
13th November 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
61-69 Macquarie St, Sydney 2000
Eastbank - Liquor licence transfer |
29th October 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
8 Phillip St, Sydney 2000
Kino Kabaret - Limited licence - Single-function |
23rd September 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
Macquarie st, Sydney 2000
Members Hayden Ensamble - Limited licence - Single-function |
26th August 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |
1-31 Phillip St (Justice & Police Museum), Sydney 2000
GIlbert And Sullivan at Justice and Police Museum - Limited licence - Single-function |
6th August 2013 | NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority |